You're either full of shit or lying if you don't think she's cute

You're either full of shit or lying if you don't think she's cute.

Attached: aoc5.jpg (690x511, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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is it weird that I can see her skull through her face?

Cute stops as soon as she starts talking.

Imagine the smell.

Bro do you know what I would do to her? And this is strictly fantasy, not a threat or real life scenario. I would lay her down, duct tape her mouth shut, and masturbate over her face until I cum in her nostrils. She would slowly suffocate on my life. But I wouldn't want my princess to die, so right before her last nasally inhale I'd suck the cum out of her nose like a man-vacuum.

fair point, but nevertheless

Attached: aoc3.jpg (620x330, 24K)

She just needs to stop abusing adderall.

If by "full of shit" you mean sober, then your premise is correct.

ewwww lmfaoo

Attached: AOC.jpg (800x573, 35K)

>Implying she's not acting.

Like you've never thought about it.

I'd pee in her butt.

>lighting tricks and angles
That's how you obscure ugliness, user. Her eyes are black like an insect and she has a horse face.

Attached: AOC2.jpg (931x524, 73K)

Use the MakeupApp faggot, then you see her true face.

She's destroying the country with her welfare pandering pro immigration bullshit.

or pancake makeup and hippo-mouth arent your thing.

Spoken like a typical liberal fascist. "Agree with me or else!"

>the stereotypical angry latina face

Attached: aoc.jpg (1400x950, 159K)

>spics over 16
way pass the sell by date and I don't like horses like that

I mean, sure, Id bang her. In her mouth so she would stfu.

Until she smiles

I don't find evil attractive, sorry.

>mommy posting months after it has become cringe and gay.

He transitioned well enough, but still has a horse face.

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I wanna fuck the retard outta her.

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*if she keeps her mouth shut

>I think this nasty cunt is cute. You're a liar or a faggot if you don't agree with me.

Attached: um - yeah - ok.gif (298x280, 964K)

Yeah she is aging very badly

100% mommy material.

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I like how she wears make up that makes her look white. They probably shoop her pics to make her shit skin lighter.

Maybe you haven't experienced this, but sometimes you can think a woman is very attractive, and then one day you have an actual conversation with her and realize she is nothing but repulsive.

Attached: npy2x97vdkg31.jpg (777x767, 113K)

Cute as a bug man!

Attached: MAOC_dung.jpg (510x529, 29K)

Correct answer

Meme flag faggot. You're probably a jew trying to subvert our conservative culture like you filthy stinking jews have tried to subvert societies for centuries. Shut your filthy jew mouth.

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Her nose weirds me out too much

Ahhh, what the heck, one more.

Attached: AOCharlie.jpg (779x640, 91K)

She is objectively attractive. However, she needs to cut down her Adderall intake.

Stop mass replying like a fucking faggot you autistic dumbfuck

Watch this:

Attached: ocasio vamp.jpg (800x1070, 125K)

Cute but stupid. Many such cases. Sad.

Not saying I wouldn't fuck her but she isn't cute or hot.

She has a soft pussy

There are certain pictures and angles of her which are alright, but there are still a lot of pics of her where she straight up looks like she's 15% horse.

The left try to get in guys head by saying AOC is cute.
She has genital warts, imagine that in your heads. They pop and squirt STD puss all over your cock if you ever tried to fuck her. Yuck!

>liking spics
>not liking 10/10 Eastern European women
Never gonna make it

I DON'T think she's "cute" all.

We are all full of shit. You've got some in you right now. Feels good man.

>why yes I only jerk off to buff, blue eyed blonde men

She's going to look like shit in ten years. Look at how her face is already sagging.

She has incredibly scary crazy eyes. Women with eyes like that will 100% attempt to ruin your life. Nice tits tho.

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She's quite attractive until she opens her mouth. That isn't referring to all the moronic stuff she says, but he teeth and gums. I don't like how her teeth are set and there is this Geena Davis gum thing going on.
This user's image illustrates the above point quite well.

Attached: AOCtoof2gumratio.jpg (640x359, 186K)

Seriously though who has her nudes. She was a fucking bartender. Someone took her home

That guy looks pretty Jewish

I don't recognize the usual signs of adorable. That, or the word "cute" is now synonymous with "sexy".

That’s a tranny btw

Pick one

She’s like a real life sandy cheeks

For user's who are youngfags and may not know who she is.

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yes but she should be sucking dicks on pornhub not making laws for the country. It's all a matter of what she personally would be best at.

Have you seen those chompers? I wouldn't even let her suck your dick, let alone mine.
If all of her teeth fell out we could put those gums to work.

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I dont find hispanics attractive

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I wanna fuck her feet!

Attached: AOC Sniffies.jpg (2000x1333, 1.71M)

She’s not cute, she’s a batshit insane Puerto Rican female. I never want to be around another batshit insane Puerto Rican female again. They’re not worth the trouble.

Black eyes, jewy attached earlobes, nigger nose. Pretty much as bad as it gets. At least it's not fat.

Feminists can't be feminine. So no; she is not cute.

Cute like Cruella or Morticia.

I could look cute with that much fucking makeup on anons.

You're a faggot if you care whether or not other people think she's cute.

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Tits or GTFO leaf.

Always a footfag.

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she looks like a tranny. she had a bad wide nose and a angular jaw. also she has masculine eyebrows

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she has those soulless mexican't eyes

>never posts a picture of her showing teeth.
I wonder why.

She is that retarded blonde kind of cute

She looks like a horse.

She is fucking retarded and looks like an ugly soless bitch...worst part is she thinks she knows things...fucking communist bartender


>I'm just so thirsty, the thread

>Brought to you by an AOC intern.
I'm surprised you know wut 4/pol is but it's clear you don't know what you're up against.

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I have standards.

I'd just like to mushroom tattoo her giant forehead

Thank you user.
Spoken like an actual non virgin

I did think I would love to put a pop knot on her cervix with the head of my massive cock. Then I noticed those ankles. Holy fuck. That bitch has some fat fucking ankles. Just look, look Jow Forums, you see those ankles? Fuckin' HUGE. Know what that means right? Ten years she's gonna be fat as fuck. Like moo cow fucking fat. Thanks foot user, thank you for ruining her for me. You asshole.

That bitch is a low tier latina, get better taste memeflag cunt

Dios mío, el americano de ojos locos

she is 100% hideous.

Bug eyed spic who seriously needs braces.

Even latina shemales look better than AOC

Attached: shemale.jpg (960x960, 80K)

At least we have better looking commie.

Attached: camila-vallejo-trampa.jpg (900x560, 110K)

She doesn't actually have to speak, though. Just open her mouth far enough for you to see the horse teeth.

>muh dick
s a g e

She looks like a branch of sea creature that was late to the evolving legs.

Have you ever gotten out of your house? Ever? Even once?

It's really hard to think she's cute after everything she has said. Maybe if I never heard her talk, sure, but too late