“The clear message Mr. Tartaglione has received is that if he conveys information about the facility or about [Epstein’s] recent suicide, there will be a price to pay,” Barket’s letter reads

Hulking ex-cop Nicholas Tartaglione — who briefly bunked with Epstein at the Metropolitan Correctional Center — has been told by various guards there to “shut up,” “stop talking” and “stop complaining,” as questions swirled about how the accused sex trafficker was able to commit suicide in federal custody, Tartaglione attorney Bruce Barket says in a letter to White Plains federal Judge Kenneth Karas.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is there barely anyone talking about this?

Has Tartaglione said anything with substance?

Prison obviously let those men with mustaches in Epstein's cell.

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Getting slid, keep bumped

bumping this

I actually fucking love fin whales

colossal if accurate

"The record of who visited Epstein while on work release — a daily log maintained by deputies and tucked away in a safe — has been destroyed."


How (((unfortunate)))

Me too. I like Striped Dolphins as well.

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I have another question. There’s clear footage of El Chapo in his cell, which was 3 cells away from epstein. why don’t they release any footage of cameras that were by Epstein?

He helped out Epstein and probably stopped the first attack on Epstein.

They want him silenced, especially because Epstein probably told him things.


Wonder what El Chapo knows? Maybe he was offered a deal if he could get one of his men to snuff out Epstein.



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Didn't people close to Epstein say mascarpone "roughed him up"?

you know why, it's the same reason epstein was murdered

Wonder if Epstein had contacts in Puerto Rico?

something about how the feds were having him sell crack and then leveraged him to nail epstein

Thats from the first arrest

>epstein was murdered
maybe he was

Jesus fuck, when are we ever getting fucking justice, nothing ever goes our way, it was just trump, one time, everything else just keeps getting worse, and by the time people realize how bad things have gotten, it will already be too late...is too late.

This nigger's life can be counted in hours. Only a matter of time before he's Oswald'ed

>when are we ever getting fucking justice
dude you're in PR and you ask this? you should know already the answer is never



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If he did stop the first attack, then he's walking dead.

If they found out Epstein was talking to him about things, then he's also dead.

>"After Jeffrey was convicted, I phoned Andrew and told him, 'You cannot have a relationship with Jeffrey. You can't do these things.'

>"And he said, 'Stop giving me a hard time. You're such a puritan.'

>"From there, our conversation descended into a screaming match, and finally Andrew said, 'Leave me alone. Jeffrey's my friend. Being loyal to your friends is a virtue. And I'm going to be loyal to him.'"

Eppy is ALIVE and was smuggled out.

If they wanted to kill him the "Hulking ex-cop" would've been the man for the job.

IIRC Mr T is up on FOUR MURDERS related to his MAJOR FED DRUG charges and is "set for life".

He have had literally NOTHING TO LOSE if he killed the Jew, and there would be several ready made narratives to explain it.

"I might have been a bad cop, but that don't mean I'm gonna let a perv get away with hurting kids".....


"the weirdo attacked me in my sleep, I guess my cop training kicked in, hell in the cell, no prize for 2nd place in a street fight".


Epstein was smuggled out to Israel because he is still highly valuable for Blackmailing goyim, such as Trump.

They wouldn't need to turn off ALL those CCTV and have guards go away to have Mr T snuff a 65yr old Jew in a cell, they needed to do that to smuggle him out.

If Eppy was really dead the cops, DA, etc would still be holding his body as evidence for possible up cumming trials.

Breaking news gas leak in epsteins former jail causes death of all prisoners in the pod.


Unrelated, but jewgle seems to have targeted the Brave browser. Ever since I updated, it takes me 15 minutes or more just to get past catpcha. I still have the previous version on my phone and it works just fine. I switched to Chrome just to test it out and zero problems.

Also, here's archive. archive.is/BbRhb

Who gives a shit, Trump is buying Greenland and it's hella funny and based

epstein is dead because it's easier to kill people. now that he is dead there is no more discussion and no more case. his handler (ghislaine maxwell), is free because she is obviously some kind of intelligence asset or agent.
epstein was a means. a pervert that could be used to blackmail people. maxwell was the one running the show.

Your probably right, I guess I'm just looking for an answer online that will make it better...

>seriously believing that he's dead

user, I...

it's easier to kill people.

Sounds like you need a hug
But you won't find that here

this dude was set up and he knows it

They're gonna kill him just for being alone with Eppy.

That doesn't automatically mean that he was killed. Epstein is a uniquely hot potato. Quite honestly, I think it's a toss-up between his being "rescued" via body-swap by Mossad or he's under witness protection because the Trump administration is going after his handlers and the rest of the network.


That’s what I think. Too many shekels and JizzLane.

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Don't be retarded.
Murder = investigation and trial = peepee talking about this for longer
Suicide = no trial, everyone just forget about this and stop talking about it

>"rescued" via body-swap by Mossad
maxwell is the asset. epstein was a tool. when the tool is no longer useful you throw it away.
>under witness protection because the Trump administration is going after his handlers
unlikely in the extreme.

good, the last thing we need is some big mouth ruining Trump's plan of getting Epstein to spill the beans and catch the big fish (Podesta, Clinton etc etc). Epstein was taken to Israel by Mossad to retrieve sensitive intel, anyone with a half a brain knows this.


>maxwell is the asset. epstein was a tool.

>unlikely in the extreme.
Based on what?

It's staggering how the billionaires that run our countries are so brazen in their contempt for us now. They don't even hide it.

Never give up your guns. Bulk buy ammo.

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More like knows who did

Sauce AsianMan

>prove this person is a spy
use some inductive reasoning for once you fuckin' brainlet.
>Based on what?
pic related

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Oh no, that sucks
how bout you both mouth hug my nuts, faggots

Trump needs to send feds to put that man in protective custody NOW

*Yawn* I'm so sleepy, aren't you guys tired? It's so late at night. I'm going to bed

I'm not asking for a source on Jizzlane being an asset. I assume she is. I'm asking for a source on your distinction that she is the asset while Epstein is the tool. Why wouldn't they both be assets? I'm asking you to do more than just state it baldly.

>Trump and Melania are photographed with Epstein and Jizzlane, therefore, it's unlikely that Epstein is in witness protection

What was that you were saying about reasoning? I invite you to do better than that. Go.

we are going to have to raid the prison and release every last prisoner on those gaurds to get justice


>They wouldn't need to turn off ALL those CCTV and have guards go away to have Mr T snuff a 65yr old Jew in a cell, they needed to do that to smuggle him out.

Stop asking silly questions, goyo. Focus on this milkers instead:

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Guess who's going to have a tragic accident™ soon ...

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Regardless you should stick by your friends, too bad they won't hang on the gallows together

this user gets it its time to arm yourselves stock up on ammo dont do or say anything stupid and prepare


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Didn’t Tartaglione save the jews life? There should be a holocaust memorial to this guy.


Bump! What the fuck, you deformed midget retards?

What makes you think Trump is crafty enough to safely hide the CIA's most dangerous asset from them? Even if you think he's innocent, he's still one man against the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet that spy on countless people and kill anyone that outgrows their usefulness or threatens to expose them. Epstein's entire livelihood was based around his usefulness as a CIA tool, so it's silly to think that he could be extracted safely without someone being alerted, and it should be obvious that he's no longer a threat because the corporate media is fed propaganda straight from the CIA and its sister agencies, and the corporate media is trying its hardest to bury this story through gaslighting and disinfo.

NY is literally fucking third world

I like Porpoises.

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Would be so brazen to kill him now....
The desperation level would be off the charts red killing normie for years

I as well and checked!

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Try Mossad, duder. Probably both, to be honest. Besides, I already know everything you just said. Pro tip: Trump is not alone. He doesn't need to be some hardcore mastermind in order for his team to have a solid plan to uproot the deep state.

The upkeep on those bitches

T. Homeless bumb

Do you pay for internet?

Imagine the smell =:(



This is all part of the game. Calm down son


Your co~workers h8 u
But I assume you're effective
Still that coke habit is gonna take you down

$100 bucks


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Also can you order me some tendies via googleEats?

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How did they get this guy to fear for his life?

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That's what I'm doing here.

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Who's his team exactly? Because a ton of the people he hires are completely crooked fucks in the first place. Why should everyone think he's just playing 9D Go when virtually everything he's done up to this point has been typical of CIA friendly shills? He didn't do a single thing to protect anyone's rights, mass surveillance still goes on unopposed, the ongoing wars he promised to stop are still ongoing, and his entire campaign focused more on fiscal responsibility than actually preserving the rights of the people. You put way too much faith in a small group of shady politicians and lawyers to fight against rogue agencies that have driven American domestic and foreign policy almost completely unopposed.

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Sorry. I'm poor myself.

user, I'm not going to spend what's left of my time and energy for the day retracing my steps to write you an essay. The short version is that as more and more time goes on, there's more an more to suggest that Q is real. Go read the post and look over the research people have already done. Though, I will say that even though it's clear that Q is close to the president, there is still the question of what the true purpose of it is.

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Girls with oddly big tits have stinky pussies, its a hormonal thing


I wonder if Chapo offered Epstein a ball of pure Columbian blow if he could give him some blackmail on his prosecutor.

he clearly sounds depressed. mentally unstable. perhaps even suicidal.

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I agree.

Maxwell was the brains, and from the right family (she's basically as close to royalty as you can get). I'm sure there's actually discussions going on whether to dead her too; whether she has hidden dirt that could be revealed if she is would be one of the things that might stop them.

They wouldn't dead someone like Prince Andrew IMO.

watch out, he'll be diag'nosed with 'knowing too much' by professional jewish doctors.

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Sounds like a wop trying to leverage zero knowledge

>has been told by various guards there to “shut up,” “stop talking” and “stop complaining,” as questions swirled about how the accused sex trafficker was able to commit suicide in federal custody
Eric Holder lied
Paul Walker died
>filename related

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I like sharks

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