How does that make you feel, right-wing scum?

That one of your pathetic kind, even armed and armored was btfod by chad Paki Muslim santa? You are weak and pathetic and WILL lose this ideological war. There will be NO place for capitalism, racism, sexism, xenophobia and islamophobia in the future. When the day comes we will purge all of you evil fuckers in a shooting wall and turn your carcasses into biomass (renewable energy), that's a fucking promise!!!!

Attached: 1565979967549.jpg (981x568, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Muslims are much more racist,xenophobic and sexist than whites.

Attached: death to invaders.webm (648x360, 2.93M)

Nice violence threat, Hows that religion of peace coming.

we only attack you because you attack us because we attack you because you attack us because we attack you because you actually started it

I'm not a Muslim, but as a Communist I WILL defend and support any minority from you evil fuckers.

Are you retarded nigger? Now you identify with Pakis? I see no Chads and no Nazis. I just see religious and gay.
Btw fuck you for not providing link.

When the revolutiom comes scum like you won't live

Are you a shudra? You subhuman dindus have religious based castes. Damn, why are Hindus such a waste of space? Hindus should be gassed with the kikes to save precious resources.

Communists didn't support other people, they owned their land and companies and had no migrants, also didn't give a shit about others.

No they're not fuck off with your far-right propaganda

Anti-communist lies, international comradeship and solidarity is a PILLAR of Marxist-Leninism, there's a reason Lenin rallied the oppressed colonized Muslim Turkic nations of central Asia, there's a reason Japanese marxists fought for Palestine, there's a reason DPRKoreans, despite being under sanctions and completely surrounded sent jets to defend Arab Socialist Syria from fascist Zionists, there's a reason WORLDWIDE Marxist volunteers went to Spain to fight fascists during the civil war.

Regarding race; there wouldn't be a problem with racism if people just stayed where they belonged, and refrained from getting involved with other cultures, races and religions. Stick to your own people.

I agree, death to invaders, death to all invading Western dogs in the Middle East responsible for the deaths of 30 Million people. Death to the European capitalist scum responsible for war crimes in Korea and Vietnam.

The oppressed global south WILL NOT stay ''''where they belong'''' because the White Western world exploit and pillage their resources to maintain their well being and consumist life style. The brown global south is only taking what is rightfully theirs

user Communism is commune owning land and companies, not some dumbshit politicians of political parties importing migrants to increase profit for capitalistic companies of le economy.

Migrants and people from the global south are the REAL World proletariat, South East asians are enslaved to make your nice little shoes, Africans die in mines so Europe can be wealthy, Middle Easterners are butchered every single day because they're used as guinea pigs for the Western Arms industries.

You've shat yourself hard.

Your views are shared by literally the entire power structure; democrat politicians, mega corporations (Amazon, Coke, Gillette), billionaires (Bezos, Soros, Bloomberg), and celebrities.
You're a fucking corporate pawn. An unwitting foot soldier. Fighting for the status quo. You're not woke. You're not a rebel. You're not counter-culture. You're Jeff Bezos' chihuahua.

>Middle Easterners are butchered every single day because they're used as puppets for the Jews.


I'm a Marxist you idiot, not a Liberal.

And the same can be said about you aut-rightists, your disgusting views are funded by Zionists and multimillionaries such as Koch Brothers.

*blocks your path*

Attached: wc-shooting-0104.jpg (780x520, 45K)

thats really fucking gay, go back to the jungle you ugly mutt monkey

Attached: quit talking nigger.webm (640x352, 317K)

he should eat a monkey soup

uma delicia hue hue hue

Favelado preto retardado

Que tipo de retardado coloca o próprio nome pra postar aqui? Puta que pariu

All future white women will belong to black and arabic men, its sad to say it, but it is what it is


I am not a h*ndu. both muslims and hindus are waste of skin.

Do you want to know my ACTUAL view on Immigration? I support immigration but of ONLY criminals, rapists, terrorists, reactionaries and other lumpenproletariat from the global south to the oppressive imperialist nations, this will make the privileged lives of the core western nations as miserable as possible while ridding the global south from its scum. While EVERY hard-working and skilled person from the oppressed nations should be doctrined to stay by Marxists, should be taught how to use weapons and push for revolution in their countries, purging EVERY SINGLE Western imperialist and their multinational companies in the process


that ape IQ is really holding you back amazon boy

Attached: harambe reborn.jpg (576x960, 53K)

you're a delusional fegit

Só quem fala de irmãos Koch é retardados mentais de mente lavada. Teus pensamentos foram colocados na tua cabecinha oca de macaco burro pelo Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit. Me mostra qual é a rede social que esses irmãos aí controlam, seu down do caralho. Doentinho que mora com mamãe e cursa pedagogia numa faculdade do governo.

These cowards are a shameful bunch.
What ever happened to honor bros? It's possible to make Muslims life miserable without targeting harmless children and women. The only way these betas can feel power is to be dishonorable.

I respect Muslims. They at least give a fuck about their own culture and traditions. Brave fighters too. We need not be adversaries with them.


Se suicida caralho, tu é obviamente um perdedor. Tu obviamente não tem emprego, nem mulher, nem filho. Eu espero que um criolo te mate no meio da rua por causa de 20 reais.

>We need not be adversaries with them.
But they want to allahu akbar the fuck outta you for the sole fact you're not one of them.

Im really starting to hate the brazil posters around here. Might just be that retard tho.

We live in clown world bud. No more honor, only violence now.

Is that you pedophile worshipper?

Attached: muzzrat.png (194x257, 95K)

They don't respect us which is the problem because our jew controlled military doesnt respect them.


A right-wing piece of dog excrement calling me sick, have you seen yourself in the mirror today? The day we rid the planet of scum like you can't come soon enough, and speak in English.


Fpbp. Really wish it was the other way so all the shitskins in Europe would disappear.

It's the whole of society that has AGREED to abandon honor. Honor is a casualty of clown world. Don't get me wrong Muslims aren't better (Ariana Grande concert) but it's seriously sad

There are some good guys from Brazil. That guy's probably jewish, like most communists.

*If the revolution comes.

we need to rid the world of muzzie terrorist like you, that time is coming.

Attached: 1552640520736.webm (610x340, 2.92M)

Norway shooter confirmed for glowing bitch.

Communists confirmed for slave vermin. Like pic related is not enough.

Attached: DeepRedShield.jpg (2225x961, 849K)

See, he rejects Portuguese and promotes the official language of neoliberal globalism. If he's from Brazil at all, he's still not a true Brazilian. He's probably the one who set fire to the former imperial palace/museum during the election.

You dumb reactionary walking garbage, there's no difference for me between speaking Portuguese or English, both Languages imposed by capitalist mass murderous settler colonialists in squattered lands. And it's really fucking ironic how you speak about me having no Kids and being in my mother's house when this shitty board is VERY well know for being fequented by underage dork-looking nazilets

>I'm a Marxist you idiot, not a Liberal.
You are a cultural marxist, not a regular one:you love faggots, want to destroy family values, hate whites, coddle shitskin, serve the kikes and give only lip service to the "proletariat" which you shit on every time your corporate kike overlords need semi-literate below minimum wage near slave labor. You rationalize approving of it by telling yourself you are "bashing the fash :^)"
Your opinions derive from the kike owned media and the kike "academics", who you won't criticize due to kikes being "oppressed" minorities despite kikes being the richest, most influential, most powerful group that owns the banks, media, politics etc.
We are getting stronger and stronger and more emboldened each day, while all you can do is screech and pretend to be a victim like your parasitic jew overlords do, which is less and less effective each day, since the aryans are waking up to your parasitic and hostile ways. Soon your ilk will start experiencing shit that makes Saint Brenton Tarrant look like a little girl. There is nothing you can do about it.

Yeah, you prefer yiddish, I'm sure.

Not a Muslim you schizoid aut-right garbage, but a Muslim's nailtoe worths more than your existance, you should be turned into biomass

Another low iq cuck

What the fuck are you then?

Attached: B1506674-918C-4D58-980F-B762FAEFA665.jpg (500x527, 66K)

You know nothing of Marxism, you human garbage, and there's no such thing as ''family values''.

Not only Communists shot and sent racists to the gulag, the USSR was the very first nation to decriminalize Homosexuality.

And ''Jewish conspiracy'' only exist in your hateful bigot schizo heads. There is Zionism of course, which is byproduct of Western imperialism, capitalism and White supremacy, little to do with Judaism, which is a peaceful and often oppressed religion.

I wonder who this poor man even is, you people are creeps and this shitty website must be shutdown


Shut your face hole favela monkey, humans are talking. When we want the subhuman opinion on the matter, well contact a southern Brazilian to let you out of your holding pen.

You first incel

From a reactionary newspaper itself

>not muzzie
Yeah ok muhammad

>You know nothing of Marxism
Both classical marxism and cultural marxism are kike powerplays designed to rise their tribe higher. Case in point: cultural marxism is the leading so called "culture" in the modern Western society, yet it's the kikes that are the most powerful group and they use all the facets of cultural marxism to weaken whites, that are their biggest competitor. In the USSR, kikes nationalized everything at the point of gun and the communist kikes promoted themselves as rulers of the USSR.
> there's no such thing as ''family values''.
Family values are the opposite of whorish women, sexual deviancy etc. that kikes promote with their media
>Not only Communists shot and sent racists to the gulag, the USSR was the very first nation to decriminalize Homosexuality.
Faggotry was illegal in USSR till the day it collapsed. Of course you don't really care about faggots. You only care about your "tribe" gaining power no matter what.
>hateful bigot schizo
That's you admitting to being a kike. Fuck you and you parasitic tribe. You whine about persecution, so called "holocaust" that didn't happen, pogroms etc. but you deserve much worse and you fucking know it.
>There is Zionism of course, which is byproduct of Western imperialism, capitalism and White supremacy, little to do with Judaism
Yes goy, zionism, which is Jewish supremacism and kikes trying to get back their ancient lands promisd to them in their holy books has nothing I repeat absolutely nothing to do with being jewish. OY VEY, insinuating that it does is anudda shoa!
>White supremacy
non existent in present day kike dominated society, where whites are the only racial group that is allowed and encouraged to be discriminated against and the only racial group that can't openly and blatantly stand for their interests
>Judaism, which is a peaceful and often oppressed religion.
No fucking comment dude

Why do the names look almost photoshopped in?

Yes, the south will rise again

Dirty black third world Brazilian!!! Eat my shit nogboy, you do fuck all apart from die of hunger or aids ya faggit!!