Why are there so many "White Homosexuals"

No other race group behaves like this. Explain this

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You should see how gay Arabs (Especially Saudi) are as well as blacks. It's not socially acceptable (or illegal) but they beat out gay sex per capita more than anyone else. Plus the Jews push the feminisation of White men, so you see it more on TV, etc.

Those are autogynephiles, they're not gay (like Blaire White) they are heterosexual but attracted to the image of themselves as women.


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Acceptance and positive sexualization enables people to be more public about their sexual behavior. Statistically speaking, there are more black transgenders than white or asians, specially asians, they are not very well represented in transgender statistics.

So why is there so much asian and white transgender content, from pornographic to e-celebs? The answer is simple: Because even though they are small in number, they make prettier traps and twinks, while niggers make hideous looking ones. Pornography is a business, and depends on what people want to see, just like viewership is also dependent on it. Browse /lgbt/ and you know what I'm talking about, while white and asian traps are worshipped, whenever a black one appears it is either ignored, or straight up mocked. Most of them look like Chris Tucker wearing lipstick.

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But that isn't true, statistically nonwhites have much higher homosexuality percentages

Pic related

Nigger tranny's look like fucking troglodytes.

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>these are the "people" who call you a nazi incel

I forget the name of the documentary. Saw it on YouTube. All about Arab bus drivers raping kids. They gang bang homeless kids on the bus. Over 100,000 kids raped every year. Raping homeless kids is common place.

well given I live in New zealand and the tranny captial of my country
I'd say its more jews , indains and east asains that are most likely to be tranny's

arabs tend to be gay as well.
Don't ask how I know this.

It’s true research has proven non-whites are much more homosexual than whites. This research was executed by women of color scientist; the gold standard.
Who ever originated this post be it MediaMatters, the NYT, or Salon, should have a serious discussion with the instigator. Really racism, sexism, and homophobia.

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How do you know this?

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>He doesn’t know about puerto ricans

> Jewish TV channel promotes propaganda
Nice try, but Whites are the only Homosexuals. It's mainly genetic due to massive White incest (eg. colorful eyes, white skin, thin lips)
Mother with Brother, Brother with Sister it's a White Tradition

>white cope
B-B-But all the blacks in prison are gay. Just because it's only whites at gay pride doesn't mean anything. Whites are the strongest race.

Half of Thailand is tranny women. Indians have their own versions. As do Africans and Native Americans. The only people not to have this are Australian Aboriginals.

Fuck off.

Attached: 'White people are less likely to be gay' Poll reveals African-American community has highe (663x944, 341K)

will never respond to
Because he's a 5'1 turk with no hobbies

>Why yall wy boiz so muhfuggin gay n shieeet lololol? Muhfuggin faggot crackas
>Later that evening...

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The bald one worked at my local Kroger

I live in the gay part of town and White and Black gays don't normally associate with each other. 'Pride', etc is just for white gays and Latino/Asian twinks.

I worked there also, which dept. were you in? I swear I’ve seen this pic posted around this site so many times

sand niggers literally think it isn't gay to fuck a man without a beard, kys

Black males dominate white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that ebony members deserve more praise white beta males. Blacks have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I worship black dick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up black cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my white ass to alpha African black seed that the superior BBC daddy will ejaculate into my inferior ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black cock squirting its warm batter deep into my faggot ass. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a hung masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by BBC lords. White boys are all secretly gay for the thought of giving our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with BBC. Black cock is the ultimate satisfactory tool for white women.


Homosexuality is most common among Black men as far as relative percentages go. Subversive ((())) on the loose, robots, sage and report.

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>be me
>work at supermarket
>Gay arab stares at me.
>Me: are you going to pay for that?
>Gay Arab : hey *wink*
>*pays money*
>Gay Arab : that's quite the grip there you shake anything else with that?
>Gay Arab : heh *walks away*
>*Tranny walks up to me*
>Tranny : I think he like you famlalam
>me :Da fuck
>Tranny: fucking straights can't see opportunity when its presented.
>Tranny *very flammy voice* pathetic *walks away*
>Indian Boss : first time son?
>Me :Its Nothing I can't hanndle, Boss
>Indian Boss : If was me I would of had him take me out back!
>Me: i better get back to work then, eh?
>Indian Boss :*sign* yes, yes boy back to work.
>*continues working*
Life is suffering in this clown world.
I can't even say i'm straight or my religion or that's i'm a closet nazi.

Where the heck is that truck of peace, when you need it?

How many of the white percentage is jewish?

You're a black guy posting this.
This is proof why blacks are all genetically homosexual, despite putting on an ultra masculine image.


>blacks are more gay they're just in hiding
>but for some reason they were honest in these polls, and polls are trustworty

Stop trying to downplay how much damage the jews have caused, meme flag.

I never worked at Kroger, I just saw him at the checkout lanes. But yeah, it was pretty surreal. I even saw him pop up on a few of the asian students facebook pages because they subscribed to whatever meme things normies do.

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Damn that’s crazy, are you a fellow IUfag?

In other races it's not gay to fuck a dude. It is only gay to be fucked by a dude. Multicultural clown shit.

There are many homosexuals that look like him, most of them are White men. Most homosexuals are Whites, while representing only 7% of the world's population. 2000 years of incest, blonde hair, thin lips, colorful eyes.

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Yeah. Craziest thing that I've ever seen was someone posted a photo of a pudgy girl in a hallway near my office in a no fap thread on Jow Forums kek