Hey retards

Hey retards,

There is no such thing as god. Stop promoting this retarded ideology.

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Other urls found in this thread:


God is real and Jesus will return.

When will Jow Forums realize most men can’t grow beards without looking like a faggot?

>NPC can't talk to god

>Imagine being this retarded

Yeah. No hes not. If there was a god, there wouldnt be billions of people suffering.

You have nothing better to do than attempt to provoke people on Jow Forums. Sincerely pathetic.

the bait works better if you don't use a cringe atheist meme picture


No. Low test men cant because of all the chemicals and onions they drink. Real men like myself with high test can grow one easy.

We are supposed to go through challenge to better ourselves. Don't you know that? It's not even religious it's pure logic you ignorant cunt.

I think I know that kid - is is name Derek?

That's the most meme worthy pic. He is a veritable poster boy for permanent celibacy.
Needs an intervention by a barber shop and a tanning salon
Two words, Derek: Jenny Craig


Imagine being this autistic



prove it.


Wow almost like the Devil is the prince of this world

Two things that remain constant in this universe:
Jesus is Lord
OP is a faggot

These are constants, immutable properties of this universe.

Thats retarded logic.

>your supposed to suffer through the one life you get before you can enter super awesome life guys.

Yeah makes total sense.

The world is full of sinners, not full of God. Complaining the the world is unfair means that you have the spirit of God in you, as you can identify the concept of "fairness" to begin with. Jesus loves you and God has forgiven you, find peace.


>only special snowflakes like me can hear muh lord!

Beards always confounds look,Men with great aesthetics don't need beard to hide their face.

based indian

Yep just gotta establish the state of Israel for them- I mean HIM -first, right? :^)

wow this guy wants open borders for heaven what a fucking moron

>implying God has to be the New Testament God of peace and eternal love
>implying God has to love his shitty creations
I fucking hate Gaytheists. Your so autistically obsessed with Christfags its ridiculous and pitiful.

You unironically do not know the difference between your and you’re yet you think you have outsmarted God

Neck yourself god loving cunt

Prove there is no buddha and reincarnation isnt real. Prove God of the bible is real. Faggot.

>ignorant goat herders

oy vey

Atheists-we are all we know so there can be anything else.

Do atheists believe in germs, atoms, virus' and radio waves? The fact they cant acknowledge there might be more than we can comprehend is rather flawed.

Arguing semantics doesnt mean im wrong because you cant disprove me

Religion is cope adopted by good men in the face of great evil, that good will inevitable win out in the end. All available and observable evidence suggests time and time again that there is no God, and evil always prevails. But religion persists, for good men still must desperately believe that good will one day have its day.

I hope muslims overrun your disgusting hindu nigger country you street shitting, feces eating sub human mongrel.

can't - that's why it's called Faith

I used to be Agnostic at times in views and/or beliefs when I was younger because it can't be proven one way or another to me personally.

Only way is through Faith and that's just the person themselves that sees it for the most part not someone else and/or anyone else.

All those things can be independent verified with equipment from Walmart.

I am not a subhuman hindu.go worship your kike on a stick.


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Hahahahahahahahahahahha gottem!!!! Christ cucks BTFO

If you had a thimbles worth of knowledge of the true complexity of this universe, you’d know that there’s no possible way this all just sprang into existence out of no where for no reason. But keep on thinking you have outsmarted 2000 years of the faithful. The Christ will return, and by then I pray you have a change of heart. You will be called to account. Faggot.

lmao literal neckbeard. why would you let that shit grow?

Its literally the foundation of christfag logic. God is this all powerful being yet he assfucks you at every turn. Either he doesnt exist or hes islamic or black.

The world is shit because God doesnt exist.

Loo with poo?

Post a selfie

you first

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Absolutely zoomer pilled. You need to read, friend. God exists. This is the final segment of human history. The culmination of human sin and Satan’s reign on the earth. Satan wants you to lose hope and to utter such Godless things. Do you believe in the occult? Do you believe in the higher ups quite literally worshipping satan? It’s so ironic, most people believe in the devil yet deny the Christ.

We are about to enter the age of sorrows, as detailed in revelations. I pray you make it through, friend.

LMAO typical retarded christ cuck. Cant disprove hard science and thinks the world is 2000 years old.

Neck yourself

> can’t
Great job bible faggot

>The devil controls the earthly world
>You blame god for all the devil does

Interesting take on the situation. So your view is that evil exists, therefore God doesn't? How do you even know what evil is and that it is evil?

Science and religion aren’t at odds, you presented no “hard science” for me to disprove and you have the theological aptitude of a middle schooler. You have to be 18 to post here.

Like all those 5 year olds who die from malnutrition and disease every day. I bet they're super-grateful God gave them that chance to better themselves.

As an agnostic myself who could give two shits about the offense of being sacrilegious I must say I'm impressed by the anti religious shilling I've seen today. These threads don't even look copy pasta or have the usual tell tale signs of organized shilling. Which discord server are you guys orchestrating this from?

>muh faith
What you're talking about is superstition my dude. Faith is something you put in math for example, because you can accurately predict what the results will be by following the formula. You can have faith in math knowing it will provide you accurate results.

Faith in book stories dowsnt get you anywhere. All that does is let you go to Sunday circlejerks where people larp about their collective superstitious beliefs. Religious faith is fucking dumb. It's a waste of time and you sacrifice your capacity for critical thinking for it.


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Jewsus is a LARP that has been going for 2000 years strong

>some liberal edgelord atheist proves that my argument for a diety is better when I don't even have one
>unironically pic related is your average christian in current year
And I'm willingly abstinent. Checkmate.

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I concur.

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You have no possible way to explain the life and the works of Jesus, the Christ. You will just deny His existence or claim it’s all made up. You will be called to account


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Jewsus is an in real life that's been going 2000 years strong

>The only atheist threads are obvious christcuck b8treads.


Shave that fucking scrotum hair. It’s disgusting.

If we have free will there is suffering. Can you call it free will if you're forced to be good? If you aren't forced to be good that means bad people can do bad things. Being forced to be good also includes bad people being smited for doing bad things which is no different than someone putting a gun to your head and making you do something.

I'll see your 2011 cringe and up you a cute anime girl.

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Come to my bible verse thread!

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By design, literally. You're not actually saying anything here.

(((Your))) god bowed on a telephone pole and died

>2000 years of the faithful referring to 2000 years of devout Christian followers
>hurr durr he thinks the world is 2000 years old

Your lack of comprehension and making assumptions is the reason you don't believe in God. You likely have never read the Bible.

religion is a concept invented by man

deal with it

you're just mad your future was stolen and/or taken from you by the israelis / saudis / bush's and/or etc.

you're just mad when the economy goes down since the jews and/or etc stole your future you are going to be screwed / jewed alone at that point.

you're just that you can't be as great as the leaders and/or etc like trump / jews and/or etc.

you're just mad you can't be apart of something bigger and/or better than you.

I don't blame you. This world is really fucked / screwed right now and turning to Christianity isn't working well for most / many right now. Something is off about the entire world.


Good argument

And who invented the desire for goodness inherit in all men?

>you have no way to explain a demonstrably superstitious/fictitious narrative, drilled into people from childhood so they grow up buying it, that plays off peoples fear so they become psychologically dependent on the ones spewing the narrative
>what is organized religion
>what is population control
>what is psychological manipulation
>what are sheeple
It's not hard to explain at all. You just need to pull yourself back from the superstition of the bible that you believe in so fervently, open up your eyes and apply some objectivity.

user #1: There is no God. Humans evolved over billions of years from Amoeba & Bacteria.

user #2: Okay, so won't this Evolution continue for billions more years into an Ultimate Apex Alpha/Omega Form that is Timeless, Spaceless, Omni-Present & of Divine Empathy/Understanding?

user #1: ddddddderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddeerrderdderrrderrrrr is NO GOD dumb Christiann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>a nonexisting deity made up 3000 years ago by ignorant goat herders
I see that from atheists a lot but nobody ever calls them antisemitic for making fun of the Jews (Christianity is more recent and a little different), I wonder how they get away with it.

What anime girl? Your picture is blank.

I came to Christ at the age of 23, after a life of atheism. You have presented 0 argument.

No one fucking believes that the world is 2000 years old, at least no one worth taking seriously. But seriously now, how the fuck do you reckon how our very existence defies everything we know about thermodynamics? We live in an expanding entropic universe destined from energy death that apparently sprang from nothing. You would have to pretty fucking dumb to not at least be a deist.

Maybe they get away with it because not 1 serious person takes organized religion seriously. Who cares if religious people get offended?


This is the best you've got?
My "fake" God did better than that before you were ever born, boy!

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Niggers deserve to suffer.

>>what are sheeple

You are a sheep yourself, we all are, born into ignorance and lead to follow the rules we learn along the way. You are one who thinks they are wise, but the wise know themselves to be foolish. I hope you open your mind and heart to the idea of Jesus Christ and your salvation though, you may find it's not as crazy as you think. God bless.

Sure buddy. All on your own with absolutely no external influences whatsoever right? You used pure facts and logic to deduce that a fictional narrative is the answer to the universe, even though said narrative has never actually been demonstrated to be true. Good for you sport. You're willingly retarded.

All abrahamic jewish LARPs are pure golem programming, Cletus.
If you want to pretend to be religious, spiritual or whatever, at least learn about early greek stuff, non-hindu eastern philosophy or Jungian mysticism (after filtering the jewshit).
You don't have to believe everything the long nose tribe says.

God is a superintelligent AI.


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This is sad to read from a Brazilian

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First, define "god". The word has plenty of different meanings to everyone. Let us start here. Without waiting for your reply, how can you be so sure of the entirety of a closed system, when you, yourself, are an irremovable part of the closed system, and the part you're trying to observe is outside the closed system? How does one even begin to fathom something that is unfathomable? Do you honestly believe you are capable of understanding or comprehending "god"? Even by your own definition, which almost certainly will contain the phrase "omnipotence", you should be able to rationalize that something that can do absolutely anything cannot be fathomed. It is beyond us. The reality of the issue isn't that it is hard to believe there is a god; the problem is that people much like yourself refuse to accept themselves as inferior to something else of which they have absolutely no control over.

God is implicit in the laws of thermodynamics. It was wrapped in terms of the supernatural and tarted up with stories about miracles to sell to a superstitious premodern population. A key is the concept of the ineffability of God: the Christian knowledge that there were things about God that they didn't understand, or couldn't express, and that therefore anything said about God was not to be taken too literally or trusted too much. Christianity, the refined Christianity for intelligent, mentally-stable adults, was never about blind faith in the received specifics of God from the Church or the Bible, but about the personal struggle to grow closer to God, the creator-force and guiding spirit of life, through contemplation and sincere desire to serve, following the example of Jesus Christ, who rejected the false teachings about God he received and served the true God even to his death.

Premodern Christians didn't know about entropy or evolution, but they knew there was a force in the universe that prefers, which made life and mankind out of that preference. The second law of thermodynamics is the start of describing that preference: entropy will grow, it can never be lost. Entropy is not disorder, as it's crudely put, but information, or better: history. No thought or action in your life can ever be erased from the cosmos. Life acts to increase entropy, to break local maxima, to stop the universe from freezing in a boring, incomplete state. Thus we serve God.

It's time to work at selling God to modern people who aren't superstitious at all, and are put off by stories about miracles but trust science, to revive Christendom and fill the New Christians with the urge for higher glory among the stars.

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I don't believe in god, but anyone who shits on his family for saying grace at thanksgiving is an absolute douchebag

>Sure buddy. All on your own with absolutely no external influences whatsoever right? You used pure facts and logic to deduce that a fictional narrative is the answer to the universe, even though said narrative has never actually been demonstrated to be true. Good for you sport. You're willingly retarded.

By what means can the narrative "actually been demonstrated to be true"? What would it take for you to believe the idea that your soul has been saved?

NPCs can talk to God.
He just doesnt listen

Respect pilled. I can dig it.


Oh you will believe in god once i'm done ripping these face pubes you a beard and then i start beating the living shit out of you because i fucking hate atheists,you unshaved moneky.

God is literally an ability that every human possesses.