>highly intelligent and empathetic, almost human
>longevity, 2 decades of life in that little dog
>very little inbreeding
>hunting dog in a lapdog's body
>great showdog, understands English
>jumps as high as your head
>ridiculously fast and agile
>never lets go when it bites, just rips everything to shreds really fast
>spunky and brave enough to take on anything, even a fucking Rottweiler
>kills pigeons, opossums, skunks, raccoons, foxes, ducks, geese, swans, rats, locusts, rattlesnakes, cobras, beaver, badgers, boars, turkeys, fish, rabbits, other dogs, whatever so much as looks at it the wrong way
>great with little kids, high energy
>growls and runs and barks in its sleep, dreams of the hunt even as a puppy
>smart enough to attack a venomous snake from the back of the head
>smart enough to force another animal's head underwater and drown it
>smart enough to use cover and sneak-attack
>smart enough to use its kibble as bird bait
>loves water, loves to swim, will try to drag you out if you look like you're drowning and can actually save toddlers
>smart enough to open the door for you
>great digger, drags rats and foxes out of holes and murders them like it's in fucking Vietnam
>likes television, can be trained out of assaulting the animals onscreen
>can choose between short and long coat
>sometimes comes in rare monochrome variant
Is there a more redpilled breed?
jack Russel and welsh terriers were originally bred to hunt down escaped slaves.
You may not like it, but this is peak dog
OP had it right, but high quality doggo that is...
those dogs are dumbos. you can put like 5 tennis balls in their mouth and they dont care
Hachikō would like a word with you.
They are OK, but a bit over caffeinated.
>Is there a more redpilled breed?
Yes. Pic related.
a girl i was seeing used to beat the shit out of her jack russel. Dog would literally cower behind me everytime she got mad.
is that a redbone hound?
>super hyper
>chews up everything in the house
>tiny brains
Can't stand little dogs, get a real dog, or admit you are gay and get a cat.
But how do they taste?
Nice, they have a great write up.
That's a cat, not a dog. Anything under waist height is a cat.
I love my Jack when she was young she was a little ball of pure lightning. Once she tried attack an alligator even.
But they like to bite, not very good if you've got kids. They are just as vicious if not more so than Pit bulls but much smaller so easier to dodge their violent tendency.
Also when they get older they are prone to ear infections and diabetes.
Mine has gone blind, I always got to keep an eye on her now and make sure she doesn't fall down stairs or off the bed or something.
those dogs run away from cats like big babies, unless your train them like a horse
Thank you. They ARE great dogs. Pic related is my second one. First one died at the age of 12. This one is going on eight. I'm in the market for a puppy soon. Actually if I could afford it, I'd have a whole pack of them. I'm old and have had different breeds over the years but no breed beats a vizsla. So smart, so loyal. Very good watch dogs. They have got to have space to run though. And I mean run. Like several times a day.
>I love my Jack when she was young she was a little ball of pure lightning.
my welsh terrier as puppy would always chase after like he was crazy. id have to hide under the covers to escape
Yes. My Maltese mix.
these guys are pricks like no other breed wtf is there problem
t. mailman
these dogs are so fun and nice. I make mine do flips. I get him all riled up and make him chase the mailman
i think hes jack mix i just dont know with what any ideas? hes the light in my eye
yea thats def a mix. maybe mixed with a corgi or something.
You have disappointing me, Jow Forums.
100% this is some mix of Jack. Legs to big to be a pure bred one though.
he looks like a kangaroo kek
Jokes on you, I bred a Beagle and a Labrador...I call it a Bagel
Behold Tike Myson
A great fucking pup
Goddammit why did my image get flipped?
>very obedient
>very affectionate and will keep you warm
>built for cold weather
>can traverse icy lakes and rivers
>highly protective but only when they sense a threat
>very strong for their size
>can carry supplies
When shit goes down Max and I will be just fine
Based. I have a multi-poo. Dog size queens ITT should just admit they want to get KNOTTED by Rex. Cute dogs are for royalty and the educated
My list of dogs goes.
hes somewhat long and but short and has a furry tail
yeah he kinda hops when he runs too
He's got the face of a jack, but the paws and legs are too long and big.
Most have really tiny legs and feet.
And they fucking bark at everything
When you mix black labs with huskies you get a really amazing dog.
i think my vet will do bloodwork to find out later this month, ill probably try to make a thread about it on r9k if youre interested.
Terrier mix here
Dog has learned so many English words that spouse and I have to spell words to keep her in the dark
Hunted down, dug up, murdered and mutilated every chipmunk in our yard
Has spent her entire life avoiding looking "groomed", and has to be high as a kite to have toenail trims
Dog has its on scrip for gabapentin and trazodone
Overcaffeinated is right. Too alert and energetic by half.
>super fast doggo
>very clean
>self educated
>loving and caring pet
>loves everyone and is suitable for kids
>hunter and even guard dog if trained
>sleeps all day and never disturbs you
>always want to sit on the couch with you
>it’s absolutely warm and during winter nights it serves as a heather
>not so bright
>extremely fragile
>it will eventually die
I always tell other people who have jacks, make sure you always keep their eyes dry and clean.
Else they end up with ear infections constantly.
If you live in the south you got to have year round flea and tick protection, and in the north during the summer. Because they are so low to the ground they are bug magnets.
ears not eyes. auto correct
hes a lot bigger than the average jack hes about 40lbs rn but i dont think hes gonna get any bigger hes already about a year old. i dont know what else he is mixed with
Best doggo right here. Newfoundland dog
Had one years ago, you literally had to spell certain words around her (outside, ride, dogs, cows etc) or she pester you to know what you're talking about. She would chase off dogs 5x her size, fearless. I've had Aussie shepherds and none were smarter or more brave. OP is right they are exceptional.
I hope your a girl otherwise you need to kys
this is my dog breed tire list
A.patterdale terrier
B.sbt,amstaff,bull terrier and american bulldog scot type
D.dogo argentino and presa canario
these dog breeds can fight,hunt,they can be guard dogs,etc...
other breeds are useless shit tire dogs
Best dog I ever owned? Ovcharka
Dog my bro owns? Boerboel
Other fun dog? Wolamute, Kangal, Great Pyrenees, Presa Canario
> Anglo
Stopped reading there, kill anglo niggers wherever they dwell. If you find an anglo you have found the jews.
This is about as cringe as fake holocaust stories
Eat my ass
Patrician choice for the true Jow Forumsack
Show tits
Blue heeler. It's a mutt of the best breeds. Loyal to a fault and tougher than nails. Mine took out a stray pitbull in Phoenix.
They're so damn hard to break of chasing cars though.
I've owned two and never had an issue but have heard this before so I'm sure it's an issue...maybe in training?
yeah, the dobermann
>bonds with the whole family instead of just one person
>follows commands by instinct
>will fiercely protect your 2 year old instead of try to eat it like a pitbull
>hates niggers
Depends on the line. Some are harder wired to chase than others. You can still break them but you have to stay on top of them about it if they ever get the idea in their head.
Oh boy, another thread for faggot wypipo to jerk each other off to the idea of fellating their dogs.
Dog obsession is a mental illness, and dogs are for fucking losers without any human friends. All of you, an hero.