What's gayer?

Minds.com and Tim Pool holding an event to "end racism"

Or Antifa calling them far right fascists and threating to burn down the theater the conference is being held at?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Orange faggot is gayest

Welcome to clown world

Not terrorists ?

All sides.

And digits do not lie either.

>The discussion, titled “Ending Racism, Violence and Authoritarianism,” was organized by the free speech friendly social network Minds.com, and features a range of liberal, libertarian, and conservative speakers including journalist Andy Ngo, who was brutally attacked and hospitalized by Antifa in Portland earlier this year.

Did you know Tim Pool is mixed race?

And also left wing.

totally not terrorists FBI

replying to your own post
Is the gayest shit in the world


everyone knows that, however he is also considered a white supremacist neo-Nazi by non-whites on the left wing so that makes him one of us.

Time for #clownarmy

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Fascinating. He's never mentioned it. I wonder if he has a hobby outside of politics.

I just want my constitutional rights and a place to live with no niggers. These people wan to wreck everything.

Check this out. I was at the skate park in Chicago the other day, and Tim told me, "the alt-right hates me because I'm mixed race and the far left hates me because I'm too white." Wow. Where do we go from here?

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Join the hurtin' circus.

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What's gayer than regular Pim Tool?

Pim Tool without his yamaka

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*honk honk*
>*bonk bonk*

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>What's gayer free speech or antifa
Im gonna have to use my free speech and say antifa is

Nothing will happen to them. Don't make a joke about Walmart though or the FBI will kick down your door in an instant. Anarcho-Tyranny

OP, in cases like this is much better to situate yourself as an observer. Just enjoy the shitshow. Also, antifa thinks anyone who isn’t a communist is a fascists.

>threatening to burn down a debate on political violence.

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god i know he's doing well for himself and has been a real journalist for a long long time... but i just get this feeling, like he's not getting his dick sucked

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He complained in some vids that he tried online dating and all the women he met were insufferable or were career women who didn't want anything serious

>What's gayer?
This post or op

>t. Tim Pool

I want to see Antifa try, but I know they wont

antifa niggers glow in the dark.

>but i just get this feeling, like he's not getting his dick sucked
He could go so far.

The biggest hurdle for him as I have evaluated as a god on my comfy throne:

Tim doesn't realize that 99% of the anons hassling him over being "mixed race" are communist shills wearing him down and that he would literally not be rejected by most anyone (maybe some sperg in the corner?) if awakened to facts. Tim is still a newborn child when it comes to information warfare. He's still trapped in a libshit land of femcommie dopes, shattered by what a turn off whores are.

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Tim hates himself for being mixed race, that's why he obsessively mentions it at every opportunity.

The communist shills really got to him, and it works. Tim literally thinks it's "white supremacists" fucking with him, as if they don't have better stuff to do.

>he would literally not be rejected by most anyone
tim pool streams were not an irregular thing on Jow Forums 5-6 years ago

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Yeah, the funniest part in a lot of this is that the "white supremacists" he thinks are after him.. well, most would be his friend. He's not a bad dude. His beliefs reminds many of us (or at least me) of my own a long time ago when I was a libshit. Jow Forums is a board of peace and friendship. The mixed race part might forever be used to prevent his being redpilled over white genocide, with the irony being that he all but surely wants to date/marry a white woman and live in a white majority nation too.

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at least antifa goes out and actually enacts their beliefs unlike every fascist of natsoc on this board

>at least antifa goes out
So do chimps.

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>The mixed race part might forever be used to prevent his being redpilled
nah its easy i do it with literal faggots all the time
>but surely wants to date/marry a white woman and live in a white majority nation too.
basically this. western chauvinism. remind a nigger how good it is and how his mixed ass would be burned alive anywhere else.

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I pray he awakens to this damning fact. Getting a van and escaping is on the right track to understanding, but it's only a baby step without connecting the dots.

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Pantyfa is gayer. by a wide margin.

side note: Hawaiian niggers dont shoot each other?

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Bullshit they won't do it

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They won't do it

Tim "guns are only for rural people" Pool

I seriously do not understand why they aren't arrested.

Their affiliate here called blitz have been acting up lately, well them and members of the communist party rodt(red). There is local elections here now soon and in oslo there and in other cities and towns there are these stands for all the parties.

There are several new established parties that's rather small and normies and journalists from in and outland go and just speak to these people, as they who they are what their parties are about.

So far in oslo 9 members of the communist party has been arrested, filming(for obviously sharing this with blitz so they can attack these people) and harassing normies, journalists and representatives for these parties. All these 9 are to face trial later and possible face jailtime.

At least they do not allow these authoritian fucks keep on just harassing, filming, terrorizing people like that

ie use itools

>9 politicians from rodt(red) arrested and facing trial for filming and harassing people in oslo

>one such politician bitching in the press(they are on his side, as almost all journalist are lit in this communist party, not joking

>Peter Sweden attack in oslo
>But he is such a kike and liar, and doesn't know how shit works here... calls him self norwegian though, that (((name))) sure as shit is not


At least they don't allow this, which shouldn't as it's political violence

No idea how many of these blitz zombies they have arrested, but one thing they know how to deal with here, is just this kind of scum. Cold war, lived next to the ussr and ddr was close too you know....

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Of the murders that do happen in Hawaii, what do you think the odds are that they're causing over 3% proportionally to their population?
>brothas be sippin Mai Tais n shit

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these people are making threats to
>burning down buildings people have planned to peacefully assemble
>regulary threats of violence, which ends up in violence
>wear masks and weapons to said events
and nothing is done about this

if you showed up masked with weapons at some counter protests here, no man you would be taken with once by the police. Why would allow any of this? I cannot understand this at all

>I seriously do not understand why they aren't arrested.
They're state sponsored. They exist to suppress political dissidents without having to use the military or police (which would cause a revolt)
Every government that allows antifa or an equivalent organization to exist is at war with its own people.

they also killed a police horse using an improvised weapon

neither can we. I guess the feeling is those cities are so far gone it's not even worth bothering with. united states of KEK

I wonder when someone is going to have enough and mow down about twenty of them

Two gay sides fighting over who is the least racist and the most pro male butt sex. Pure cringe.

list was absolutely not complete lol, because it's fucking long. Should have written a copy past with the shit they have done.

nah here they were big in the 80ies and 90ies, everyone fucking hates man. The police and the sekrit police, cracked down HARD on them. Since then they have been massively reduced. But they are obviously still active

some random normie that tells about it, roughly youtube.com/watch?v=iZdXPfzgRtY

that was long it starts here

Tim is a real journalist and doing more to spread the truth than you ever will.

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Man the alt right is so fucking gay (especially at this point.) Like sure, there was a VERY SMALL portion of time that I listened to what le alt-right figures had to say. But when some bugman goes off on me like "Why don't you go back to your benshapiro sub reddit, you fascist alt-right Tim pool respecting Milo supporting Maga hat wearing Trump supporter"

Pretty sure fascists would have all of those people killed.

you know it has to be coming; some disgruntled person is going to just ar-15 the shit out of antifa soon.

>constantly shrinking head
Damn you, made me kek my beverage out.

that's the thing here too, they are just letting this bullshit escalate and escalate, till the moment people on all sides starts to do that. While the media and the """journalists""" eggs them and cheers them on...

this faggot gets it.

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antifa people sure do bark a lot but rarely actually bite
only a fag would be scared of these pussies. its telling that they're loudest online about violence but always get BTFO in real life

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I sincerely doubt it. The Brenton Tarrants of the right are rare. We're going to see Antifa's usual simmering hostility accidentally boil over first.

Youtube is gayer for censorship

they've tried it before like the scalise shooting, they just suck at it in general because they're sheltered pussies.
its funny that the dayton shooter is antifas highest score of recent years

I was starting to wonder if I made it too subtle. You're the first to notice so far.

I think it is to that boiling point. I figure people in those cities are tired of having traffic blocked and their heads smashed by jobless masked faggots larping

This conference is the most Jewish thing I have ever seen

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But Doctor...

It makes my sides gone

Incel detected

Books stop bullets, not trash cans. Fucking faggots.

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kek. so mean.
>but funny