Why are psychedelics illegal?

Why are psychedelics illegal?

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because they literally impair your brains ability to function.

Ever seen a drunk?

They cause schizophrenia

They show you the truth. Depending on the situation you are in. There is so many dynamics to a situation while on LSD. You can have a bad trip and panic like a feeble pussy or you can embraces the chaos. The certain few and quite the few don't like their peons knowing truth.

Because they remove your desire for material possessions and make you question your purpose

Sounds like the kind of thing that would make a person turn off the tv.

yeah, chronic alcoholism causes those problems. not having a few drinks on the weekend once.
all it takes is a bad trip on a few tabs of LSD and now you're schizophrenic.

Bad trips don't make you schizophrenic. Being schizophrenic makes you schizophrenic.

And how would you know if you're prone to it? Even if none of your immediate family has had a psychotic episode before there's still a chance it starts with you. You can still develop psychosis from overdoing psychedelics even without being predisposed.

I'm not saying it should be illegal, but realize that you are taking a chance with your mental health every time you trip.

I suppose, but out of the general population who does psyches how many out of 100,000 have a psychotic break? I think the risk is minimal.

Because they connect people to God, thereby liberating them from all physical fears, thereby making them invincible and uncontrollable.

Both valid observations. Also, my pol larp would say that psychedelics open up portals for the demons to enter you. Nixon tried to save us.

NPC tier brainlet. Might as well have been reading from the government issued handbook. Have you ever had an independent thought it your life?

>or you can embraces the chaos
never have truer words been spoken, only those that tripped hard can understand this

Because they're extremely bad for you and jews want to keep the population sedated, they want money from legal drugs, they don't care about the violence from illegal drugs, and asshole libertarians will defend them.

drink too much, you get alcohol poisoning
smoke too much weed, you pass out
take too much acid, you are up for 3 days and never really come back from it ya feelin me
It may sound hard to believe to the average hippy, but someone who has taken a bunch of psychedelics at once can appear to be on bathsalts, running around naked like theyre drunk except theyre amped up like theyre on amphetamines. Overall its just dangerous and if you frequently take psychedelics you should know you may seriously be hurting your mind contrary to the belief you are "opening it"

Doesn’t happen. Same scare tactics from late 1960s. (Eh joe?). Deformed Baby on cover of life magazine.

When one is well versed in their use they are a powerful tool against the demonic elite

Why are any counter-productive substances legal?

>I need big brother to tell me what I'm allowed to do because i'm not smart enough to make good decisions for myself

Bullshirpt. Remember that LSD and a lot of the other drugs were created to treat mental disease.

I haven’t tripped since the early 80s. I don’t know anyone that does drugs.

None of what I said is false. I'm not opposing them. I've done acid a handful of times.

Why can't you accept that taking a mind-altering drug has the possibility of causing adverse effects?

Is this damage to users overall in society, or an average single user? Alcohol can’t be that bad...the damage may be high, but given virtually everyone drinks, you would expect this when averaged out.

well a lot of fucker aren't

>Tripped at least a dozen times
>oh no user, what if this time i get schizophrenic
>Guess that federal ban is really justified

>its just dangerous and if you frequently take psychedelics you should know you may seriously be hurting your mind contrary to the belief you are "opening it"
citation needed. I do not know what you mean by "too much". Honestly it seems like in this discussion you have two types of people:
Those who have taken psychedelics and those who have not.
Psilocybe for instance has been PROVEN IN CONTROLLED STUDIES to improve your life happiness by one full unit of measurement when coupled with a "religious or spiritual" experience. Jordan Peterson has mentioned this study. I have tried mushroom a handful of times, but a few of those I would say I had something close to a spiritual experience and the insights I gained have never left. They were profound at the time and seemed like common sense after, but common sense is not always common.

That’s why psychedelics worry me. I’d like to do them, but I have mental problems in my family background, so I’m too afraid of becoming a casualty.

getting blood drawn has the possibility of adverse effects. Kissing somebody has the possibility of adverse effects. What you are describing occurs VERY infrequently and usually involves some other chemicals/drugs. Psilocybe in particular has been used for millennia and has not been known to cause those issues. Some people DO have mental disorders that can be made worse with psychedelics, but to act like that is prevalent or the norm is dishonest.

>LSD safer than cannabis

Nigger, get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

Being around black people is more detrimental to your mortality than taking psychotropic drugs.

Psychedelics should not be illegal.
LSD is the flesh of God. Legalize LSD and the minds of the people will be freed from tyranny and social control.

too much means frequently or too high of a dose. Lets say you take 800ug every week, your gonna end up fucking braindead. Ive done acid numerous times and its usually an interesting experience, but usually like 250ug every 6 months.

bad timing, mostly

>prone to it
schizophrenia begins manifesting itself when you're a teen, so by the time you're 18 it's obvious if you have it. it's not exactly a subtle disease

if you take 800 ug every week you're going to cease to feel any effects whatsoever by week 2