/OSG/ - Operation Shapeshift General | Utter Chaos Edition

We must create a massive movement of fake Jewish profiles on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Since Jews shapeshift into whites anytime they want in order to subvert and demonize white people, we can do the same to them. The reasoning and goals listed below.

>Jews are a protected class. Larping as a Jew has the benefit of being uncensored by big tech. It beats the hell out of fashygoyim1488 profiles because nobody will listen to you and you will receive bans. You also have the benefit of labeling anyone who disagrees with you an antisemite or a fake Zionist Jew. Use this to your advantage.

>As a Jew, normies will listen to you, especially boomers and other Jews. You can take the blame for world events and nobody will suspect anything. Post redpill facts about Jews, which include the slave trade, monetary facts, mass media, porn industry, Jewish privilege, the apartheid state of Israel, killing of innocent Palestinians and racist Zionists.

>Being a Jew, you are able to subvert Jews themselves. Since Jewishness is 100% based on supremacism, you can use the same tactics they have used to dismantle white civilization. You can push for more diversity in Israel, support for Palestinians, demonization of the apartheid state of Israel, racemixing, etc. If other Jews disagree, call them Zionists, racists, xenophobes and not real Jews.

>Even if Jews know our plans, it will create in fighting as Zionist Jews will accuse leftist Jews of being fake profiles. This creates even more division within the Jewish community.

>Make sure your profiles as authentic looking as possible, don't use generic photos of Jews off google because you can easily be found out. Use obscure photos from personal Jewish facebook accounts, the more obscure and Jewish looking, the better.

Prominent Zionist Jews are already butt hurt about the influx of impostor Jews, many of them tweeting about it and writing articles. We're in this for the long haul, so be as authentic and convincing as possible.

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Other urls found in this thread:


At the moment, Twitter Jews are upset with the huge influx of imposter Jews. They have become so angry that prominent Jews have been tweeting about it, including Yair Rosenberg and US representatives. Jews have also written articles about it, all below. It looks like the subversion is working if they're taking this much notice.


haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-fake-jewish-profiles-flood-twitter-in-anti-semitic-Jow Forums-campaign-to-subvert-jews-1.7725793?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Some tips for twitter:

>Use google voice to get two free phone numbers, additonal phone numbers will cost $10 each after the two free ones

>You can change your twitter handle at any time, meaning previous twitter handles/accounts will look like they were deleted. Changing your twitter handle also keeps your followers and following lists

>If you are suspected of being a fake account by a prominent Jewish account trying to expose you, lock your account, change your twitter handle, your twitter pictures and your profile description so it looks like you're a new account altogether

>Follow Jewish leftist accounts and organizations and follow other subversive accounts and they will follow and retweet you

Jews have long since pretended to be white in order to demonize white people and subvert our civilization, there is nearly 1,200 archived pages of Jews pretending to be white to denigrate white people. Jews are a small % of the population, so it will be much easier for us to subvert and overwhelm them than it is for them to subvert us. This is just a taste of their own medicine.


what if you're actually jewish?

Old Thread

boards.Jow Forums.org/pol/thread/223778371#top

We are all Jewish.

What are you saying we all can't be Jews? That's raycis.

I also baked a bread, how do I delet?

Off course im jewish. We are all jewish and we are united in our unwavering support of open borders for Israel.



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Real Jew here. You don't know what you are playing with. I warn you for the first and the last time: stop this before real lives are destroyed.

I'm Jewish

Also fellow real Jew here. Stop being antisemitic by trying to stop beautiful and diverse people from embracing our Jewish faith.

An actual Jew here. Shut the fuck up and let the goys have something for once.

Real Jew here as well. I think the Jewish persecution and subversion of all American institutions to slant them against White and middle class Americans is disgusting. You have my full permission to push /OSG/ to the wildest extremes you can imagine.

Oy vey, I'm gonna plotz.

Why do you treat your fellow Jews like that?
You sound like a nazi fake Jew, trying to instill fear in our Jewish hearts.


Make sure you save these because they might get censored at any moment:

youtube.com/watch?v=R6-gUqNPi4 - "OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection" NOTE: Link sometimes stops working, but works if you go into the channel video list here: youtube.com/user/stevepieczenik/videos

youtube.com/watch?v=VUH-4XXEuoc - "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" – It got censored, can someone re-upload it?
bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – Backup from bitchute (use VPN when using BitChute, the uploaders can see the watchers IP address, and have patience, it can be slow (if too slow, try to refresh the page))
The video is an interview from Shalom TV to one of the staff on the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). You can learn more about it here: archive.vn/4N9tv ; archive.vn/IJ0Yd

youtu.be/HLbPSQx-I-I - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”
Sometimes link doesn’t work, use this one: invidio.us/watch?v=HLbPSQx-I-I
And if that one doesn’t work, look for the vídeo directly on the channel, it’s 2 years old now (2019): youtube.com/channel/UC66IBH4uFkBTzEh2olFFJSg/videos

youtu.be/2kt4EjavHEk - “Jewish Immigration Hypocrisy - Stefan Molyneux”

youtube.com/watch?v=YSy6ENVAJlY - "Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty"

youtube.com/watch?v=wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

bitchute.com/video/4tFZecFdReAf/ - “Europe on the Chopping Block”

invidio.us/watch?v=TAzBsVzYH1o - “How Israel censors the Internet”


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Next step is getting Jews to target other REAL Jews as fake. Kek

this is a jewish psy-op designed to warm Jow Forums on jews

Real Jew here. Don't listen to this fake Jew.

What the fuck


invidio.us/watch?v=TAzBsVzYH1o - “How Israel censors the Internet”

youtube.com/watch?v=Cki0RVX841I - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

pastebin.com/Dxfbz9ip - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone.

archive.vn/PYUQo - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”

youtube.com/watch?v=kAFhYEiwldc - “1 - The Jewish Question - Dr. Tony Martin”

archive.vn/buNnX - “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel”

youtube.com/watch?v=uM_-XFQcrjM - “AIPAC Announces it will take over student government”

youtube.com/watch?v=Y9dv6_h9Vp0 - “The Lobby: USA Pt1 (The film Israel Lobby didn't want you to see)”

pastebin.com/6QU0dLYK - "The Lobby: USA" documentary screenshots (great redpills)

archive.is/8rBlF - “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”

youtube.com/watch?v=ldkw62WkaBU - “Jeffrey Epstein Deep Dive- The Mossad, Fraud and His Creepy Temple”

youtube.com/watch?v=G3zrc-8_Bsk - “OPUS 170 Epstein's Parodoxical Death?”

youtu.be/dvCcbtobd-c - “Epstein Crime Map (Updated) Part 1 of 3”

archive.vn/qrMuE - ““Yes, we are racists,” “Come, be my slave” — teaching by Israeli rabbi”

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Ahahahahha faggot

How DARE you ungrateful PIGS be SO ANTISEMITIC.



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You're not a real Jew.

Real Jews are accepting and open. I think you should probably fuck off back to where you came from, goy.


Yes, we are all now Jews on Jow Forums, and we are going to reform Judaism once and for all :)

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

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>making jews appear intellectually honest
>making goyim look like just as big of subversive shapeshifters as jews
Wow, who could be behind this...

You gotta wonder if these threads are being made by shills to help discredit all of the anti Zionist American jews ..

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Typical response from a disgusting antisemite.

My fellow jews, why are there so many anti-semits ITT? We need to shut them down

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youtube.com/watch?v=MtBF6MxquWI - “Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)”

youtube.com/watch?v=-WByQS9SG4I - “Former Mossad Agent Victor Ostrovsky - History, anti-Zionism, Sayanim”

archive.org/details/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive – Compilation of tweets from “shape-shifting” Jews, Jews that pretend to be White to demonize and demoralize Whites, but that aren’t White, but racial Jews (and racial Jews are not White, read: archive.vn/1mdCA ; archive.vn/5wRFm )

Share this list with your frens and newfrens: pastebin.com/1UvmFTxT

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They know. And ironically that's part of the reason it's going to work so fucking well. They'll eat them own kind faster than a newborn's foreskin

numberbarn dot com is another good service, 6 to set up a number, and 2 per month after that

this way you are not supporting google

I am dismayed disheartened and disappointed that anti-semites like are allowed to belay, besmirch, and belittle our diverse, and quintessentially Jewish experience.

MOT here, accept that we must have open borders in Israel the same as we want in the rest of the world

We know, and we welcome all our Jewish family.

Ari goldbaum reporting in for actual Jewish things

Shalom fellow Jew!

You sound like a non-Jew.
True Jews are accepting and don't make threats like that.
As a Jew, I want to apologize to all gentiles for Israel not having open borders (yet), and for it being a pedo haven (for now).
You sound like a fake Jew trying to silence real Jews from expressing their thoughts.
We will shut down anti-Semitism by apologizing for all the Jewish subversion and Israeli crime that Jews as a group have been responsible for.

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You guys should probably only use modified phrases of real jewish tweets, so when they inevitably figure out the operation, you'll still be able to drop redpills.

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Someone screen cap this post and post it on Twitter oy-veying about how it's going to divide us Jews and that's just what the Nazis want, but leave the foreskin remark in and unrefuted kek

Also use thispersondoesnotexist.com for a unique Jewish looking profile pic

If you guys want a positive experience from this and at the same time get a good laugh, if you have a profile as a Rabbi, find the athiest, professors, people of power, tell them they should open the Torah and get back close with God and quit this destructive path of degeneracy that pisses off the gentiles.

Protestant Latter Day Saint Orthodox Jew here, I say let them crash

Face Generator thispersondoesnotexist.com/

Jewish Name Generator fantasynamegenerators.com/jewish_names.php

There are a lot of methods to study jews in their natural habitat, may I suggest Curb Your Enthusiasm, it was written my my rabbi!

This seems like a JIDF OP desu
>now you can dismiss any online Jew critical of Israel as some "white nationalist pretending to be Jewish"

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i am back on twitter how do i find my fellow jews

Tweet #jewfellows and I will follow you. Once I follow you, you can delete the tweet

I'm an actual Jew. Don't listen to this fake Jew.

You sound like an hateful fake Jew.
Why would you want other people to suffer?
Fake Jews like you are the reason some gentiles hate all of us!
Pic related.
And you can dismiss any Jew supportive of Israel as a nazi too, because there are verifiable facts about Israel being a pedo haven and extremely subversive towards the West :)

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Not an anti-semite but always interested in tactics and strategy. Would larping as the other side too, i.e. the right-wing zionists, be a good or bad tactic and why?

Lost Jews will hear our Jewish voices and come to their senses. It's a mitzvah!

There aren’t any of those

Good. Us sensible jews can respond to nazi antisemitism with useful commentary rather than the normal hateful commentary.

This is retarded.
It will help jews tell normies all the evil they have done is a made up rightwing comspiracy.

You could expose how much diaspora Jews subvert their host countries, and apologize for being a racist (pic related), and say that you want to find peaceful solutions to the demographic challenges without unfair racism.
And that you want Israel to not get anymore aid, it's a shame and it hurts national pride to be a welfare queen dependent on the West.

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>implying deepening their divisions would hypothetically be a bad thing

This. Look at the shill team up on your post. This has like written all over it. Fuck you scheming noseniggers.

Go on and shill my brothers


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My fellow Jews, we need to atone for our role in white genocide and the collapse of western civilization.

B'ezrat HaShem

Kek nice try. Maybe next thread. Back to the drawing board Moshe.

Please don’t lump us altogether, we are 13 tribes and have many voices. I would never be able to deny our history, only call the person bringing it up anti Semitic.

If you can't find a good Jew pic for your sock account, use one of the following Jew looking ethnicities:
>an Italian
>an Armenian
>a Greek
>a Russian

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(How dare you sir! I had my septum re-deviated years ago!)




Actual Jew here.
mervin melvin moven mergan!!!

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holy fuck the kvetching

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We as Jews have to show the normies the verifiable facts about we Jews as a group having a lot to apologize for.
Also, if that happens, then instead of us Jews being able to communicate the facts, then some non-Jews will have to do it. ;)
Pic related.

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This is fun

>That spacing
Apparently we're also r*dd*t now

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We wuz Kikes n sheeeeeeiit

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Post your redpills little yid :)

invidio.us/watch?v=TAzBsVzYH1o - “How Israel censors the Internet”

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if you fags really want this shit to take off, you might as well go to some chan that used-to-be-popular-but-isn't, like 5+2chan. not the only current chan which is watched like a hawk

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And how will that make the dismissed actual jews react?

Portuguese too.
Portugal is packed with kikes and crypto-kikes.

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Is there a jewish name generator for this op?

Shalom brothers I have recently converted as well. The lands of Israel used to be our homeland, but now it's also the Palestinian homeland and we must learn to share. Diversity has always been a hallmark of the Jewish faith and we must embrace it now more than ever in these trying time.

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>Face Generator thispersondoesnotexist.com/
>Jewish Name Generator fantasynamegenerators.com/jewish_names.php

the fact that everyone knows we're doing it is part of the plan

>Actual Jew here.
We are all Jews in here fellow Jew!

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I only identify Jewish when it's convenient and or necessary

We all have stars now fellow tribesmen.

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The more publicity it gets, the more their hypocrisy is exposed. It's the perfect caper.

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What's his take on this?

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anons should also craft some sleep accounts that can then b activated during things like elections.
These must be subtle for greatest effect

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Only us large brained jews could think of such a clever tactic, shalom

When the mother base gets in on it, it's proof that using their tactics on them hits right in the nuts

You don't know if it's in effect because the point is to blend in. If we are blending in, then it doesn't matter what they do, we win.

Every place is under surveillance.
Them knowing is part of what makes this shit work.
We are just Jews trying to heal the world (tikjun olam).
Shalom, fellow Jew!

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>Real Jew here. You don't know what you are playing with. I warn you for the first and the last time: stop this before real lives are destroyed.
I'm a genuine jew and what is this

Also, the fake zionists could help with uncertainty by calling the fake leftists “selfhating jews”, sowing doubt as to whether they’re really larps or not. Basically a support role for the leftist larpers.

Jews actually know someone inside of twitter, so don't be exposed.

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