Brit/pol/ - Tim Needs Help Edition

>Britain will break off most contact with EU in TEN DAYS

>Humiliation of Prince Andrew continues

>EU rejects Boris Johnsons request for end to the backstop

>Human traffickers using 'begging gangs' as slaves

>Cruise ship captain ordered Greggs for 700 passengers when they docked in Newcastle

>Vandals set fire to wheelie bins in Croft

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First for bashing their heads in with a shovel.

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Timmy SOS

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Evening vile turds

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How was clutchey bear after the war?

this is an illegal thread


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David Duke really let himself go.

you're an illegal nonce

>Britain will break off most contact with EU in ten days
So it’s finally happening?

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what happened to eddy? is he actually a nonce?

Mate only because everyone thought your bread was shit
Not enough Timposting

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thats the only type of nonce
you're displaying classic nonce logic

i dont get timposting

Britain in a secret decision will enact a super brexit which will be like a brexit but with more impact on the Eu because fuck the Eu.

How do I get educated on this situation, cause I literally have no idea what's going on.

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The war is ongoing. Also I did not make this.

Here we see the nonce in full coping posture.

You can always fuck off and stay in your own?

kek I love eddie

You're from the Sainsbury's aren't you?

why bother when we're gonna have a total economic collapse and be swarmed with even more poos in the next decade? just go neet and chill till the SHTF.

why are girls either fucking horrible or just boring

fucking americans
allegedly 'british'
showing the american spirit in full display

Are you a retarded moron?

because you're an incel

because they neither need to be nice or interesting to attract men, even if they're below average they'll still get attention if the want it just because they have a weeping gash between their legs.

i need to start making an effort socially so i can have friends again
but how

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spotted the actual incel

Billy Bragg is so cringe. He has no musical instinct.

how did you do it before?

how do you manage to type with an american accent

says the incel to the only person ITT who has had sex

just go to places regularly and make smalltalk with people. I'm a hermit, I only go out for food. I only really talk to the workers at the co-op near me or something like that, or at the breakfast place near me. but I get on dead well with everyone there. with enough smalltalk over time it's just like briefly visiting friends.

and that for me personally is more than enough.

Billy Bragg is a dirty stinking commie and I'd shit in his mouth if I ever had the chance.

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lol you virgins

What a fucking cock

He wrote some good songs before he decided he was the Voice of the People


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Are hearing voices?

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i fucking hate smalltalk

Solidarity among the mentalist community

gay sex doesn't count faggot

look at your ID. it tells me all I need to know about you. "I slam dick"

Why does he never look into the camera?

I wasn't always like that I just grow tired of people irl because they're fucking morons. and when you're as switched on as I am you know when someone's good for you and when they're not. and I have yet to meet someone who's good for me, who isn't toxic. so I just hermitise, can't be arsed.

but your id is 'le gay gay'

hahaha right brother don't tread on me
thank you for your service

only 10 days to finally kick the shit in of Gibraltar

that would break the fourth wall

got drunk all the time, made others laugh with dry humour, had cool hair

What the fuck is this?

same but you have to lead up to actual conversation somehow, right? you can't just randomly walk up to someone and autistically start a deep conversation about some weird shit you saw on Jow Forums. you gotta lead into actual conversion over time. let people get a feel for you first.

i'm breaking out the johnny cash

start by doing that again

no its egg. and it's true because I'm a skinhead.

it'd be right if it was le gay gay though but only 5% right because I'm only newly 5% gay after watching euphoria. jules is cute.

is that kirsty maccoll singing the backing bits?
she was a cutie

it's the patron saint of brit pol timothy byrne

Knock yourself out

dale carnegies how to win friends and influence people is a gospel for communication

>you can't just randomly walk up to someone and autistically start a deep conversation
but i don't randomly walk up to anybody to say anything at all, deep or otherwise.

why are there babies in this video though
the fuck

i've never read it. what does it say about smalltalk? if people start talking out of the blue about their fucking shopping or their cat's piles i just switch off.

The greatest thing to happen to this country in a very long time.

join a monastery or something you can make lots of friends but never have to talk to them ever if you take a vow of silence

Night lads, see you int morning

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but i ended up an alcoholic mess and it was a very bad time
stopped drinking and moved away

you look nice in this mate

what constitutes swipe down viewing lads?

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Read it, the basic message is "stop being a cunt"

i do have friends, i just don't talk to them about how many clouds i've seen in the past week, and i expect the same from them.

minus the drinking then.

does what it says on the tin
outlines the principles of effective communication with famous case studies, studies, personal results and results from people he's trained
it really cannot be topped

Nobody's ever called me a cunt.
>brace for being called a cunt

start going to church, legit, you can make friends with all the white haired people

neither do I, I just listen to what people say and make funny little comments now and then in response to whatever they've said and it just gradually moves to people moaning about their lives or some shit. which is fine. I don't mind, well, depending on my mood.

it didn't seem to help you

old women with clouds on their heads

go to a garden centre and sit on a bench
talk to 100 people

I don't apply the principles but i recognise them

this, except children you'll probably be arrested.

thats your brain

Rad theme.

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Donald Trump's negotiation strategy
>start off higher than you need
>so compromise isn't actually compromise, but other side feels like they've won
UK Government's negotiation strategy
>start off lower than you want
>so compromise is a total compromise, allowing the other side to win

May put forth a shit deal; a fucking surrender treaty. The worst of it is the "Backstop"
Johnson's negotiation strategy is to get rid of the Backstop. That's it.

This'll make the surrender document smell less like the flattened intestines of sundried roadkill and instead it'll just smell like shit. But fuck it, I don’t expect anything from the Tories; I won’t trust them even if they deliver on Brexit. Tories could fuck up and it’ll change nothing.

what's wrong with talking to kids you nonce?

garden centres are weird places. they're like Alton Towers for octogenarians.

You're so boooooooring

I must orbit

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Tenable is on right now, the site of Warwick Davis is annoying me t b h

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kids are hard to talk to if you've not got any in your family
'i watched a film at school today!'
ok mate

>there's nothing wrong with sitting in a garden center and repeatedly trying to spark up conversations with children

fucking nonces leave the kids alone

he's legit a total wanker for having kids

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kick him
in the head

Imagine being a tiny little bit of a man. You wake up in the morning and throw back the napkin blanket from your matchbox bed. You almost roll off and fall to your death. Feel around for the ladder with your rice sized toe. There it is. You climb down. Now you see an ant. The giant brute lumbering toward you. The smell of tiny man meat intoxicating the insect. You run, or more like you hop, towards the safety of a small crack in the wall not even the ant can fit in. Take a moment to rejoice and let your eyes adjust to the darkness. You're so small you can see every individual ray of light. Hungry from your morning adventure you decide to eat. Luckily a feast of atoms and other subatomic particles lay before you. You eat barely a third of a neutron and you're stuffed. That's when you notice you've accidentally begun to fall through the very fabric of existence. You grasp out but everything is too big to hold onto. You fall into the abyss.

that afro looks like it may have its own gravitational pull so I don't think you'll find it very hard to do just that mate


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Some guy with schizophrenia