Not gonna lie bros. If Trump buys Greenland I'm moving there. And this isn't a "Hurf durf if [someone] is elected I'm moving to Canada!" type thing.

I love the beautiful, brutal, desolation of places like Greenland. I love the idea of living in an area that's at the very limit of where humans can inhabit.

I'm there man.

Attached: GreenlandIsOurLand.png (320x640, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off. We're full.

Attached: IMG_0947.jpg (4032x3024, 1.06M)

You idiot, that's where we are shipping all the niggers and anchor babies.


Can he buy Canada instead?

We're not taking over Greenland. There's no way that Denmark is giving up 98% of its land possessions simply because trump asks.

I don't know WHY he's choosing to fuck with everyone in the media right now, but he is. Maybe he's trying to distract from someone's campaign; but trump isn't stupid enough to think that this is really going to happen.

Make room snow faggot because I'm moving there

What's his obsession with buying Greenland?

Attached: m3_OFeI6i8Gx1_-EPRQj85WJAmjHgOz5IklzWH4XlEM.jpg (640x640, 114K)

Why would you go move to Trump's planned immigrant dumping ground?

African Americans already have their own country, given to them free after the US civil war. It's called Liberia. Look it up. It's a shithole, as all nigger led areas are.

Attached: uip5vhvx52h31.jpg (640x868, 98K)

you faggots are the worst. youre like vegans, no one asked or cares if youre from alaska but youre always gonna tell everyone youre from alaska. you forgot to post your glock with the little dipper slide block.

fortress Hyperborea?

>Jow Forums bantz seeping into Jow Forums

A natural prgression.

Attached: Hickok game.jpg (522x800, 302K)

You'd die.
I'm a meat eater.

Attached: IMG_0077.jpg (4032x3024, 2.8M)

*White Immigrant

It costs Denmark 700 million a year to keep that land mass.

This is all a ploy. Greenland now in the news. Now all the refugees will flood it until they sell.

Attached: A540DA17-9699-4A3A-B599-F67247B12C51.png (750x1334, 3.42M)

>ID- Onions

Canada is not for sale.

Attached: 1541425486309.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Nigger it was colder in Wisconsin last winter than it was in Alaska. Calm down.

It's not like it hasn't happened before...

1803 - Louisiana Purchase - Purchased from France for $15 million, including assumed claims

1819 - Florida (East and West) - Purchased from Spain for $5 million in assumed claims under Adams-Onís Treaty

1848 - Mexican Cession - Purchase from Mexico following military victory; $15 million plus 3.25 million in assumed claims

1853 - Gadsden Purchase - Purchased from Mexico for $10 million

1867 - Alaska - Purchased from Russia for $7.2 million; statehood 1959

1898 - Philippine Islands - Purchased from Spain following military victory; independent in 1946

1903 - Panama Canal Zone - Leased from Panama for $10 million, plus $250,000 annually; ceded to Panama in 1999

1917 - Virgin Islands - Purchased from Denmark for $25 million; currently an organized, unincorporated U.S. territory under jurisdiction of Office of Insular Affairs of the Dept. of the Interior

Good, then you'll stay out because it's to warm.

Attached: hot.webm (740x416, 2.78M)

ACCESS TO THE NORTH POLE aka the center of the known universe

Is he trying to look dumb on purpose so his opponents underestimate him? Is this 4D chess?

Attached: 1543373945730.gif (360x270, 2.72M)

We will own Greenland/Iceland by 2021.

Yeah, let's talk about buying territories while we're close to ww2 levels of debt.

Attached: us-debt-history-timeline.png (599x393, 14K)

Could imagine trump being responsible for a 21st state.

Attached: 06CFC935-EF3B-43C3-84DB-F46A336C8E7C.png (750x1334, 1.67M)

Did you see how pissed Soren Espersen was?

He is normally a Good Goy Americaboo, and supporter of Israel, but he got so pissed when he heard Trump.

post the glock with the little dipper. i know its you.

Money isn’t real. So it doesn’t matter.

Attached: 06551385-E2BF-4C0F-95A4-E1444D932457.png (750x1334, 1.84M)

Nah mate you can't have them dino bones/fossils along with the ores.

the US economic system is a jewish trick to keep the goyim in a permanent form of debt slavery

This is why Puerto Rico has to become a state.

You have to many rich people using tax breaks for not being a state.

“We are going to Mars”

once Trump owns it he'll rename it Wakanda

I'm going to open a restaurant in Nuuk

Exactly. I want to fuck off somewhere and be isolated by myself and never have to interact with people unless I have too. And since I hate the desert and heat, if not Greenland then I pretty much have nowhere to go where I can relive the spirit of the old west in the 19th century.

Sure but you're going to have to learn Greenlandic and Danish to live there.

There's a US airbase in Thule Greenland. They always have contractors going up there for work, so if you can pass a moderate background check they'd be happy to have you. Totally serious. You can also go to Antarctica as a contractor. People willing to work these remote places are always in demand. Just do a bit of research and you'll find the right companies to talk to, or contact the air force directly for a referral.

>Dat Id

Whatever you say will be disregarded, soiboi

Good hopefully he makes history but it's funny how alex Jones was supporting this when I'm pretty sure if this was obama trying to buy Greenland, alex would say its because he's a narcissistic maniac who's buying up space for secret Government operations

Epstein (google story) took a trip to Greenland.

Anywhere in the continental US within a 4 hour drive there are very remote and unpopulated areas. People have no concept of how much empty space there is in the country.

how to get greenland gf

Attached: 980c885b36df46200c0d56cf1f9d1152819aa1e9v2_hq.jpg (1024x795, 56K)

I looked into antarctic welding jobs a good bit ago, Found out the general laborers get paid like shit, in the range of $12/hr. They have plenty of people to pick from because everyone wants to be able to say they've worked in Antarctica. Until they find out what the pay is like.

Not sure how it is in greenland, But I imagine you'd have to be on the upper end of a desirable skill same as antarctica. They want veterans of their respective fields. These places are extremely isolated, so they're not going to be handing out jobs to just anyone in the trade.

This is Trump's plan
>ask to buy Greenland
>people laugh
>continue to do nothing about global warming
>liberals cry
>years from now Greenland and Denmark can't afford the infrastructure to protect against raising seawater
>They remember the US wanted to buy them
>They don't laugh this time

Its hilarious watching the boomer cunts on here trying to spin this and also hilarious watching the euro flags who used to support this Muppet suddenly turn on him now that they finally saw what the rest of us saw all along

Yo tambien

I've been checking it out on google maps looks like there is not a single tree in the whole country and only a bit of grass in the southern part that is outside the arctic circle
if seems to be made up of a thousand little islands with a handful of little villages filled with mud and rocks and little metal buildings and brown people with blurry faces

>B: Dude you said the cleaners were good. WTF?
>T: STFU already...let me think
>B: You better fix this shit mother fucker Im not going down for this one.
>T: ....I got it.

Attached: 1565466998522.gif (459x441, 3.86M)

No niggers

It's pretty cold there, on the other hand the gibs are pretty good for snowniggers so you have a point.

Lol, sure

>meme flag
Whatever you say will be disregarded, soiboi

Attached: 1476045193197.jpg (3264x2448, 1.84M)

here's vibrant greenland

Attached: greenland.jpg (1920x1080, 459K)

>what war are we fighting..?

Explains the suicide rate.

Fuck you, this is America

Greenland isn’t worth purchasing. It’s better to get contracts with the Danish government for resource rights.

Unfortunately for me I don't think they want any zero skill neets

What's the prob? Looks like the better parts of Alaska.


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Have you ever lived or actually been to Alaska?