Is she /ourguy/?
>wants to save the planet
>retarded cute
Is she /ourguy/?
>save the planet
No you creepy fucking pedo.
Leave this child alone.
She is almost beautiful. But that 'almost' is the longest almost I know.
This failed climate potato is hideous and the fact that someone would even consider giving voice to an ugly retard is just a sign that the Western political and academic sphere has been corrupted by feminine and liberal pseudoscience and that the future lies in China.
Is there cell reception in the middle of the atlantic, she keeps posting daily updates from her iphone even though she wants us to stop using computers
off yourself
>a-am i not cute user?
its a random girl basically. you can say shes smart but i fail to understand how her opinion is any more important than any random grade schooler. she isnt working in any field that would make her a expert on matters we would talk about here
she can have a opinion like any one . but hers isnt any more valid than a random tard off the street . even smart people can be out of their element and look dumb some times
no you look like you fetal alcohol syndrome
She's the embodiment of "based retard"
Not cute, just retarded.
>i-i don't understand user. Do you not find me beautiful :3?
>Pump all western children with environmentalist garbage propaganda
>wait for one autist cut girl go eat that shit up and start regurgitating it everywhere
>tote her infront of the media and world governments
>instruct her "puppydogeyes.exe then printf("please mista wont you think of us children");
>oy vey goy just look onto her, see how sad she is? Why wont you do something for the children, think of the kids why dontcha?
Its just a typical leftist ploy operating entirely in the school of pathos.
Everything they do is based around emotional appeal.
Nah - just another useful idiot
Don't worry. I'm sure a migrant will rape her.
Wait, you mean cute retard, right? Anyway she's only like 16.
Gross I thought she was 12. She's way past her prime then