Stage 1: Anger

Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on Jow Forums
>complete racist
>hates Black people
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity

Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives Jow Forumsanon deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>jungle fever spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to interracial WMBF porn
>shame from anti-white perversions drive the Jow Forums user deeper into shitposting and isolation

Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom the Jow Forumsanon hooks up with a BLACK girl
>though shy and nervous, the moment his whitoid dick enters black mouth the Jow Forums user is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the BLACK woman's moans, her heavy, thicc thighs, the anons pale hand slapping ebony ass- reaffirm the user's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his racemixer brain that there is no going back

Stage 4: Dedication
>Jow Forums user begins having interracial hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in Jow Forums banter
>gets natural testosterone boost from sex, more body conscious, begins working out for a better body
>starts going out more often and building a social circle

Stage 5: Happiness
>Completely mind broken by BLACK QWEENS and rebuilt as a better man
>doesn't even find white and asian women attractive anymore
>family and friends all surprised at the transformation from racist loser to productive member of society
>now happily married to a Black woman
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sociable
>has circle of female black friends(some of whom his exes) who he hangs with and helps them get white boyfriends
>plans on impregnating his wife and making many cute caramel babies
>views racist Jow Forums user with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses imageboards only to post jungle fever threads
>thanks Black booty daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion

Other urls found in this thread:

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This reply shut down this entire thread lol

Stage 1: Nigger
Stage 2: Blame
Stage 3: Breaking In
Stage 4: Litigation
Stage 5: Witness

so true

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How are Black women in bed?
Scared of aids imao

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every Jow Forumsack has the same journey. they begin to fetishize what they hate.

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Someone needs to clean the shit out of those sheets

Yeah, naw.

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That character needs to be unlocked

The final redpill
Don't you will regret the alien offspring

Attached: Pissy_Ebony_2.webm (548x404, 2.8M)

get a white girl for surrogacy then

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Top-tier classy model-looking black girls>anything else.
But they're almost non-existent.

Forgot your memeflag, shitposter.

They're fine as all fuck but your mixed kids come out looking like genetic experiments gone horribly awry. Makes me sad.

I want to lick her

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Niggers are bad

>>begin jacking off to interracial WMBF porn

There are no stages. There are minds forged in the crucible of unfettered madness, learning to remain centered and loyal to the truth through countless years of witnessing it. Even appearing to be part of it for purposes of survival, and then there's everyone else.

Wtf, people who do this must be shot on sight

that nigger can't even maintain an errection doing that chick


The piss everywhere is a turn off

French nigger faggot spotted

Cherry picking is easy. Far too many goblins outweigh the ones that manage to beat the odds.

The dude banging her cant even keep his dick hard.

ATTENTION ANONS - This is what sex with a nigger is like. The smell is terrible. The pussy is subpar. If you are white then don't betray your race. You should have children with the ugliest white woman before you even think about fucking the "hottest" nigger.

fpbp. Fuck black people.

>giving life advices based on some fucked up porn

dude this webm does not promote your agenda. that guy literally tries to attach this nigger to his dick to be able to fuck her


Gets me hard desu
Espically seeing her covered in piss

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I hate americans so much
Americans need to be range banned

Okay white boi

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Post hand with stamp or shut the fuck up

>blah blah blah
Get real

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Confirmed larper

Confirmed white dicklet

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I'm sorry to tell you that you are trying to reconcile your denied homosexuality with yourself by using fetishes where you watch dicks to get off

You're white too you retard

based and redpilled

Maybe you're gay lmao

get this gay shit out of here

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you only gonna genocide the nordfaggs, the germanic ,celtic ,and the anglo people, meds and slavs gonna live forever and we gonna genocide you, niggers gonna get killed in masses. only the cucky whites and the niggs gonna get extinted

nice projection m8 I however don't post dick on an anime website

you have to have a mental disease to want to breed a nigger.

I can look outside to see hundreds of people connecting to racial and international identity and none of them are white.

Going for the third option, doesn't matter if i drop out of college

Man i now want some kekistani sandals.

yikes: the post.


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