
Only Leafs are allowed to post.

This is where we will discuss how much more enlightened we are compared to the burgers of America. How, unlike them, we still have standards in the choosing of our leader. We will never reject someone based on their race, sex, or gender identity. We will openly defend the rights of transgender individuals & BY LAW ensure their pronouns are respected. We will denounce hate at every turn, and shame those who espouse such nonsense. We will keep guns out of the hands of the population, as they DO NOT NEED THEM.

Most importantly, we will welcome everyone to our shores. Our land will be shared by anyone who wants it, whether they are fleeing oppression or simply want to start a new life. We are a peaceful nation. As Trudeau famously - and correctly - said, "If you kill your enemies, they win."

There is literally nothing that can be said to shatter the pride I have in my country. Fuck every one of you who think otherwise.

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fuck you faggot

Die you motherfucker!

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Exactly! Thank you!

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fuck off faggot


It says a lot that only Canadians have posted here, so far. Means a lot to me that the Americans are respecting the rules I set out. Thank you.

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Do you guys like my T shirt design ?

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let's address the elephant in the room. Is anyone here a genuine Canadian?

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faggot pajeet

OP is either a shitskin or an East Asian clone.

daily reminder that Canada has never lost a war and the US lost vietnam lmao

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Leaf day of rake

i want all these fucking gooks and hajjis OUT

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I can't wait until Bernier gets elected

Ummm sweaty

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Fuck the federation.

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>trudeau is gone soon
>feels good man

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>21 posts
>0 amerimutts
it's like heaven

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murder yaself my man

Learn your place subhuman if I met you on the street you would become a submissive lil white sissy


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Fuck off back to snownigger land leaf.

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no you'd be taking my tim hortons order faggot

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i dont give a shit about those frenchies

Fuck off white cuck this land belongs to China. I bet you work at taco bell.

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and polls are rigged

libcons gonna get chucked out of parliament this october

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>gooks pls leave
>spends $83.47 at china kitchen in maple ridge, bc
>leaves 20% tip
You sure showed those gooks.

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thats my friends receipt lolol

boy i sure love race mixing with my asian girlfriend
her pussy is the tightest ive ever fucked

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You mother fucking dried up leaf from last year !!
KYS this instant

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Fuck off commie

>i collect other people's receipts

Confederation, fake leaf.

i was in his car

A fucking Lily

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>Have extended family and Grandma in GTA
>Visit a lot as a child in 80s and 90s. Fond memories of peaceful, clean, all-white farmlands and small towns.
>Rarely go as an adult, as they visit here regularly, and many of the older ones moved to the US.
>Last spring, senpai and I make mini-vacation to visit cousins and Grandma, see Blue Jays game, go to Hockey HoF
>Take leisurely drives through Windsor, London, Toronto
>Cannot believe eyes:
>Literally more browns than whites EVERYWHERE
>Turbins, burqas, dastars on seemingly 75% of heads
>The few white men we see are all the Bugman "Balding with Beard" meme: fat, sexless, gross looking pos's
>See 0 young white women with white bfs
>See many young white women holding hands with browns, often following a brown gang of men around like a puppy. Suspect the white girls' dads are trailing daughters in their mini-cars, fapping to the idea of their own daughters being raped by these brown hordes
>Look at the few Canadian white men....cannot find myself to criticize the white Canadian women.

Canada is lost. It's even WORSE than losing your country to nogs. They've been conquered by FUNCTIONAL non-whites: high-caste Indians, smart Arabs (Lebanese and so forth), Chinese. Thereby insuring there can't be any Mad Max-style collapse from nogs running shit into the ground.

The remaining whites in Canada will be used to teach their replacements how to operate the machinery, and their daughters will be used as white breeding machines for the virile brown conquerers.

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Is this Can/pol/?

>feels good

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It's outright fucking disgusting these people seem to openly just hate the existence of white people

>it's okay to be white

Let the RAHOWA start already

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I'm against everything you 'apparently' stand for, as most canadians are like me.
And your talk like a fag.

can't wait for him to win. i suspect a major nxvim bomb to take down turd-eau in the next few weeks

Every time I read a post/article about Canadian politics that isn't about Trudeau resigning I am reminder of what a bunch of hollow shills I am surrounded by. Truly if there were words to educate the unwashed with I would wish those words to fill their minds.

Gosh! maybe we'll get Scheer! Hey did you hear they can't debate climate change?

Did you hear the one about the guy who ran saying he would end subsidies for tar sands but just bought the pipeline to pay off his corporate sponsors instead and the media and public response was a snore because Canadians roll over on 9/10 issues and especially back out of any confrontation with anything real?

That would require the CPC to actually want to win enough they'd benefit from blowing up the government like that, since CPC members would inevitably be connected to something like that

>PM is a commie fag
Get Maxime into office already ffs.

Ngl your country seemed like it was on the right track midway through 2017 and then just shat itself. Right now the best hope is Trudeau with a minority government merely because he wouldn't be able to exercise power. Scheer would put the Boomerdrones back to sleep while the Silent generation slowly dies off, then the inevitable recession will see another Liberal government in power. It's better if Trudeau is in charge and unable to act, so people give someone outside the duocracy a chance.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-09 Maxime Bernier says his party would cap immigration levels at 150K CBC (1187x1316, 741K)

Is this a new copypasta?

You're literally high on starvation. It's find of course. Perhaps one of you leafs can become the next Gandhi.

Fuck all yaw

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"We will never reject someone based on their race, sex, or gender identity. We will openly defend the rights of transgender individuals & BY LAW ensure their pronouns are respected. We will denounce hate at every turn, and shame those who espouse such nonsense. We will keep guns out of the hands of the population, as they DO NOT NEED THEM. "
Op you are truly an imbecile.

Quebec and Alberta should both leave Canada.

Everyone hates the liberals. In 4 years everyone will hate the conservatives. Then its mad maxs time to shine

max is kinda based but he a libertarian boomer who wants to privatize everything

Hows the WiFi at McDonalds?

you mean Reaf day of lake?


> This is where we will discuss how much more enlightened we are compared to the burgers of America. How, unlike them, we still have standards in the choosing of our leader.
> A guy whose most extraordinary achievement was being a ski instructor
A fucking leaf


Please sir, this thread is for Canadians. Respect the rules


This is the internet leaf, there are no rules.




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>haha dude I prefer le socialism meme and immigrants to not immigrants

You are living proof of why Canada is doomed

That doesn't even make sense, but McDonalds has a Canadaburger right now.

I’m moving to Canada soon. How much French do I need to know to tell someone to fuck off so they’ll understand? Also, I’m bringing all my guns with me. And how long till I’m on the health care? I have cancer, lymes, M.S. and diabetes.


Canada would have to have fought a war to loose one. And no being a Brit colony doesn't Leafcuck.

you lost vietnam lmfao


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Remember to sage slide threads.

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This is the state of America lets laugh at them.

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And this will be be the future of Cucknada.

I hope the U.S. are taking over the shithole called Manitoba and get rid of the trash here

ok eh

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So you have no standards. Ok. That explains a lot.

I fucking hate boomers so fucking much