CIA report in

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are you going to shut down the local DEWs and other jewshit?

Will the new Director of National Intelligence tell you to fuck off?

Will your top kike, (Va)Gina Whatever, resign?

Are CIA niggers fleeing your shitty institution for greener pastures?

>Leaf Flag
Canadian Imbecile Association?

>Thinking the CIA wouldn't use a proxy to report in.

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When I called you an imbecile, that wasn't your cue to come back and prove it, leaf.

glow in tha dark nigga reppin the C_A here waddup??

p.s. take yo meds n shiett

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Sup /Pol\?

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We /cat/chan nau

Attached: strings_are_very_dangerous_for_cats.jpg (930x620, 72K)

Are you CIA or not?

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Is September 3 false flag still a go in seattle?