Contructive Action

Why hasn't anything changed? Because you are exactly what your enemy wants you to be: Online, Alone, and Afraid. No one gives a rat's ass about your ideology if you have nothing to show for it. What does White Nationalism have today? Message boards and sticker clubs. No amount of attacking jews, blacks, or homos will change the fact that you have nothing. So then why not do something productive?
They want you to be a loser? Be successful.
They want your race to die out? Start a family.
They want you to be alone? Form a community.
Nothing is stopping you. If history has taught us anything, white men's creative power is the greatest force on earth. Our ancestors flourished in a world full of famine, war and plague. What's your excuse? Some pink haired feminist? Africans that we owned less than two hundred years ago? You've all given up on life, when the essence of being a man is life-giving. It's time you stop living through your enemies and build something for your race.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Agreed, good shit mate

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Wow, this is such a well made comic!

Fuck off honkey

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Fuck off I like violence

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I really like the comic, it has a good art style and a good point. I rate 14/14 88/88

Non-contributing positive comments. Not obvious at ALL.
Quit seeding the thread nobody cares.

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Your mayo ass isnt doing shit

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>please don't spread imagery that encourages building healthy, White, National Socialist families

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Oh, hi, Eurasian tiger

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>Fuck off I like violence
You like talking about violence

Then don't talk about it publicly you moron. The only person who feels the need to announce that they're powerful are people who have no power. It's pathetic and transparent.

You know what our enemies are actually afraid of? Entire US counties flipping NS but not giving them any legal room for reprisal, with each household too well-armed and well-trained to eliminate in any clandestine fashion. They're afraid of high white NS birthrates, of NS control of a police force, of a city and county government, of business and industry, of the social hierarchy of a region. They aren't afraid of losers who make empty threats on the internet. Which one are you?

Have sex

This. No one is afraid of the guy who always talks about beating people up. They're afraid of the 6'4" titan who could tear a man in half.

People who talk about violence will never do anything. Tarrant didn't talk about it. Dylan didn't talk about it.

This. The solution is obvious even from here, the Northwest Imperative is the ONLY plan white nationalists have.

>reproduce and (((consume)))
This comic is stupid when you realize he'd only have to kill 10 Muslims to make up more than the difference
Given how many people can be killed in a single attack this actually makes the case FOR more Tarrant style attacks, you retarded cunt

Did a woman make this?
Someone can't into math.

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>white people in charge of not ruining their own birth rates
And it's really bad with those of high intelligence. They are always making up some excuse like "I can't afford to have kids" as if it's completely impossible when millions of people, both rich and poor do it every day. They are just simply selfish, and would rather see their own people perish into idiocracy than spread their favorable genes to the next generation.

Whites are a lost cause.

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Give birth

>he'd only have to kill 10 Muslims to make up more than the difference
You know how many Muslims there are in the world faggot?

Why don't you make kids first before you go and get yourself killed or incarcerated? Are you too much of a loser to find a wife?

>tells me to fuck off
stay legal goys
How fucking cucked are you? Quit changing IP's you're not fooling anyone just talk to me straight. Legality? Literally last week a kid was arrested in CT for posting Boogaloo MEMES. MEMES GOY! Legality has nothing anymore. Soon enough just being white will be a crime. Reparations, white guilt, all of it will be encoded into LEGALITY.
The fact that sodomites are given legality. Honestly you're the weakest, spineless most lilly livered coward I've ever seen here. You come from 8ch or something?
Go and stay go.
>oh boy another single line positive comment that is meticulously detailing a narrative while at the same time contributing nothing.

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>A nigger is telling me to give birth
First of all, we are. That's literally the topic of the thread, but I know niggers can't read. Second of all, we don't even see your race as a threat. Niggers are a race of losers and professional victims. Most of your babies are aborted and your population is shrinking. You're a member of the most pathetic race to ever exist.

You first fed faggot.

>oh boy I’ve got so many guns I’m so tough, we’re all gonna rise up and FIGHT guys!

Why did this thread upset you? No ones stopping you from doing anything, go do whatever you want. Why do you want to stop whites building communities?

I'm not telling you to stay legal. I'm telling you to stop posturing like a pathetic little faggot.


Ideologically motivated mass murders accomplish absolutely nothing except discrediting the ideology associated with them and granting exploitable victimhood status to the victims. That's why most of them are false flags.

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This does make a modicum of sense if you weren't such a spazzoid. You will entertain my bullshit because my bullshit is what 90% of the fuckers here are starving for. Multi-variate strategy is fine. Just don't say that Tarrant did nothing right.
>math is fed
>tell me what you're doing goy
I'm not that stupid. Gather your goons, go do hoodrat shit, but loose lips sink ships. This thread jesus fuck. They have you all coiled under your beds scared to do jack shit and quivering at the mere mention of actual action.

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Not having children is pacifist. If you want to rely on your guns without securing the existence of your people as well, you're missing a big part of what's necessary for our race to survive.

And yet people here still glorify them.

>if you kill your enemies they win
unironically suck-start a shotgun your ancestors shed blood for you.

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Based, bump

Nice memeflag, Chaim.

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Except you're not killing your enemy. You're not doing anything but sitting here talking about it. Even worse you're childless and you pretend to care about the white race.

You guys ever happen to see "Yo gabba gabba?"

>Don't stab people! ~ Don't stab people! ~ It's not nice! ~ It really hurts!
Nig nog gets a medal

I told OP to fuck off you alb*noid
You fags talk but I dont see many shootings. Maybe two or three a year

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If you were gonna do anything illegal, you wouldn’t be posting here about it, unless you’re a fucking moron. And I didn’t ask what you were doing, I don’t want to know. I want to know why you don’t want whites to build communities.

-51 births for the Muslims.

If he does make it through jail in 27 years like he predicted he will still be fertile and can make that giant family too AND their family will have underground criminal protection.

Thankfully Australia doesn't seem to believe in the death penalty, and if he does die in jail or never get released, he still has 51 Muslims notched on his rifle.

I don't agree with Tarrant's methods. I would've just joined the military to kill people with different skin colour who follow different traditions and worship the one God in a heretical way. But that's just me. Some people can't help but to shine while others play in the shadows.

Attached: Brenton_tarrant_victory_royale_fortnite.jpg (720x420, 32K)

You can't have good threads on haIfchan Jow Forums they get slid straight away. This is the kind of thread that would be seriously discussed without any shitposting or trolling on fuIIchan.

>Just don't say that Tarrant did nothing right.
Can your peabrain wrap your head around the concept of public policy? Why the actual fuck would a group that anyone can contact and try to join have the public policy of advocating for violence? That's actually retarded. You're a moron. Go join AWD you edgy faggot.

>They have you all coiled under your beds scared to do jack shit and quivering at the mere mention of actual action.
I think you want to believe that because it makes you feel special or powerful. None of us are afraid of being in a gunfight, but we aren't rushing off to some ineffective suicide mission when there's deeper strategy to be had. Not only are you not some super rare, special specimen who is exceptionally brave, but you're frankly just dumb and lazy. Committed your life to a multi-faceted strategy that will lead to the formation of a white ethnostate is a hell of a lot more work than a masturbatory shooting that won't even make a dent in non-white demographics. I can wager a guess as to why you choose one over the other: you're a defeatist loser who knows he can't find a wife.

You forgot to add the part on the right where the wife leaves, and the kids are blacked.

This, but don't tell the non-whites.

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>missing the point entirely
Killing random shitskins is destructive accelerationism and solves none of the problems we currently face. Start a White family and raise them into men who will fight by your side in our time of need.

Agreed, though at the very least we can gauge how good an idea is based on how heavy the shilling is.


Tarrant should have had as many children as possible and THEN killed a shitload of our enemies. The two are not mutually exclusive. It's called an NS retirement.

>Insecure virgins
Jow Forums never changes.

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But Tarrant's children would grow up fatherless.

That is not the way, to burden a wife with children who will never recieve a father's influence for 27 years...

Better to die a virgin than die a faggot.

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Jesus christ you are pathetic.

There is big issue I have with the New Awakening. It's too focused on one section of the country, why can't we have the entire country, not only Cascadia. Why do I have to read Covingtons work when I disagree with a good portion of what he says.

Why can't we be Fundamentalist National Socialists, we slowly remove the minorities through denying them social benefits, as a forced emigration with cause them to rebel, and that blood does not have to be spilled. We forcefully deport all Jews to Israel, and if they refuse, we put them in prison.

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the chans are for talking, dipshit. Look at what happened to 8ch and endchan.
Keep it to yourself moshe.
I want whites to build communities, but this retarded comic shits on direct action. You think you're gonna outbreed a chimp? HAVE YOU SEEN THE BIRTHRATES OF SUBSAHARAN AFRICA?
We must secure an existence for ourselves, and if you're not brave enough to fight then may as well breed why not. Not everybody has to be a front line soldier. But don't shit on those who can.
That's more like it. Last left-hand panel should be an army of inspired disciples, last right-hand panel can be the safe community that invariably hides behind strong men.
Then be clear on your mission instead of "hurr durr if we breed we can out-number the hapas" bullshit.
Tarrant said "It's the birthrates" and you shit on his legacy by using that quote and damning his actions. You started this confrontation out of your own ineptitude. Picrelated is what happens to people who break from the system LEGALLY without first securing their future through violence.

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Children who will grow up with pride knowing their father did absolutely everything in his power to secure a future for them.

Maybe it's not fair to the wife to have to raise children on her own because the father went off to fight. It's also not fair that the father can't raise his kids because duty calls him to fight. We all have our wars to wage and whites understand this instinctively.

Quoted the wrong post

There is a good saying from the IRA, loose talk cost lives. Don't frequent members houses, don't tell your family, no one must know.

Likewise faggot, at least I was able to post correctly.

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Why do you WANT the whole country? It makes the job exponentially more difficult. The idea is to gather the racially conscious community, which is ineffective spread so thin, but will be effective when gathered. Is your objection based on you not wanting to physically move?

For once we agree. Martyrdom, while tainted by the likes of the suicide bombers, is a powerful tool.

Gotta question for ya. Neighbour lady confided in me she has a frozen embryo she doesn't know if she can transfer because she's 40 and she has difficult pregnancies and has had two prior c sections (and she's a career woman type). What am I supposed to say to her?


what flag is that at the end? i want to learn

>Then be clear on your mission
Nigger I JUST got done explaining to you why making a group's public policy the advocation for illegality is retarded. The hope is that people would be smart enough to read between the lines and, aside from dumb edgy niggers like you, people can.

>I want to learn
You must first learn how to capitalize.

Time will tell. Hopefully he can start a peaceful life after being free like he predicted. He is a Modern Era Nostrodomis, lets just hope his vision extends 27 years into the future...

So much will change 27 years from now. Heck, maybe he will get to share a drink with Breivek. That would be nice.

It is a lonesome road he walks, but he has friends in strange places.

>What's your excuse?
I'm extremely unmotivated and have become indolent and incompetent. Reality comes at you fast man, some of us just fucked up.

>why can't we have the entire country, not only Cascadia
There aren't enough White Nationalists to take the entire country yet. We are scaling things to workable proportions. But regardless, you can work towards an ethnostate anywhere and you should if we don't convince you to move.

>Why can't we be Fundamentalist National Socialists
We are

Attached: LightVsDark.jpg (1944x1104, 491K)

I like where I live, it's majority White, and all it would take is truth. I used to live in a shithole, try New Mexico, then I moved. I'd much rather focus on this specific area, and if it doesn't work, there are alternatives that I will take to ensure the future of my race.

Attached: Smile.png (1920x1080, 799K)

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Contact the New Awakening for networking purposes, then.

You're operating under the false assumption that Whites should ONLY have White families and NOT fight when is necessary. That is the integral flaw in your entire argument. The comic argues that claiming "It's the birth rates" while not only refusing to start a family beforehand, but also killing NPC muslims is incredibly short-sighted and only leads to greater oppression of our people and a surge in the birth rates of our enemies in response.

Just remember (((who))) is responsible for this mess.

Self Improvement is the key. Build some confidence by developing yourself. If you can't pull that off, find someone remotely based who can motivate you. Chances are you know one or two.

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Get your shit together white man. You are needed

I followed this advice. Married a white woman (virgin) and so far we have 8 children. We're doing our part. Raising them in the country, very traditional.

Excellent job, comrade. When are you moving to the PNW so your children can play with our children?

The art style is actually pretty good.
DESU being childless and killing Muslims does nothing at all. It causes your race to be demonized and go nowhere other then an iron cage of the Jew's laws.
Brother, remain hopeful.

White families living off the land is the best weapon.

HOWEVER, we should not play nice. Don't do stupid shit that plays into (((their))) hands, like not having white kids, or killing people. Instead, have white families, raise them right, homeschool them starting at the age of 12.

AND ... form militias with other WNs.

>another 1ID shill
>read between the lines dude
>just interpret my words in a way that makes sense

I'm not doing your job for you retard. And what "group"? You and your 5 alts? lmfao get out of here. Groups get compromised, so true you wouldn't create a group (fuckin AWD jesus christ) because that's how you get taken down. Decentralized violence is the first step. We've seen throughout history that a decentralized guerilla force with a simple objective (make an area ungovernable, for instance). Once the FED is overwhelmed, then you can start taking responsibility for the violence, calling others to action.

>not knowing that violence is the highest form of love of your race
>not knowing that Hitler used dark themes constantly representing times of trouble
Come on dude this is revisionism


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Choose life user.

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>Hitler used dark themes constantly representing times of trouble

delusional thread that ignores the real problem of massive hordes of socialists flooding in through the southern border. it will not fucking matter what you do when these people start voting for socialist policies that rob you and your family of everything they earned. fuck off, retard. the roman empire was finally finished off due to mass immigration and history is repeating itself

Rush neds to run another day employed patriots show, like he did many years ago it was very hinbling.

>And what "group"? You and your 5 alts? lmfao get out of here. Groups get compromised, so true you wouldn't create a group
It's called an autonomous cell structure, not lone wolf tactics. A cell of 3-5 people is a hell of a lot more effective than one person and can operate independently of the whole, without risk of one cell's infiltration hindering the whole. It also makes it easier to transition to a government, and expands the opportunities each cell has. This is how the IRA does it.

>Once the FED is overwhelmed, then you can start taking responsibility for the violence, calling others to action.
A new nation will not spontaneously form just because you wish for it. There is more strategy to it than that. Quit being a lazy, contrarian faggot. You don't even disagree with anything I've said.

This group claims to be Hitlerite but doesn't even read lmfao. Do you know how many battles and brawls were fought before he was ever Furher?

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Another delusional shitposter who takes zero responsibility for improving the situation. Instead he spends his time on here explaining the obvious. Yes, America is going to collapse fuckhead. How are you preparing for it?

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Nigger did you read the thread? We recognize that the US is done for. This is promoting a white secession.

would you kindly quit painting over the Fuhrer's works?

No one is saying we can win without fighting. We're saying violence isn't sufficient. The occasional mass shooting is purely masturbatory and does nothing to preserve our race. We need to be doing more.

Wrong, you've missed the point again even though I've clearly spelled it out for you. Once again, the comic starts with the words "It's the birth rates" while doing nothing to promote our race's birth rates. Instead, he does something that inevitably leads to higher birth rates of our opposition. Killing random muslims does NOTHING but push them to have more children in retaliation. How many more muslim children do you think have been born since Tarrant's actions? Do you think he made any positive difference with 51 kills when untold numbers of muslims have been born since then?

Additionally, the comic does not tell you to not fight, it tells you to fight in a way that will secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. Build our race's numbers and raise them into a collective of fighters militiamen, and leaders, not lone-wolf shooters.

I count 7 kids in that photo

>decentralised violence

Dude you’re kind of proving more and more that you’re just a keyboard warrior who’s upset at the idea of having to do anything except fantasise about being a heroic soldier. Because if you were really a lone wolf violent activist, you’d either be off doing things, or you’d at least be on board with whites organising to build communities.
And also, Revolution is always organised.
This plan is good and you know it, so stop arguing with them, stop talking about illegal things on a PUBLIC FORUM, and go and do your own thing, if that’s what you want.

It's not 7 + 51. It's 7 * 51.

>can do math = is a fed

>would you kindly quit painting over the Fuhrer's works?
What's wrong? NSDAP not being edgy enough for you?

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Sounds good is there a manifesto of which I can turn into infographics? Enough of waiting for godot.

My ancestors shed the blood fellow whites along with colonial subjects for his oppressive Victorian police state and feudal lords.
They didn't shed blood for me. They gave me my blood by having fucking families you literal retard. That doesn't mean being a cuckservative pacifist, it just means not being a random shooter.
Unironically have sex. With your wife.

My ancestors shed the blood fellow whites along with colonial subjects for his oppressive Victorian police state and feudal lords.
They didn't shed blood for me. They gave me my blood by having fucking families you literal retard. That doesn't mean being a cuckservative pacifist, it just means not being a random shooter.
Unironically have sex. With your wife. Home school. Network. Do not concentrate or form compounds unless you want to get WACO'd, though.

NO YOU SMOOTHBRAINED IMBICILE, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE USING HIS WORKS. God you make me sick you Larping faggots. Use the Swastika, Yes, but plagiarize and plunder works and name them as your own like this? On top of this "LightVsDark" Trash?
You are twisting National Socialism into this cucked cult and it's clearly not hitlerite.

if you have to explain a comic, it's bad.
if you have to explain a joke, it's bad

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