Nofap thread

don't touch your weiners anons, I believe in you
it helps to not give into vices when dealing with kikes, so stay strong

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Other urls found in this thread:[embed]

im on day 3!!!!

day 5-7 is the real challenge

i made that at one point, it hurts
day 3 over here...

Please post more pictures to help with resisting the fap.

Post moar

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no porn is degenerate

Its more degenerate to hide from it.

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That's not porn though

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Based and Ke-Ta pilled

stop lying

easy guide

>post hypersexualised anime picture
>"don't fap!!!"
Don't be a stumbling block, bud.


thats my Rhodesian girl cartoon user it's a test

This is now a New Game thread.

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Does nofap make anyone else want to be a tranny?

>it helps to not give into vices when dealing with kikes
Mind to elaborate on this?

As far as I know the only upside of No-Fapping is the testosterone increase you get at day 7.

No-Porn on the other side is far more complex, hard to study and allegedly much more benefical in my own experience.

So, is anything that can back up your claim of absolutely no edging being any good?

This please

it's more about not giving into the dopamine addiction at all and not wasting the time user

the psychological benefits are generally subjective AFAIK

fine faggots

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nope. just makes me want to fuck. and dream about fucking.

No... why do you ask?

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user i think you're repressing something
(and that's a good thing)
cut all onions out of your diet and go outside

I have trouble dealing with rage. On nofap I'm angry when I wake up. I'm angry when I never sleep. I'm so tense I can't talk to anyone, which is a big problem because I live alone and have no friends or family. I have to rely on strangers for all my social needs. So I'll be up all night, unable to speak to another human, constantly battling impulses to hit people and scream at anyone who comes near me. I used to live in a state where whores were cheap and effortless to find. Now I'm in a cuck state where I'm supposed to focus this energy into making money? For a family which I don't have? After I'm in unbearable pain and start hallucinating I'll fap 7 or 8 times in a 24 hour period then I can sleep and relax.

user if you're that fucked you should absolutely keep fapping
consider seeing a doctor, seriously that isn't healthy

Holy fucking baby Jesus, what fhe tuck is wrong with you?

I can even bet yuo read that wrong, why not get a punching bag?

i-i was asking for a f-friend
friend says thanks

>I'll fap 7 or 8 times in a 24 hour period

knew someone that in highschool got up to around 30 times a day.


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How many did it took that other asshole to die of fapping overdose?

>inb4 it was cialis overdose
>Beats me if I care

jesus christ just fine a drug that mimics dopamine

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stay strong lads, you can do it

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once a week is best

>thinking this is attractive

Which states are we talking about here.

I'm on a gang of medications. I always worry mossad is gonna frame me for a mass shooting. I'm circumcised and ted bundy in his execution video is the only person I've heard describe the way I feel. I'd be a serial killer in a heartbeat if I knew I'd never go back to jail. The Jews made me like this.

Try 5-Htp and B6 it boosts serotonin

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Femcel detected

Thanks user, it's OTC in leafsville!
INB4 drugs are bad.

I saw another user saying the 7 day drop is a sham. Its a 7 day drop in free test. He ssid that your body is using more test now and it drops.

>boosts serotonin
For what purpose? to get the same high or to recover from that much masturbation?

careful with h55p
i took it every day for like 2 years
reaaaaaly fucked up my brain chemistry
honestly has not been the same since

Red flag. RED FLAG.

zinc helps but you have side effects. More sperm yes but other issues.

You should listen to this song. It mimics dopamine, caffeine, and adrenaline. It also sounds like the archetype of kazoo kids worldwide:[embed]

What happened to you

I did 3.5g/3.5g/5g of shrooms (I'm 115lbs so those are definitely solid doses for me) within a few weeks around a month or two ago and yeah I haven't felt the same either
apparently 5HT receptors aren't fucking around, but fuck being careful right?

>t. Low test leaf

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seeth harder chinklovers

" Serotonin in the brain is thought to regulate anxiety, happiness, and mood. Low levels of the chemical have been associated with depression, and increased serotonin levels brought on by medication are thought to decrease arousal."
But like you said don't take it everyday and don't quit it cold turkey or you'll be even grumpier.

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user please explain

whats the before and after?

Red flag isn't new. Obama had the same thing but with a different name. An ATF special agent called up one day during jis term and asked me to surrender my firearms. What am I gonna do? tell him
>no I'd rather fight to the death with some unnamed SWAT guys
I turned them in. So I'm a 2A cuck and a bootlicker big time. Who cares. If some nigger tries to shoot me I'll just die.

Can we address how big of a thot air really is please? Like that bitch will swallow all your load at the same time if she has to, and your worried about trying not to cum in her? You got bigger fish to worry about, try beating it and actually not giving her what she wants y'all a bunch of defeated cucks

>I'm 115lbs
are you a kid, trap, woman, midget? Asking in a nonjudgmental way

>if she has to
dont even sit there and act like she doesnt want it.

well the general visual distortions I've had for a very very long time (maybe DXM made those worse) got more pronounced and I can get weird hallucinatory flashback type stuff happening.

Looking at nature feels completely different, due to spending a bunch of time looking at a mirror I now have weird feelings about my face, every single time was somewhat traumatic (first was one of the worst experiences of my life, period) so that had an effect.

There's noise over everything, things burn into my vision very easily, sometimes look like they're breathing. I feel extremely weird about my life and the world in a way that feels generally dysphoric sometimes.

builds character lol, I'll definitely do it and other psychs again

About 5"10 and a skinny faggot, ribs not showing and I'm not a twig though. Teenage, but you knew that.
>five different studies done on rats, showing orgasm downregulates androgen receptors- meaning orgasm shuts down things that use testosterone and turns on receptors that use estrogen
>study showing orgasm severely diminishes dopamine (the chemical of willpower and wanting to get things done) and dimishes oxytocin (feelings of self-worth and love) and raises prolactin levels which is the neurochemical of satisfaction

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I'm too high t to not jack off or have sex, sorry bro.

I hate that if I do it every day I get tired and my brain goes mush and I might as well be a zombie on auto pilot. If I don't though anxiety and depression skyrocket. Its like making the decision if I want to get stabbed or shot everyday. Only thing that seems to fix it is spending social time or cuddling, but both of those require social interaction that I suck ass and dread at.

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>but user that's forbidden love, girls like us can't be naughty

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I feel ya user. If you keep trying you might end up liking it, and it'd be a downhill climb from there. Beats the hell out of cucking yourself IMO.

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don't be a shill, be a hero

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Im a victim of the adderall ssri's fad and that sorta sounds like things I experience, maybe not as dramatic though.

Funny, I also got prescribed 2 different SSRIs and Vyvanse. Only take the Vyvanse anymore, occasionally. LET'S GIVE KIDS AMPHETAMINES GOYS. TRUST US.

I was on that for a while.
Im sure its fucked my brain up, all of it. Lead to antisocial behavior and amplified my autism destroying any chance of learning to socialize early on. Sorta feel like its made me more extreme too.
You give that shit to a 5 year old and force them to take it until theyre well into adulthood and not expect their brains to be fried.
mfw they want to ban video games and not chemical lobotomies.

Ahh shiiieet trips of truth..but I mean the for play is great, just tease her for weeks and she'll beg you and give you anything you want.

>implying she doesnt give me her all anyway

I actually wasn't implying anything at all, or maybe I'm just retarded, maybe I'm make believe kek

user I am going to read that
and I'm going to screenshot your post and thank you for showing me
and post that every time there is a nofap thread

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Only an uncompromising Jow Forumslack gf who wanted a ton of Aryan babies could possibly keep me from fapping.

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Fucking unit. Take that rage to the gym and get huge.

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>Edging is the true redpill

It's really horrible that there's so damn much of it being prescribed to kids. Sure a few cases might be good, but from experience it makes shit worse. Just like the effect where antidepressants cause suicide more than the depression would have by allowing the person to function long enough to die.

Listen to this leaf

>t. schizo

It is the people who complain loud and public about vices that are the ones indulging in the worst sorts in secret.


I wish man.

It's what the graph says mr doctor

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>whoever smelt it dealt it
that's sometime's true, but not a general rule, really.

c-c-c-combo breaker!

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My balls actually ach if i go longer than 7 days without fap. Maybe that's just me being insanely horny by then. I will not fap tonight !! But you see when i relapse i dont use porn , i use text based erotica because i used to watch the most vile porn and felt disgusting after.

We will all make it boys.

is that a vegena sir? when can I have

If that pic induces even a shred of wood, I have some bad news for ya.

user, when you feel the need to fap look at some gore instead.

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Hey at least we're thinking about it. Most don't go that far and will mindlessly fap as often as possible without realizing the effect the porn is having on them

nofap is a demoralization campaign unless you got a reason. Males need to expend their sexual energy if it becomes too strong. If you are a low confidence nigger do some pushups before you fap to justify it. It's not healthy to avoid fapping, but its also not healthy to fap 7 times a day and be a jobless neet.

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Good luck goys

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This is my mindset most of the time. But then some "healthy indulgence" slippery-slopes into hentai, general porn, lethargy, and less free time. I want to try to escape that.