So, why do you put up with this?

So, why do you put up with this?

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He's not wrong.

Why should I care about some random stranger who gets cancer?

Because I'm tired of giving money to people who don't want to work.

It's natural selection. NownI have to pay a shit load of taxes for those who should just be dead anyway. Then they live an absolutly shitty life for a few more years and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then die anyway. I support helping children who get cancer. Anyone over 25/30 should just accept it and fucking die.

I think it's actually more than 500,000 too. Probably 5 million

Because the CIA bundled socialism with unpalatable SJWism on purpose

Live your life with purpose and meaning. Impact those you care about positively and make an impression on the to remember, every time you are around them. Stop pretending life is something that's free and that everyone deserves.

Looking at the statics, almost nobody under 40 gets cancer and it only ramps up as you get older.

But he is. Paying for everyone’s regular check ups, and also illegals using the ER as their doctor’s office has made healthcare costs skyrocket. I’m ok with a health insurance that only covers the things that I can’t afford, like a broken arm or a serious illness that I didn’t get because of my negligence, like diabetes or lung cancer

I can't wait until you get cancer.

Exactly my fucking point you tard

90% of healthcare issues are lifestyle issues.

You have to go back.. to fakerhateristan

Just get insurance lmao

I hope I do.
I watched my uncle get cancer from smoking and drinking his life away. He had a great retirement and sold everything to try and pay for the treatment. He emptied all his savings and what he was going to give his family. He was "cured" after his bank accounts were empty, then died 4 months after that because "oh it flared back up"

I'm pretty sure our healthcare is so expensive because we are subsidizing the gays with all of their diseases and a bunch of 3rd worlders plus boomers
but sure, go ahead and tax me more for a worse, government run service
let's see how far that get's you

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You're a million short.

Get a job and have healthcare

More like 98%.

Why, so he can live an absolutely shitty life for a few more years and then die anyways? That'll really change his mind!

90 percent of money spent in the system is spent in the last year of the patients life.

We could just randomly plug people using a lottery and save money.

This was a study done by Elizabeth Warren when she worked at Harvard, and the study includes every bankruptcy where the person had any medical bills even if the true cause was something else. Total bullshit

American hc is free if youre a spic or nig without any belongings. Some whitey will pay up and then have no kids to make it out of poverty. Working as intended.

>blowing money at a casino is a crime


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Why don't they just get Obamacare?

If the cancer is your fault (choosing to drink a lot, smoke, etc) then you should pay. If the cancer was from pollutants then the state needs to take measures to stop letting people waste stuff and throw exhaust and trash and chemicals around. If the cancer was a rare natural occurrence, then we can chip in and help. In a regular healthy society there would be very little cancer. I don't want to pay for someone's choice to smoke, using toxic chemicals, and live in a car-infested city.

I had a homo buddy tell me prep is actually very bad for you so cheer this faggot on eating cancer pills

Pretty callous of him to not care about the 500,000 doctors, nurses, and orderlies who won't get paid because Shanique had to get her foot cut off from the beetus and discharged the lien in bankruptcy

>500,000 people with nothing but credit card debt to their name will get world class healthcare and all their debt resolved for a ding on their credit score

Oh wow, poor plebs...

>I had a homo buddy
You don't get to be in the ethno state

healthcare costs skyrocket because the industry has an inelastic demand curve that is (((exploited))) and since it's all financed by pooled money they don't have to worry as much about being cost effective.

The left always worries about over population and how we are hurting the planet. Then tries to fight natural selection and save every single piece of shit aids faggot and cig cancer patient, but at the same time wants you all to kill your babies. The mental gymnastics are staggering

Their crime was that they smoked decades after their doctors told them to stop
Their crime was that they kept eating burgers and cheesesteaks, years after their doctors told them to stop
Their crime was they didnt take the minimum steps to maintain their bodies and now they are paying the price.

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>implying you can get insurance easy


This. Health staff will see their work DOUBLED. The health insurance money transferred to taxes will go straight into the government's pocket and never see the light of day again. Standard Bolshevism

>write a book
what a fucking jew.
fuck bernie forever.

Why does he think the government owes people a health they can't afford for themselves?
Nobody comes into this world with any guarantee of a full, long, healthy life... the Government doesn't exist to provide this it only exists to provide the opportunity for this to take place... coming out of a birth canal with two eyes, two ear a nose a mouth and limbs that work doesn't entitle you to have all the known medical interventions if that suddenly starts to fail.

There could be something Government could do to keep health care costs reasonable and Trump keeps trying and talking about thing but congress is just too fucking useless at the moment to do anything but have committees investigate his businesses, his inauguration , his charities his taxes.... so people ending up in ruin over health costs can thank the democrats in Congress.

Why doesn't


Bernie Sanders do something about it?

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unhealthy people with shitty genetics shouldnt be leeching off of everyone else, they need to naturally die off

How barbaric is a universe that let your ancestor get raped just to produce your retarded ass

because it could be you next

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>get job
>get insurance
>call insurance company
>get insurance
if that's too hard for you, you don't deserve to live anyway

testament that you can't trust the pharma jew

>It's the system that kills you, not provide care which saves your life

Because the majority of those 500,000 are spics, niggers, drug addicts, unemployed, and other types of degenerates. I do not want to pay 50% of my income in taxes like in Europe or Canada to pay for their healthcare. Fuck off.

The system is absolutely fucked up, but he's deliberately not tackling the root cause (insane healthcare costs, which have multiple causes)

Socializing insanely high costs is not a solution, it just makes things worse while temporarily convincing people that things will be better

Because spicks and black waste everything

If you own a small business, it's impossible to pay for insurance for yourself and your employees now. All the reasonably priced plans they used to have are gone. So the people who are suffering now are those employed at small businesses and all those employed right under the hourly cutoff.

Also, ironically enough, the people who don't work fall under the income level for Medicaid, so they DO get health insurance.

The lazy niggers on Medicaid get it, those with jobs with giant corporations get it (so the government is effectively helping giant corporations recruit the best talent), but small businesses and part-timers get fucked in the ass.

It's amazing how people don't understand what's going on here.

>have job
>believe the business owner jew and never demand insurance
>get mocked for wearing face mask while cutting stone by spic co-workers
>"fine whatever, I'll take it off"
>get cancer

his mind is like a blackhole
>it sucks in everything around it
>it is to complex for the average person to understand
>it's one of the most powerful forces in the universe
we all die, it's a sad fact of life, there's no reason to bankrupt your family to stay alive suffering. I know I hate saying it, but if it came to it, I would sacrifice myself so that my family could live a better life than seeing me suffer for what little I have left and having to foot the bill for it.

not all jobs give insurance

No, they're not. The niggers and spics fall under Medicaid limits, so they get free health insurance.

Because of Obama, the spics and niggers got healthcare, and giant corporations are still able to afford healthcare for employees, but small businesses and part-timers, a lot of working class and white middle class people, got the shaft.

Obamacare benefited shitskins and kikes, and it fucked over whitey, just as designed.

>one fat glutton in the world means no one should get healthcare, ever

Then option 2? Or get a real job?

Leading cause of bankruptcy in Canada, and UK?
Awww shit medical treatment.
Yes UK has no copays but when you have cancer or a serious injury you're not working for a year.

Canada is medical bills and the fact you can't work

What about thousands of small businesses who can't afford any of the garbage Obama plans? You realize that you're sucking kike dick with this attitude. Just go be a kike corporate slave with no ambition and fuck everybody with initiative who runs a business because it's impossible to recruit talent without decent benefits.

Fuck you. Wipe the corporate cum off your face. Every GOP corporate country club shill kike faggot like you should be put up against a wall just the same as leftist kikes like Bernie. You all suck authoritarian jew cock whether it's the cock of giant companies or the cock of big government. Fuck you.

>we all die, it's a sad fact of life, there's no reason to bankrupt your family to stay alive suffering. I know I hate saying it, but if it came to it, I would sacrifice myself so that my family could live a better life than seeing me suffer for what little I have left and having to foot the bill for it.
nice self-aggrandizing dissonance. How about you envision a world where you live to see your child graduate because you were smart enough to want healthcare, idiot.

she's the neo
this is the mister smith

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How many of them have medical bills for diabetes?

>What about thousands of small businesses who can't afford any of the garbage Obama plans?
Are you even a real business at that point? More like a lemonade stand

dang I better vote for miga trump because some fat idiot wants to vote yang

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>What about thousands of small businesses who can't afford any of the garbage Obama plans?
implying you make the small business pay for it when the pharma jew could foot the bill tenfold and still make billions of dollars in profit. Even I'm calling you a burger, burger.

because this doesn't happen if you're smart enough to do paperwork & have 60 dollars taken from your paycheck every two weeks. everyone's taxes don't need to be raised to >50% because a bunch of retards are too stupid or proud to plan ahead.

>pharma jews will just let you infringe on their profit margins

Insurance is a pyramid scheme. Hospitals are in on it.

Not to mention all the illegals that get free care off our fucking dime. So not only are we breaking our backs paying trying to pay for ourselves, Were also paying for 300 pound Carlos and his diabetes.

Something like 80% of medical expenditures goes to 20% of the population. Insurance companies figured this out forever ago and tried to take appropriate steps. Fuckwit Jews keep trying to prevent it. That's who these kikes are always talking about. These people are seriously defective, they are both ill and poor. Typical kike solution - make the goyim pay for it. Encourage them to reproduce and increase the share of the population with defective genes. It's not "lifestyle," it's the fucking genes, lifestyle is genetic. Fatty can't put the soda bottles down because he has too many copies of starvation genes and too few copies of willpower genes. This is how defective traits achieve fixation. Eventually everyone has at least one recessive copy of something like a hypothetical cancer gene. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Their crime is their parents reproduced their shitty genes and you let them do it.

I'm gonna check my own post.

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dont get sick, problem solved.

But he wants to give free healthcare to illegals. Why not Americans first?

where's the money they should have put aside in the case they got cancer?

cancer isn't some unknown disease that we just now have discovered, it's existance and the factors in which it is caused are well known amidst the public

if you don't have insurance, are a risk of cancer (obesity, smoking, familial history, etc) and don't have enough money for treatment then you deserve to die

btw: bankrupcy is theft


So, where is the money for "?free healthcare" supposed to come from? I never see any one on the left actually offering a solution, just that we should do it.

I have to rely on others for charity. My crime? Being born

Da top 1 percent

So, Jews? Seems anti-Semitic.

>0.15% of Americans go bankrupt every year because of medical bills
>let's overhaul the entire system!

It's not about health it's about control over the populace.

Over 50% of people in the hospital are there because of what they put in their own body whether it is obesity causing heart disease or diabetes, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.

This is the broken system we currently have.

you go to a grocery store and ask for an apple. The guy doesn't give you a price UNTIL you bite the apple. Then he says something ridiculous like 100,000 USD for a fucking apple.

you say you can't pay that You could have this APPLE (TM) insurance policy that you spend ridiculous amounts of money monthly and then the store and the APPLE company make a deal and get an "approved" price of 10 dollars.

So let me ask you?
1) does the apple(medical surgeries,operations, prescriptions) actually cost that ridiculous amount of money or is it being artificially inflated to force people to buy insurance policies.
2) what other business in the world do you not know the prices until you it's too late?


Fuck these insolvent losers. The average American has less than $500 in savings. No shit they go bankrupt if they get sick. They have no one to blame but themselves. The only way to escape this creeping socialism is to go to a country that has already had the revolution and realized communism doesn't fucking work. What is Bernie's solution to this 'problem'??? He is just going to increase the nigger tax white people have to pay.

>their crime was that they got sick

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Prescriptions are a large part of why shit is so expensive.

tackle healthcare costs
ask why big pharmaceutical companies get to keep on getting richer off of manufacturing epidemics and then double-dip by getting richer off of selling the cure, like those kikes who caused the opioid addiction epidemic with their drugs are also the ones who make the drugs used to treat opioid addiction. mighty fine coincidence, that's lucky larry tier lucky!

In the US, real state brokers depend on sick people to get good deals on property. You have Alzheimer's, forget to pay your property taxes? is sold for $900 to a real estate broker who flips it for $300,000.

Versus 100 million going bankrupt by being taxed to death to pay for some lazy nigger to get his diabetes treatment.

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This. Suck for the person with cancer but I have my own problems. Why should I have to pay for everyone's misfortunes? It's bad enough I already pay for lazy niggers, illegal spics, retards, boomers that pissed away their savings on stupid shit, single moms, druggies, and assorted human garbage.

Hes got a point. They can garnish your wages for unpaid medical bills.

How expensive is healthcare in Vermont Mr sanders?

That's on you for caring what spics think and taking off the mask. Let the spics laugh it up and choke on the tumor in their necks.

all of it goes to lazy jobless niggers and spics that clog up emergency rooms with muh belly exploded from dorito gas, it's a fucking joke but we can't do shit about it citizens in America are essentially second class citizens in their own country now

Use money that would otherwise have been spent on the military, or foreign aid, to establish a public healthcare option.

Makes zero sense to have the world's most bloated government, just to spend all of our money on Isreal instead of our own well-being.

You cant have free healthcare or even reasonably priced healthcare with open borders

It's deliberate on the part of monied interests and huge corporations who want poor people to bicker over which of the otehr groups of poor people are responsible for their poverty and lack of satisfaction, rather than all focusing on the people who directly and primarily benefit from the way we currently run things.

>So, why do you put up with this?
because I rather be alive and bankrupt than dead from curable diseases

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you can't have ciggerettes, alcohol, sugar and bands of gypsies and then expect us to pay for peoples healthcare