I have a normal life and it's not satisfying. I have a nice apartment, a car, friends and a girlfriend. I have sex at least 3 times a week. I work for a big company with room for promotion and moving around. None of this is making me happy though and I don't know why. I feel like I was lied to my whole life.
Help me Jow Forums
wanna trade?
what do you mean
Have kids. As many as you can afford
Reclaim your country, give your children a future, and then have them.
how would they magically make the other things better though
Get a motorcycle
Do you produce anything creative?
Do you compete in anything that requires physical training?
Being dominant in team sports, athletics or combat provides a good dopamine spike
>Sex 3 times a week
Way too much user. Go 3 months of no fap no sex and you'll be better off
Because one's children are a joy. It's in your instincts. Do you have:
>something you're proud of
>something you're working on
>something to look forward to?
looking for a first bike pls help
looking at cb500x cause im a boomer but a poor one so dont want to spend too much
Marry. Have children.
Why isn't this obvious ffs
Its in your genes to be an ungrateful fuck. Maybe you should work on that leaf. Btw you can adopt a mission to redpill people on a mass scale or change your government. Your country needs you and you are whining here to us how good your life is. Can’t you see? Your missing meaningful adoption of responsibility. You have everything but you don’t have the balls to fix your country. My god you leafs make sick.
You need to figure out what makes you happy (as faggy as it sounds)
Try creative shit or competitive shit
Get married, own your own home, have kids and start a family.
You're only like halfway there, if that.
>and I don't know why
Because you're living in a dream world, OP. Politics is the highest form of expression, and you are being denied it. You take part in a plutocracy's democratic facade which denies you any real power, and you accept it because your body tells you you're satisfied. Deep down though you know that there is something off, however. You live in a civilisation that is in a death spiral for the sake of money, and you know in your core that it is your duty to try and avert it.
because the future you wanted was robbed from you. All most American men want is to work a 9-5 blue collar manufacturing/trade job that makes enough money to own a home and raise a family being the sole breadwinner, a stay at home wife, kids raised to play outside and interact instead of stare at screens all day, entertainment that is fun instead of political, technology that is human centered instead of dystopian and food that is homegrown and healthy.
You want to work with your hands, you want to see the fruit of your labor, both in physicality and in the family that it provides for. You want to be unmolested by government overreach or powerful megacorporations.
You want a decent bonus at christmas you can put towards a sharp looking car or a new roof. You want neighbors that speak your language and always are willing to talk.
You want a wife that is loyal, caring, loving and grounded.
Remember... you could have had this. It's what we had in the 80's and 90's. THEY took this from you. THEY robbed it from you. AND from you kids. Screencap this and spread it everywhere anons.
I don't really enjoy spending time with my current friends - mostly work friends and my girlfriend's social circles. Just talking about recent weather, sports and Netflix. I don't even know if I like my girlfriend or know who she is on a deep level. I don't care about my job but it pays the bills and I don't care about where I live.
You all need to fuck off back to plebbit.
meh, you are a fucking leaf. kys. that should answer your quest.
Be the change you want to see. Put your phone down and drive the conversation. Go forth confidently.
a fucking leaf
Basically you need purpose.
You need to figure that purpose out.
Preferably have some kids If you make good money, and invest in your kids.
Work towards becoming self sufficient.
Train in combat or at least a competitive sport. Preferably combat.
> I feel like I was lied to my whole life.
Psst...over here...you have been
Congratulations OP your not a soulless materialistic faggot. Unfortunately this also means your doomed to this sort of thing until you get a spiritual callus or drop dead.
This sounds like fertile ground to explore the nature of existence. Over the next two weeks, consciously, intentionally, and passionately try to do just TWO things:
>give your honest opinion when asked
>steer conversations towards topics of your interest
...yes, some people will recoil and there will be some awkwardness. But I want you to embrace it. You seem to have a stronger foundation than most of us, so you ought to use it for good.