Roll over with your arms crossed but backwards do it now

Roll over with your arms crossed but backwards do it now

Attached: ZOG_SIMON_SAYS.jpg (400x300, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

simon says you're fucked
>americans will defend this

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This is my most hated cop of all time. Might as well say GET DOWN ON YOUR HANDS AND PUT YOUR KNEES ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD.

he wasn’t the one making the commands

No self aware american would actually defend this shit, you'd actually have to be retarded

Holy shit. Please respect our police. His demands aren't hard, I don't see the problem of just doing it. Here you go sir, i give up all my rights so you can do your job and also god bless you.

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Simon says break your left arm and use it to do a handstand. no using your right hand now or you get it

Imagine being killed by this guy who has the face of a high school kid.


they do it all the time here.
a lot of them are cops too. and the guy in question got another cop job. american cop and cop nutthuggers are pathetic and lame. it's literally brazil tier shit.

If you can't handle your liquor or buy clothes that fit then don't get white girl wasted and wave pellet guns around in front of your window. And if the cops show up and yell at you don't reach into the rear waistband of your ill-fitting shorts like some gangbanger.

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there's something seriously wrong with the American mindset.

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That man is fucking dead, boys.
His life was instantly terminated by a burst of rifle fire.
Eternal void.
Because this guy just felt like shooting his gun.

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ITT: shitskins venting towards a cop who did nothing wrong

Its hard to watch because the man was literally begging and crying to not kill him, he didn't do anything. What a shit way to go.

mutts love abusive cops especially if they’re BTFOing NIGGERS!!!

You can just tell he's a manlet.


They do al the fucking time, especially the aneriniggers in pol

>bootlickers unironically defend this

Liberalism is a disease.

>did nothing wrong
>shot a guy
>maybe having a firearm
>in america

all of these things cant be true together user

ITT leaf faggots trying to talk about police brutality. go suck your PMs sissy clit pussy

Keep sucking cop dick. All that cum will pay off I’m sure

These are the kind of sociopathic incels that frequent pol

Just lay on the floor and don't do shit. If they want to shoot you, let them explain to the grandma on the jury why the ballistics showed the bullets shooting a man in the back while laying faced own on the floor.

They signed up for the dangerous job, let them face the perceived danger that they voluntarily signed up for. Don't put your life in danger just to make a cops life easier. This is the world they want with their training and legal defense of "the fear was real in muh mind!!!".

Reminder that this cop gets a taxpayer funded pension of over $2000 a month for the rest of his life.

>thin jew line sticker
ok retard

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Good I'm glad he gets his pension.

That's true to some extent but you can usually ferret them out. Most of them are MIGA types or otherwise obviously half-retarded.

Eat shit and die
Also the same

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Shitskin detected

ITT: A bunch of lawless thugs who want their fifteen minutes of fame. Just a distraction from the dastardly Miami Mutilator who's the real threat to law and order in America

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What's up with those faggot-ass tattoos?
Is that a rose on his right arm?
I think I understand his whole over-reaction trip now.

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What about what he said is wrong though? When you show up on scene, its a very, very real thing that could happen. Any retard could have a gun.

**left arm.

if Brailsford gave me a day and wikipedia access I could probably have it done

That guy was mega based

No one actually defends that manlet idiot, unless the person is a manlet too.

Guys a DYEL manlet. The tattoos are a form of manlet cope.

cops are VERY well paid specifically to account for the risks they take in performing their job. If they aren't willing to assume some modicum of risk instead of, you know, just killing anyone who could potentially be a thread, then why are they paid more than the average salary for some retard with a 2 year criminal justice degree?


when will they ever learn

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You cannot trust a piece of shit that has to pick out the right shirt to show off his tattoos as a fucking COP. What the fuck is wrong with this queer?

You're doing a job. Just do it. This guy is mentally ill.

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He seriously gives me the hee-bee--gee-bees.

That's faked, right? Holy shit the cringe

ITT: guy gets extremely drunk and waves an (air) gun around and gets shot after police are called for his autism sperg out

aLl CoPs bAd hE dInDu NuFfInS

>t. Bootlicker

the manlet hole goes deep

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>this thread for the millionth time

>the team was responding to a call about someone waving a gun out their window
>the guy yelling commands is not the guy who opened fire
>a hysterical woman followed the commands with no problem
>the retard reached behind his back THREE times including mere moments after wing told “if your hands go behind your back again, we will shoot you”

Suicide by cop by a drunken degenerate mutt terrorizing passerby for his own amusement, only nu/pol/ and fullreddit even care.

Gas yourself, faggots.
>muh cooneishoer
Only literal criminals hate cops, another reason to gas yourself.

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Wtf is this

Place your left leg on your stomach and crawl toward me! Cross your neck behind your wrist NOW. Stop moving your hips!

-t. Thug

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Keep paying taxes and bitching on /pol about police faggot. There's nothing you can do to stop anything

That's the part that fucks me up. I understand he was reaching for his waistband but the man was literally sobbing and begging for his life. If the cop had a basic human understanding of context, he would've have known the guy was no threat

Then again, judging by the look of him he's probably a fucking autist who doesn't really pick up on social cues


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I like regular dudes that understand what their job is and do it.

It scares me when PTSD closet-panty-queers roam the streets with guns.

Fuck offffffff....

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anyone know where this mutt got a new job?

lmao how are people this trigger happy? He's like 10 feet away, crawling slowly, then reaches for something you can't even discern. Without any context of why he's crawling mr gun bro kinda seems like a giant pussy

so literally any time you are drunk, sleep deprived, or otherwise not at your peak, you are one prank phone call away from death

>defending pigs that leave you out to dry
Why even if they did nothing wrong they are not on your side of the isle far from it they fuck over right wingers constantly while giving leftists who do FAR worse a slap on the wrist
>defending pigs that played hokey pokey and simon says with a drunken confused man and killing him for fucking up their often contradictory commands
>muh woman survived
Of course she did retard pigs shoot dogs and men not women

no he literally just wanted to kill a person so badly. He's not a simple autist, hes a genuine psycho

To be fair it does look like the guy on the ground is reaching for a firearm.

if you watched the video you'd know you're wrong and this man was literally no thread.
Cops get the bop on the DOTR


why are our "brave men and women in law enforcement" suck fucking pathetic pussy snowflakes?

He's scum and killed the man in cold blood for no good reason.

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To be fair, there is NO WAY that dude could have got a single round off in time. They coulda' walked up, tossed him and knew he was clean in about three seconds. I don't care about "protocol"...they break protocol ALL THE TIME.

There is no risk in being a cop. There is less death risk than just about any labor job. The idea that these faggots are heroes is laughable. They mostly just set up speed traps and rob people for a living. Just the modern iteration of the ancient highway robber meme. Cops are faggots. Almost always cowards wanting to be big men. Mostly pussies that couldn't cut it in any high level military unit.

Lon Horiuchi, Waco Siege and Ruby Ridge.

Philip Brailsford, the killing of Daniel Shaver.

They will be remembered.

Don't get drunk wave weapons around and reach in your pants in a hotel.

Fucking doesn't sound like that hard to avoid this, huh?

Except a lot of cops are prior military and also I'd like to mention you're a bitch


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Yeah, I sometimes forget that these people forget about Way-Co and Rooby Rige.

>Except a lot of cops are prior military
This literally means nothing.

Ima paraplegic


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>mutts ignoring due process again
What's funny is you mongrels pretend your constitution defines the USA but as the biggest soulless insectoid people in the West you would (and have) discard it in a heart beat for the first con man who enthralls you.


Most are not prior military. And there are exceptions to what I said, but not a lot. Statistics says the job is not dangerous. Math trumps your feels and your desire to believe in your fake hero bullshit. Any fat fuck who can run a mile in less than 10 minutes at the academy can pretty much be a cop.

And as far as military? Most military men are low IQ weak faggots too. Special forces excluded.

Top Kek

Guarantee youre a larping mutt and do nothing remotely uncomfortable or dangerous for work. I come from one of the shittiest cities in the country and the fact of the matter is the guy was clearly not a threat, clearly tried to follow commands and they killed him because theyre fucking incompetent. There wasnt even an excuse for the ordeal to go on that long, why was he not already cuffed? Why did they give so many commands instead of
>lay down on the ground with your hands behind your head
Ive got buddies who were on swat teams and drug task forces whove handled genuinely dangerous situations without even drawing their weapon. It was fucking murder and thats a fact


(Is shot for non-compliance)

Cool story internet person. Cry more about it maybe that'll make the evil police go away

>this ID

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Sure, faggot. Why not.

I knew a guy who was a cop while I was in college, apparently they're shown a lot of videos of seemingly innocuous stops with the public that ends with the cop getting fucking executed by some psycho. Dude linked me this video a while ago that apparently was shown in several precincts.

Totally normal traffic stop that ended with a shootout and the officer getting murdered, they're all hopped up on this idea that any encounter with the public could end in their death so they're all too eager to pull the trigger before anyone else gets the opportunity. Our entire law enforcement system is just fucked.

I resent that. Some of the smartest people Ive ever met I met in the military. There are exceptions of course but generally the average soldiers is smarter/more educated than the average person, and more likely to have some modicum of basic physical fitness. The special operations community is obviously miles ahead in those departments and incredible people, but normal soldiers are often relatively bright (if slightly retarded) young men.

>play Simonsen says with 95 IQ sociopath
>pants fall down after falling ridiculous commands at muzzlepoint for minutes on end
>attempt to pull them up

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>hurr, durr, as long as you don’t run out of bullets you can kill as many people and cops as you want and they can’t shoot you because “muh due process”


Unfortunately this

the cops could have easily subdued the blithering sobbing retard on the ground who was clearly no threat

>the retard reached behind his back THREE times including mere moments after wing told “if your hands go behind your back again, we will shoot you”
If I were the cop, that video would have been MUCH shorter.

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