Alright fags I’m from the FBI and if you don’t red pill me I’m shutting down this degenerate website

Alright fags I’m from the FBI and if you don’t red pill me I’m shutting down this degenerate website

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Other urls found in this thread:

believe it or not the moon is actually made of cheese. I'm fucking serious

Hitler was right

shut it down NOW!
I dare you

Trees are Mammals

Words spoken like a real human bean.
And you talk like a fag.

Nukes aren’t real.
>basic video editing techniques and CGI were well known in 1930’s, so those vids of “desert testing” are fake.
>We didn't nuke japan, we just firebombed the absolute shit out of them and they played along with our nuke narrative like a dog with its tail between its legs.
>no nukes used in Korea or Vietnam, when we were being embarrassed by a bunch of rice niggers.
>(((they))) just want to prevent us from getting a revolutionary attitude or any sense of hope for guerrilla victory.

Pic related if you disagree.

Attached: AC167533-6D90-4BB9-A3E1-3E7AC0735459.jpg (1125x1275, 1.05M)


Hot babes with huge floppy futa cocks is the final redpill.

The best advice I can give any G-man is always pay your hooker.

Attached: cmNpYlpzZ3c2ektwNlJIL05EeFpBYnZsZEJ0b09SemZUNjBMeGhaaUI4bUYvdUFYTU9teDBnPT0.jpg (164x164, 7K)

If serious

In 5 years you won't work at the FBI. You will have been fired. UN will have taken over and it will be the UN (United Nations) that runs the show then. It's why you don't use the UN (United Nations) flag.

You'll be out of a job in no time at all when they take over.

Unholstered your sidearm and put a bullet in your brain you fucking faggot glow nigger.

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space isnt real, and the sun and moon are actually the same size. weve just been lied to that the sun is 400 times larger but also 400 times further away

slide thread

The earth is flat

Attached: i am boot.jpg (400x400, 40K)

>I’m shutting down this degenerate website

Better men than you have tried and failed.

Asian gf

Guys Chris pool if fucking based

Please shut down ok, also hoover was gay

Abortion is murder, but it is okay to murder niggers. We need to open more clinics and stop patrolling black neighborhoods.

It is always Jews but not THE JEWS

Asians are smarter but their lack of a moral center and empathy make them less human.

Niggers have low consciousness but are autistically good at cheating beurocracies. This is the ultimate reason they never develop functional societies, despite intense intervention.

Without strong clan/family units, white people degenerate into urbanite nihilist bugmen and hillbillies. Without strong ingroup trust their birthrate drops below replacement rates. This is a response to "banishment"

>Korea or Vietnam, when we were being embarrassed by a bunch of rice niggers
Neither of these is true tho

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