We are Jewing the Jew


>We must create a massive movement of fake Jewish profiles on Facebook, Twitter etc...etc...Since Jews shapeshift into whites anytime they want, we can do the same to them. The reasoning and goals listed below.

>>>>Jews are a protected class. LARPING as a Jew has the benefit of being uncensored by big tech. It beats the hell of fashygoyim1488 profiles. Nobody will listen to you, and you will continue to receive bans. You also have the benefit of labeling anyone an anti semite who disagrees with you. Use this to your advantage.

>>>>As a Jew, normies will listen to you. Especially boomers. You can take the blame for world events. Post redpill facts about your fellow Jews. Slave trade, monetary facts, mass media, porn industry etc...etc...

>>>>Being a Jew, you are able to subvert Jews themselves. Since Jewishness is 100% based on supremacism, you can use the same tactics they have used to dismantle our own society. You can push for more diversity in Israel, for example. More race mixing...etc...etc...If your fellow Jews disagree, call them Nazi's, racists, bigots, xenophobes. LOVE WILL WIN. Bring ICE detainees to Israel.

>>>>Even if Jew know of our plans, it will create in fighting as righty Jews will accuse lefty Jews of being fake profiles. This creates more division.

>>>Make sure your profiles are as authentic looking as possible.

>Do not link your account here

>Do not add fellow rabbiwaffen. You risk compromising your page

>Kikes are SEETHING

>This is a long term psy op that the real Jews can't win.

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yeah great idea now everyone will doubt whether or not an actual jew is actually a jew nice try retard

Leaf. Shut up faggot. We know you're scared. Don't worry, the gas wont take very long.

I will cheer from the sidelines. Because whether it works or fails. I just wanna sit back, have popcorn in hand and watch the world burn before my eyes and probably watch others do the same thing as I do. God Kek speed you fun, fun people!

are you advocating for genocide?

so? The point is jews are terrible and untrustworthy

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im skeptical about her post

yeah just like /pol

Jews are doing a very good job of exposing themselves as enemies of humankind without us organizing a morally questionable conspiracy that would almost certainly backfire. But those profiles do look funny. If you feel like doing it for the keks, go ahead I guess, but if you think there's something more here, you are retarded/delusional and should take a break from the computer (find a more productive thing to do with your time/effort).

Have a nice day everyone.

OP has studied the Law of One I see.
OP is not a bundle of sticks.

Thank you, Jow Forums, as there are some of you who are still exceptional shitposters who give me hope.

>My fellow Jews we must tear down the racist and xenophobic walls are Israel and allow in an unlimited flood of diversity from Palestine, surrounding Muslim countries, and Africa. We must put aside our Jewish pride and make diversity our strength

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It's already working, faggot. The real Jews are linking to Jow Forums and showing my original message full of redpills all over twitter and mainstream articles. It's a double edged sword for them.

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Bros... we should have the fake account list REAL jews and say ""OMG how antisemetic these accounts are all fake!!!"""

Then when they respond amd say they are real the fale account says... "thats just what a troll would say""

Fucking kek God speed.

Again, SO?! We have no reputation. Jews arrogantly expect respect for being terrible manipulative monsters while they pretend to everyone they have good intentions.

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This, and they are in fighting already. The dumb kikes blamed Jewish Voice for Peace

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>We have no reputation.
who's we? most people think /pol is full of incels

(((JewGate))) this will go down in history as greatest shit post of all time.

Real kikes showing their hypocrisy

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exactly you fucking retard.
kill yourself dumbass

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This post warms the cockles of my heart...

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wow settle down there elliot rodger I'm just telling it how it is

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You idiot!
Lying is the primary defilement of the Jew! Do not lie like them! It will lower you and give Jews power over you if you do this! This is an evil Jew trap! One ought to be able to yell out proudly in the court, yes, I stopped that wicked Jew! why didnt you, Justice?! Then one ought to be applauded and carried away on shoulders.

You show your ignorant jew arrogance by thinking we want to be the good guys. We are simply not evil. You spend so much time smelling your own farts you cant imagine a world where nobody gives a fuck about you and what you think.

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This is the same people who have been here...trying to keep everyone from "wasting their time" by doing this. It is awesome to watch you work, user.

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Do nothing goyim. Shut the fuck up, kike. It's over for you. There's a new kike in town. Real Jews exist only to serve fake Jews. Without us, they serve no purpose.

but now they won't know the real jews who post 100% sincere awful shit

Buah ha ah ja jah

The point is is that jews are already such two-faced hypocrites that telling the (((real jews))) from the fakes will be almost impossible. Small effort, huge payoff..

which, again, is what i was also doing.
God you're dumb, when you stupid kikes are pushed in to a corner you really dont have much to say do you?

Are you worried your time is up? Have you thought about what would happen when people get angry enough and they drag you into the street and beat you to death?

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Doesn't matter who the real ones are. The redpills are the only thing that matters.

>Making fake accounts and pushing for open borders in Israel is "Anti Semitism"
>But its not anti white for REAL Jewish twitter profiles to push open borders in White Western countries.

Let the red pilling of the white Goyim commence.

fucking autistic genius level trolling!

LMAO what a dumb kike, oy vey they never think ahead.

I’m a real Jew and I believe this is the right thing to do. All of my fellow MOT’s here know that Israel needs to open its borders. We also need to admit what we did in the past and apologize for our role in the slave trade. All true Americans apologize for the atrocities committed by their groups. That is the first step in healing.

What's this "we" shit, poindexter?

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Why are they so mad? They've done this to us for decades.

dont be too on the nose
remember trolling is an art

This really bothers them doesn't it.

Don't let this movement die out like everything else. This is important. Keep going.

As a Jew I have to say this is brilliant work! Keep it up fellow Jews!

Shalom! Fellow real Jew here. I completely agree with you. It is time us real Jews start advocating for #OpenBordersIsrael

>these fucking images
>these fucking posts
manifestation of cringe

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I used a pedo rabbi in case they caught this profile and they took the bait and reposted the redpill for me. 1488D chess. It's over for real Jews. They can't keep giving this attention because people will start figuring out their schemes, and they can't do nothing, because then we will just slowly subvert them all.

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Found the jew on the thread

Their whole belief system centres around them being a "Chosen People" and that all the rest of humanity are slave cattle that their god put here to serve them.

Its why their history is nothing but them getting BTFO over and over again. They never learn because their religion tells them we are animals who cant think for ourselves and they believe it.
Same goes for Islam but its not as radical as Judaism/Talmudism.

found the antisemite

That's the best part about these fucks

Jews like slaves or forced war.
This is why they had vocel neets, who have escaped the evil Jew game. If you lie like a Jew, your soul will perish to Hell and a Jew demonic ghost takes it over! Then rain or harpies have to put it down!

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well played user or should I say Arinon?

>Thinks Muslims technically count as antisemites

As a fellow Jew I agree!

"Fake Twitter accounts are impersonating whites and promoting racism against whites."

Its okay to be jewish
on twitter

Twitter locks your account for the slightest thing without a verified phone #, and rejects every free online service I can find. Are you using burner phones? Hope you're not using your real phones.

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I think your a fake Jew anti Semite. I'm reporting you.

Fellow semite here. Take it easy on the goy, they are just pointing out some of our past bad acts

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We should also make fake woke white girl accounts and lecture minorities when they're being problematic

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also kek

They don't if they think you're a Jew.

Sup bros

you goyim will pay for this

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I like this plan. Bump

No goy

You can't swing a dead cat on Jow Forums without hitting an anti-semite. That word has no power here.

>I think your a fake Jew anti Semite. I'm reporting you.
On no! He's going to call the Internet police!

this is amazing i dont even have twitter think i have to make one now.

so good

Checked and this is fucking great. You're a madman and i love it.

So he's gonna his wife's boyfriend?

Edit his post and replace the country with "Germany" and have him labeled an alt right terrorist. Kek

>You can't swing a dead cat on Jow Forums without hitting an anti-semite. That word has no power here.
Which is true sadly :(


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Ad the other user said, gassing won't take long. It's the most humanitarian way to go. Hitler was a humanitarian you would have to agree no?

that doesn't mean you should just automatically hate jews because Jow Forums does you conformist retard. you should have a valid reason that isn't some meme or something

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>implying we swing dead cats

Kol Hakavod fellow RJ. The red pills are all. They can’t refute those, we should call each other out in ways for more red pills. Go deep deep

this stuff is so good i really want to do it but i also dont want to get in to some bullshit pretty unlike probably just get account banned

are you advocating for genocide?

Oh shit

>God Kek speed you fun, fun people!
Closet fag detected

Have a (You)

agreed. as a foul-smelling, foreskin-sucking Rabbi myself, I think we need to leave white people alone and quit subverting american society. God banished us from the holy land because we love to sodomize children. We hide because we hope God can't see us or judge us. It's only fair to compare us to rats and vermin because of how disgusting our ideology is. I also like bagels.

Of course he isn't, are you crazy?

are you advocating taking away freedom of speech

Would you feel better if it was just you?

Not to memtion they arent real jews. Jesus even called the jews of then non-jews. its a great plan. Hope it doesnt run outta steam or get blocked. The goal should be to get a blue checkmark

That was a real Jew freaking out. He then admitted that Europe is the enemy of Israel.

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Fun fact: the hatred for Jews on here go as far back as the beginning of /b/. You should go to that board sometime. You'll learn a lot :)


ok im doing how do i get into groups on twitter going there no

The impact of Jow Forums unreal LMAO

>"fake jews" post about how immigration is a goos thing and israel can benefit from it
>"real jews" call "fake jews" anti-semitic white supremacists therefore implying they're anti-immigration
>Entire jewish population transitions from 100% pro immigration to every country except israel to 50% pro immigration to israel and 50% anti-immigration
>More infighting revealing jewish hypocrisy


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masterful troll. fuck.


>muh freedom of speech
see picrelated retard

are you cyberthreatening me?

I've been on Jow Forums since 2001 new fag

Fuk off Scott

and the Jews does not ovb