Epstein is a distraction

They're trying to distract you from the fact that the entire Amazon rainforest is being burned down by low IQ spic farmers and has been for the past two weeks.

Attached: Amazon fire.jpg (1280x960, 96K)

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Anyone have a pic of the buckets of black rain in South America?

They’re not trying to distract us from that, they want to bombard us with demoralising news stories. I bet they’ll be arguing the fires have sped up global warming and we’re all going to die in 10 years as opposed to 15

Oh fuck. Just from smog pollution, or?

Yeah sure retard, they are using a billionaire pedo with a sex slave island who had many pedophile actors, politicians, and high profile people there on the island and blackmailing them JUST to distract you from trees burning down

Retarded monkeys lit over 100 fires to show that they're "ready to work."

The absolute mentally deficient of South America really had the bright idea to set one of the worlds most important forests ablaze, and most have no clue above the equator.


There's no one but glows without souls on this site anymore.
Damn shame.

Brown people are a cancer on the planet. All they do is consume and destroy. That's all they fucking do.

I ain't heard of this until now

bumpin so people know

yup, totally not the Medici banking family that originally slit the Amazon Rainforest in half and stabbed an asphault spear through it's heart in the name of (((progress)))

>to show that they're "ready to work."

Capitalism fails another country.

massive sopa de macaco festival goes wrong


If you're in the southern US, it may actually be doing so in the form of smoke.

slide, bump. slide, bump.


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Brazil wants to get into logging.
Brown people get broken light bulb idea.
Brown people set over 100 fires.
Brown people say, "we wanna farm cattle. Look. We're ready to. See all these fires?"
No one seems to know outside of South America.

Supposedly this is Sao Paulo, Brazil in the afternoon.
Why am I being slid and why is no one talking about this?

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I saw those photos this afternoon. Spooky. But, what do they know about cattle? This display of fucking nature doesn't bode well for how I feel about being capable of animal husbandry.

Gas the retards, IQ war now.

whoah this is the real happening. thanks user, time to plant some trees and eat some black bean burgers. also kill some spics i guess, if you want me to.

>Epstein is a distraction
Don't come crying to us when your daughter gets snatched by the fucking Finders after school.

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It's true, I live in São Paulo. Shit was scary af.

lol get fucked trees

just leftists crying

Brazilians were a mistake

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The rainforest isn't the only place with trees.

Epstein doesn't even exist, was a made up person to take the fall



alright, so it will grow back. might take a while



Amazon "Rainforest" is "failed experiment

Terra Preta soil

>meme flag
>trying to get Jow Forums to care about climate change
you're doing it wrong

Oh, a post from the nineties has cone to the board. Nobody cares about the rainforest anymore.

Why's it matter where I'm from, nip?

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this is not how you get pol to care about climate change

Killing huge parts of the rainforest isnt't good though with or without propaganda. The planet is for 2-3 billion people

>Killing huge parts of the rainforest isnt't good
You act like it's your rainforest
It isn't
All the whales in the ocean are not yours either

But it would affect me too if rainforest gets destroyed

>the entire Amazon rainforest is being burned down by low IQ spic farmers

I don't care.

This isn't attempting to get pol to care about climate change. I doubt this would have much effect, regardless to that issue.
However, there's countless undocumented/undiscovered/rare/etc. species that will get destroyed there. There are countless medicines that may get torched. The rainforest is/was one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet.
The Amazon is responsible for many modern luxuries and your ignorance to that is not my fault, nor my responsibility to teach you. However, I do feel it's important for people to realize we're about to lose a lot more than just a couple degrees of chill.

You have no right to talk about whales with that flag and you have no idea how big of a deal the forest is if you think you're safe when it's gone.

Then fuck off, leaf.

Actually, your story sounds more like a distraction.

fake news, how the fuck could it possibly burn in a "rain" forest, it's fuckin raining in there you retards, jesus fuck do you even think?

Nothing is a "distraction", that is a bluepilled way of thinking. Something can only be a distraction if you absorb only mainstream news or trending memes in the first place.

Yea from the smoke. It was some Brazil user I believe. It looked pretty hellish like buckets of mud

Eventually you will be touched by the decivilization of brown peoples, especially as you have let many into your country. As the Western Europeans saw when they decreased control over their various colonies - the actions of brown people will eventually grow and overtake any and all of the civilization you take for granted. You don’t care because you haven’t been fucked by it yet


Brazilians are by far the dumbest hispanics second only to mexicans

This is an issue at hand, but saying Epstein is a distraction is something else on it's own way as in the sense that it pretty much shot your thread here in the foot.

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>the AMazon is being cleared

OH NO ONLY 250 Million square miles left!!!!!

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The ignorance of humanity will be its greatest downfall.

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Who gives a flying fuck it's just trees they grow back

You're glowing.

It would take a directed national effort generations to actually chop down the Amazon.

>entire Amazon rainforest
2500 acres has been burnt.
The Amazon basin is 1.2 million square miles, about half of that actual rain forest.
This word you used, "entire", I do not think it means what you think it does.

Direct energy weapons. Believe it. Maybe the official story will be that fire started due to a lit cigarette again, like notre dame.

Actually about 2.1 million square miles are rain forest.

hell yeah brother! just like the entire interior of our country brother!

>entire Amazon rainforest is being burned down

doesn't know how large the rainforest is
and is fake and gay

This. How fucking flamable can it be when they literally get several feet of rain there per year.


That's called a jungle in non-faggot speak

>They're trying to distract you from the fact that the entire Amazon rainforest is being burned down by low IQ spic farmers and has been for the past two weeks.
I wouldn't be surprised.
All world government, organization, NGOs are run by apocalyptic religious fanatics.
They want a complete "scorching" of the entire planet.

What's with all the gringos talking about our fucking forest as if it were theirs?

Didn't you cunts destroy all of yours?

I couldn't give a shit about what you think about the amazon, it's ours and we will do whatever we fucking please with it.

Also, if we ever get invaded or occupied by some Jew, you can be damn sure we'll burn the entire thing out of spite.

>Also, if we ever get invaded or occupied by some Jew, you can be damn sure we'll burn the entire thing out of spite.

Dummy, do you not know how fire works? That it makes - wait for it - moisture flash off into steam, if it's big and hot enough?

Go back to first grade and take science class again, and this time pay fucking attention.

You're not Brazilian, Brian.

Why are you laughing you filthy buccaneer.

That's exactly what we are doing.

(((Their))) plan for this country worked seamlessly, first they put us trough years of a socialist government (((they))) controlled to make us "elect" a "right-wing" "populist" government that (((they))) also control.

This government will turn this country into paradise for foreign corporations and the global elite, just you watch.

There are some people that see what is happening, and these people know that this is a force that can't be defeated as it brought down every empire it touched since they started with the Romans.

These people are working right now on turning this country into a barren wasteland, because they know damn well that (((they))) need this land and it's natural resources to set their evil machinations up north into motion.

You'll see a lot of barrages "failing" like brumadinho, ruining great rivers, you'll see a lot of "forest fires" taking place, destroying the forests, disease will spread, it already is happening, due to the sudden ramp up of propaganda against vaccines that these good people are slyly spreading around, you'll see dissent being sown, watch as the people turn against the police and the armed forces due to a manipulated shift in popular opinion.

(((they))) have underestimated our destructive potential, we are after all a bunch of savages who like to see treta and big bunda, and nothing else.

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Rainforests have shit soil. Deficient in nutrients.. they grow a few crops and the soil is depleted.. it's a very delicate ecosystem.

(((Big Ag/Pharma)))

Forgive them father, for they know not what they've done/are doing/will be lead to do more of.

Your actions will kill the world. (((They))) aren't you. (((They))) aren't your people. However, you and your people are just as despicable as (((they))) are if you let the fountain of Life die. I repeat from earlier, ignorance will be the greatest downfall of humanity. The trees aren't your enemy. The animals aren't your enemy. The rivers and life-blood of the land is not your enemy. However, becoming an enemy to that will curse you and your peoples forever, as much as it'd curse (((them))), if not worse.

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We will lose this battle, it might already be lost.

If humanity is to fall, we must bring them down with us.

If the good men of this earth are to be brought down by a bunch of scheming animals, then the earth, and everything in it must burn.

(((They))) will NOT win.

A fight is never lost until there are no men left to fight. A discussion could not be had here if there was no will to continue. You're correct that (((they))) will not win. Deus Vult (God wills it), Brazil brah.

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you tell 'em

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>The planet is for 2-3 billion people
nope it can support about 12 times that, leave it to Germany to be illiterate in just about everything

don't worry lads, I'm sure that the north hemisphere will kill us all through social degeneration first before we manage to kill our host by burning some leaves.

due to the highly specialized species that inhabit the rain forest, it might be a big enough change to eliminate them or severally decrease their numbers.
the forest my not recover.
>but all that space
the local area may not recover form many decades, which would put more pressure on the specialized organisms that inhabit different parts of the rain forest.

Brazil-brahs: Let's just burn some gears to dust.
American's: You guys shouldn't do that.
Brazil-brahs: You don't own this land.
>Error 404 in jungle.exe 2020

Again, and for the final time, your ignorance will be your downfall.

I'm pretty sure that you could solve this dilemma by dropping a nuke on rain forest, it worked well last time to get the point across.

>the entire Amazon rainforest is being burned down
Okay and? It's some fucking trees, who cares?

Oh yes, because I was definitely alive and the one who made the decisions to design and use nukes.
If I had any power, I'd rather put cyanide in all your towns wells, move white people into the country to create an ethnostate, and make the entirety of the rainforest a protected National Park. At least if South America became America, we'd be better stewards of the Amazon than you're being with that attitude.
As it is, I'm just a poor af millenial. So I'm just going to watch you burn over the internet while I sip coffee.

Fuck off demoralizing kike.

The amazon is filled with uncultured savages and dangerous insects/animals. G-d bless Bolsonaro for doing what needs to be done and giving Israeli business the green light to conduct business in that area. Brazil and Israel forever!

Try harder glowfag.