Germany faces recession

>The German economy could enter a recession in the third quarter, the Bundesbank warned Monday, as the debate on government measures to support the economy swelled in Berlin.

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cant wait to see all the wacky taxes eu is gonna come up with next! :)

Shut, you have to cross an ocean to drink, the inconvenience of which increases your alcoholism even further. Not that you're wrong or anything.

cross on ocean to drink? what?


Let this fucking shithole with everyone in it burn to the ground.


You have to go to Estonia because your booze is taxed to shit. What kind of Fin are you?

it's looking really bad at the moment. things will become worse soon.

hahahahaha how is recession real hahahaha just print more money hahahahaha

the kind who has a job and doesnt live off welfare

no surrise as YOU did everything to cause it.

you are the ones, that fucked up world trade and economies by introducing new tariffs.

you are the ones, that fucked our car companies over with that 'diesel scandal' rip-off.

you are not our allies or friends anymore.

you are our fiercest enemies.

I wouldn’t exactly call it an ocean.


Der Sören bist du.

you know what's really funny?

all of these times that the kraut economy has been going well they've not benefitted from it

wages stayed pretty much the same because they were afraid of jobs going to china if they asked for higher wages

and now after the boom the bust must happen and that means lower QOL for them, the krauts will literally have it worse then 20 years ago

Cool, does that mean that if everyone goes apeshit here that i can kil refugees?

>mei Amiland
Sören bitte. Nach Österreich sind die Amikäfer unsere besten Bündnispartner.

>Der Sören bist du.

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Einen Dreck sind sie.

Abgesehen davon, was willst du eigentlich darstellen?

Mach mal den Proxy aus, bevor du hier Deutsch redest.

Ekelhaft, sowas.

Was auch sonst, als dreckig lumpiger Vaterlandsverräter?

Die Besten!

Du hast wohl einen an der Waffel! Hinsetzen!

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Muuh economy... need dem growth to feed all those subhumans
fuck off retard

1990-2019 0,9% real wage growth
let it all crash and burn

>implying I am not in the US

Our relationship with the United States is a double-edged sword, I’ll give you that. Still, it is possible for us that we get all the benefits for free if we manage to do something against americanization without becoming antiamerican. They'll balkanize anyways so why the big fuss?

Stimmt, sie sind eure Vorgesetzten

Und nun zurück an die Arbeit Bernd, Mahmuds und Alis Familie ernähren sich nicht von selbst!

>you are our fiercest enemies.
K, we'll pull out of NATO and stick to the western hemisphere. Enjoy Russia, China, and/or the islamic hordes.

They have literally balkanized us. This whole refugee thing? CIA-coordinated to weaken the blossoming European economy. All they have is the Dollar. A properly backed European currency is a lethal threat to them.

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>Germans chimp out and destroy europe (again)
>USA literally invests trillions into rebuilding the entire continent
>German autists on a mongolian basket weaving forum insist America ruined Europe

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>>Germans chimp out

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Well, at least this will hopefully benefit AfD

Niemand kehrt.
Ihr seid im Übrigen nie unsere 'Bündnispartner' gewesen. Weder im militärischen noch im wirtschaftlichen Sinne.
Ganz im Gegenteil, ihr wart - und seid - unsere übelsten Widersacher.

Die Amis?
Die sind vielleicht die "Vorgesetzten" der ohnehin bald ausgemusterten Politschranzen in Berlin.
Das war's aber auch schon.

>But m...muh r-racial purity!
Livestream your suicide when the Euro collapses.

Zurück nach Kohl zu schwuchtel


I've always wondered why Americans were so obsessed with zombie stories. But then it hit me: it's because they're already dead, too.

Merkel, das geile Fickschnitzel
Der würde Ich gern mal den Mund abspritzen

You've been caught cheating on your gas emissions for the second time since 1943. It is entirely your fault.

I see nothing wrong with the coming rise of hitlerism, do you?
cute snek, shit post

Bruder komm schon.
We still profit from their protection against russian shenanigans. As long as we avoid the soullessness of american culture we should do just fine

Nice joke, buddy.

The irony is: everyone's doing it, not just German manufacturers.

The real one's to blame are those green faggots that blackmail politics and the industry with unaccomplishable emission limits, that are based on false assertions ('muh climate change').

Warum kamen so viele prominente Juden eigentlich aus Deutschland

Tja, Ich denke wir alle wissen warum.

Das ewige Kraut

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Vaterland hat sich erledigt so um 1945 rum, du Arschgeige.

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Für dich vielleicht.

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tu der Welt nen Gefallen und geh dich erhängen

Ja, du wirst sicherlich den Unterschied machen, Kantenlord.


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ALL car makers cheated and MUCH worse than we did but since we make the best cars in the world it's the best idea to put all blame and media attention on us instead of building better cars but what would a pole know about cars.

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On the other hand, a Jeep Grand Cherokee I could buy in US for ~$47k costs twice as much here because of the EU tariffs on US cars...
Trump did what every US leader should have done long time ago. Come on, be reasonable..

Good one.

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Wer weiß.

oge Doppelnegerschillingsjudenlümmel, hab Spaß am verrecken

And so it began, Danzig or war.

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My german SUV that cost me almost a $100k fell apart just after three years of mild usage. Coolant pump, A/C compressor, 4x4/DSC, rad hoses just to name a few, POS couldn't offroad for shit either. I've been told not to buy an expensive german SUV cos they're engineered to fail just as their warranty expires. Fool me once...
The german engineering quality is just a meme.

No more gibs for the polish vermin

Doesn't seem like the Balalaika bois have internet in their Dachas so Königsberg will have to wait.

>ALL car makers cheated and MUCH worse than we did but since we make the best cars in the world
That would be Japan not you

>mild usage
You Polacks drive around like shit and especially in Terrain that would be more suited for Tanks.

Nobody here believes cars built by Turks were of particular high quality. Buy Japanese if you want quality, that's hat even German motor magazines say.