Why does this board loves corporations? They are your enemy, yet anyone who dares criticize them is a commie

Why does this board loves corporations? They are your enemy, yet anyone who dares criticize them is a commie.

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Nice ass on the boy.

>yet anyone who dares criticize them is a commie
Embrace it.

You've literally never been to this board before.
What country is that flag from, and how did you all end up so brain damaged?

its full of blue pill retard nupol

What if politicians were paid more?

Corporations are total shit. They have certainly done a lot to lift society....but they’ve become too greedy. Too mercenary, too big and far too powerful. They need to reign them in and remind them they aren’t sun gods.

Busting up Google would be a great first step.

The corporations dont take through force. Anyone who doesnt like corporations either has a legitimate reason to, like if they actually did something wrong, or if you want to take resources from them like a kike communist. Corporations are not the enemy, the government is. They only use their power and influence over government to screw people because the government has too much power to screw people already.
Fuck the government, not corporations
Taxation is theft. A free market solution would cure the world

>Why does this board loves corporations?
we don't.

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>They are your enemy

They aren't *my* enemy, they provide goods that make my life easier and more pleasant.

>Corporations are not the enemy, the government is

Imagine actually believing this. Corporations exists SOLELY to grow, that is their only raison detre, and they will do anything and everything to accomplish this, whilst beholden to nothing at all except their shareholders. The government atleast has to pretend to be for the taxpayers/populace

where do you get the notion that Jow Forums loves corporations?
the libertarians have been holocausted, Jow Forums has not been significantly libertarian since 2012

God I wish I could have sex. Imagine the smell, etc.

Nobody loves corporations, you fucking moron. It's just that we know that strong national governments created corporations in the first place.

"the Queen granted a Royal Charter to "George, Earl of Cumberland, and 215 Knights, Aldermen, and Burgesses" under the name, Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading with the East Indies.[13][21] For a period of fifteen years, the charter awarded the newly formed company a monopoly on English trade with all countries east of the Cape of Good Hope and west of the Straits of Magellan.[21] Any traders in breach of the charter without a licence from the company were liable to forfeiture of their ships and cargo (half of which went to the Crown and the other half to the company), as well as imprisonment at the "royal pleasure".[22]"


It was also the Supreme court that ruled in favor of legal personhood.

"Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 118 U.S. 394 (1886), is a corporate law case of the United States Supreme Court concerning taxation of railroad properties. The case is most notable for a headnote stating that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment grants constitutional protections to corporations."


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>Why does this board loves corporations? They are your enemy
Watch your mouth, I work for a corporation and I won't tolerate and bullshit from you.

the fuck is wrong with her elbow?

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nog type asses are fucking disgusting
deprogram yourself from [religious group] porn

I think you have the big gay

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Hes just a shill dropping obvious bait

Emily Ratajkowski doesn't have a nog type ass. Hers is perfect. A nog ass is fat and full of cellulite.

Thot posting Jew kill yourself. Nobody likes corporations we hate them because they serve JEWS! We hate communism because they serve JEWS! We hate everything that serves jews and we plan on exposing you kike bastards to the world and starting a revolution that’ll see the end of your treachery for good.

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>The corporations dont take through force.

don't make me laugh



>Fuck the government, not corporations
the government is run by the corporations to defend the interests of the corporations

no they don't workers in factories do. The corporation simply accumulates the value they create

you all still bang on about how great capitalism is

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>Corporations exists SOLELY to grow
And? What does that have to do with the people?
The government has the same desires to grow and become more powerful, it's human nature to strive for more.
Corporations own the government, government owns the people (or tries to), bigger the government the more direct power the corporations have over people. No government, the corporations don't own anything other than themselves, unless the people are dumb enough to allow themselves to be owned by a corp.

Someone repost it plox

Corporatism =/= Capitalism
We are not currently living in a Capitalist system. The closest you can possibly get to calling the current system capitalistic is calling it crony capitalism. Otherwise it is Corporatism or if you really want to stretch for it Socialism.

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