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I am forgotten

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Danmark will be in the Axis of Evil 2.0 and get the Iran treatment. Prepare your ass for sanctions faggots.

He should offer to comp the king a few nights at Maralago.

Scott Bakula?

Why meet with Denmark? Irrelevant faggots

Oh my God. He's actually going to buy Greenland.

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Who's this guy? An ex-astronaut?

Is there any other reason we would want to meet with leaders of Denmark? What else do they bring to the table?

Real mature

Why does he want greenland? We should invade canada and take them for the U.S instead.

Gitmo has nowhere near enough space for all of the indictments out there.

why would he waste time at a meeting if they won't even talk about it?

>Hey Denmark give Greenland i off--

simply do the same when he is on his way and pospond the meeting for a undisclosed amount of time. This will teach him.

The difference is the people in Greenland wouldn't put up a fight. We would. So I literally dare you burger. Right here on the internet. Right here on this board. I am daring you to come up here and try and take our country. Come on. What are you, some kind of pussy? Come and get it. Why aren't you moving yet? What's that? You have to go dilate? Dilate what? What kind of sick and disgusting people are you??

Kek nice pasta... almost as nice as the pasta you can’t afford to buy

This might be the toughest leaf alive ladies and gentlemen, Fucking based.