Jow Forums, what scares the kikes more than anything? Knowing. It puts them on edge to be aware than goyim are awake...

Jow Forums, what scares the kikes more than anything? Knowing. It puts them on edge to be aware than goyim are awake. It puts them even more on edge when they are taunted by the goyim in broad daylight and can't shill "muh antisemitism". So I've devised a plan, a plan that can be shoved into the public eye and not receive any possible backlash without raising suspicion simply because of how "PC" it is. If any of you watched the movie "They Live", in the movie they spray paint the phrase "They Live, We Sleep" all over the town to *redpill* people so to speak. So I've come up with my own phrase that will let the elite understand how much metaphorical territory they've lost, "WE KNOW". All caps of course because this is an important message. It can mean anything to anyone, but it does something very important. It makes people ask a very important question, "What is it that we know?". And for that those that do know, it will only further reinforce to the elite how close they are to the guillotine. Print some out, go to your local bulletin boards. Record the people that take it down because they are most likely our enemy. Stay knowing Jow Forums.

Attached: WE KNOW.png (491x635, 7K)

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Attached: kike chuck schumer goyim knowing.jpg (768x432, 49K)

Sounds pretty cool. I'm not gonna leave my house....but if you guys post this shit everywhere I'll give you (you's) and kek


Attached: 1554518707728.png (453x652, 429K)

a lot of reasons that can be construed as antisemitism by kikes. it's spray painted so it's hard to get rid of, it deliberately states "goyim", and it puts a star of david. That's way too aggressive and will just draw unnecessary attention.

somebody also suggested we go from its "ok to be white" then go to "its ok" then get to the point where people are triggered by a blank piece of paper.

that was designated as a racial connotation though
and the media loves their "white racism" stories
even a blank piece of paper they can turn into a "muh whiteness" thing
but if it has words on it then it just sounds stupid to most people

yeah but idk if kikes would take your message as addressed to them (although they very well might)

Lmao that would be great but there is no step 2

>He notices the nice star of David and is pleased it's drawn neatly.

Reminder that Jews are weirdly superstitious about symbols and intentionally draw screwy swastikas because they believe drawing them correctly imbues them with more power.