AIU calls out the Central Park 5 narrative

Based Devon is laying out a 7 park series to expose the lies and hypocrisy surrounding the entire narrative.

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Other urls found in this thread: tale of two narratives

First for fuck white progressives

Didn't this furry love Hillary Clinton?

lol dont give this guy clicks he is a contrarian who hates the idea of a white majority and doesnt understand niggers are a major problem in white countries.

Bullshit. He calls the niggers out on the daily.

i dont blame you for defending him because you are an aussie, but ever since his debate with the Chicago MVP Nick Fuentes I just cant watch him anymore

>i dont blame you for defending him because you are an aussie
Please explain?

How embarrassing

who the fuck is this gay furry i dont give a shit

All furries get the gas.


it wont change this israel loving kike who shilled for hillary

He's awful

AIU wins, every time.

He's right about the CP5, though. They were (and are) guilty as fuck.

He is a top tier youtuber. Based AF. I don't even care that we disagree on some policies.

Fuck Devon. I was shitposting one time and one of the mods threatened to dox me.


He’s a traitor to the white race

Because he doesn't believe you can create your Utopian ethnostate?

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>asking a question is a strawman
wew lad
explain yourself then?

bump. Awesome video. Can't wait for the series.

I knew it was true because they attacked Trump for it then I looked into it and everything in the video is what I figured out for myself in about 5 minutes of Googling.


Nice. Based kike with great production details.

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It's really refreshing to know that there's so much truth on Jow Forums still and you can confirm it yourself with publicly available information.

Most people are just too lazy to check the sources.

I thoroughly enjoyed the way you were able to express your view point.

Get fucked. Also the best media narrative youtube documentary is a tale of two narratives.

Christcucks BTFO

>a tale of two narratives.


Yup. That
He used one of his three passes for that fund the trannie's eunuch surgery bit; but he's got two more.

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>comes to american christian anime board to bitch about americans, christians, and weebs
Supreme aussie shitposting right here.. tale of two narratives

>white race
Literally no such thing


Why is Kangaroo Jack promoting atheism?

Which is to say that he neither insane, nor delusional.


Gettin comfy to watch. Thanx user.

I thoroughly enjoyed the way you and me were able to express our view points

>you and I
ftfy seppo

I knew you would fall for it

Haha sure you did, seppo.

Goodnight fren

night, fren

How can one man be so based and yet so blue pilled?

bretty gay

did you watch the whole video?

No u

I didn’t watch any of it.

I didn’t watch any of it

Yes, he went on and on about how anyone who didn’t vote Hillary was evil and orange man bad

He is also a doxxer who tried to get his critics attacked. I used to sub to him until the entire atheist movement (back before this whole world blew up and Atheism+ took over) exposed him with video, voice recordings and chat logs (which Devon? openly admitted to?)

well, it's actually redpilled.

Devon is a manipulative, lying cunt who got exposed for being a doxxing asshole who has to use his friends to threaten anyone who criticizes him. At least Anita and Big Red either try to hide it or are open about how shitty they are

I know he’s basically a shit lib who makes fun of blacks and loves Israel and gun control. Also he’s an atheist. I really don’t get it.

You mad, bro?

>red pilled
ok rabbi

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so what, that doesn't mean he can't produce a video that is redpilled.



>on Jow Forums

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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake

>who hates the idea of a white majority
he only lives in white countries and openly calls out nig nogs for living in shitholes

I'm a fan. Devon / AIU is a leftist who pushes back against the anti-white movement. He's a talented artist and his content has huge entertainment value. I disagree with him on many points but there's value in his message. Consider how helpful it is to have compelling content that might reach a mainstream leftist.
This guy works alone and makes several videos a week loaded with artistic visuals and music.
Claims of "doxxing" are bogus. He says if you so much as downvote a video, don't expect to be anonymous. In the past there were a few critics whose names were revealed by AIU fans. Putting a name to a YouTube handle is not "doxxing". Devon is a real person with a name and a face. He shows video of his family and tells personal stories.

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I didn't know much about AIU prior to that "debate", but he came across exactly like Destiny: completely bluepilled. All he did was keep disregarding redpills by laughing and then sperging out. He could hold even a basic level of conversation vs. Nick.
It was a shock because I saw a few of AIU's vids previously about black crime. So I just assumed he was stupid politically. Religious/secular wars aside.

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Kangaroo mascot.

>He couldn't* hold even a basic level of conversation vs. Nick.

>So I just assumed he wasn't* stupid politically
ffs I should read before posting.

This. I disagree with Devon on a wide variety of topics, doesn't take away from the fact he makes great content and is correct about certain topics ie race & crime.
I enjoy hearing his personal stories and those of his family.

Ahh, gotcha

He’s got some good vids. Saw one bout jew message behind handmaiden tale shit. Spot on

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>mfw I've never upvoted or downvoted a Youtube video in my life.

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Pretty good vid.. It could def. use some editing in the middle, (the ask an NPC bit); but good - prettay, prettay, pretty good. Looking forward to more. Thanks' again user.

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Fuck that. I look forward to my AI inquisition.


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When does he get to the point?

Actually, he has openly stated that he wants to live around Whites. He is still something of a contrarian tho.

i bailed when he went doubled down on israel and started having a tantrum whenever people ever brought up trump

He called the jews out recently;

it only took YEARS
he's still the generic "orange man bad!!!" kind of california
"i went to berkleyyyy for a tad bit so i'm definitely better than you!!!"

He's really backed off the whole orange man bad, and has somewhat adopted the orange man aint that bad approach.
But you'll never be able to remove the silver spoon from his mouth.

yeah im not going back to his channel after how hard he went full retard shilling for hillary at every possible second during the election
he said if i didnt like it i dont have to watch his channel, so i unsubbed

Atheists should get the rope

Christcucks get the rope first


fuck off, jew


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>has bestiality gif on his computer
youre not helping your cause, faggot

Every leftyJewcommie is an atheist and hates salt of the earth Christians.

Christians still make up most of the base of based white homeschooling westerners because they reject the mark of the beast. Many of them are covertly redpilled, even some of the Ziocucked ones.

>"Christcucks get the rope first"

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Bit rich coming form you leaf, where bestiality is legal.

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Pick one, seppo.

Doxxing claims are legit. He spergs the fuck out at anything less than butt kissing in his comments. Multiple times he posted videos of himself going through his comments and blocking person after person.

I'll pick both. Every group is hijacked in some way, but you have to look at macro stats. There are a lot of based Catholics and non-Catholic Christians, proportionally higher than the based non-Christians.

I'll pick Christians over Catholics any day of the week.

Kikes and mudslimes get the rope first.

And here are the purity spiraling faggots..

Guys, he's prowhite. I dgaf if he's progressive in other areas, his main thrust is being pro...white.

Why would you throw that away, unless you're a shill?

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I'm not sure how much better Trump has been. Hillary was shitty but she wasn't Obama-tier antiwhite.

I don't get it. Did he actually support Clinton? How the fuck can one guy be somewhat redpilled on anti-white but so bluepilled about where all of that anti whiteness originates?

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while i admit that trump has really performed under par, i imagine she would have been just as bad as obama, but with a retarded amount of shady shit going on during the presidency

Showing his guns

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1. Revealing publicly available information, such as your name, which is all he ever had revealed, is not doxxing. Doxxing is revealing credit card info etc.

2. He has no obligation to interact with people who comment on his videos in any way. If you found yourself inundated with messages from people basically saying "fuck you" you might be compelled not to interact with them either.

3. Why would you even care if he blocks people?

I kinda get the feeling he does it to throw off. I do not believe for one second he ever supported or voted for Shillary, no matter how much he pretends he did.