Dear German People:

You are the greatest nation in Europe (well you could be). You have the most potential to restore and save Europe. You were the only people that fought for the world in WW2. You are beautiful people and I do not want to see you perish from the guilt complex that has been inculcated into many of you (especially German woman). Everyone on here likes to blame Germany for everything. Hitler did not destroy German. The treaty of Versailles did and Hitler restored Germany. I just think we need more German apprecation around here. What did other nations do to defend against world Jewry? They collaborated and attacked the only people who could have possibly changed the course of world history for the better. I love Deutschland

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (1280x768, 989)

Other urls found in this thread:


Rise again, brothers. This time we will join you, as family should.

Attached: bundestag.jpg (1073x361, 45K)

Stay strong krauts, keep on fighting for your country and people. Hang merkel

Attached: 0jq1u3yce5o01.jpg (564x800, 54K)

Translate to Turkish and you may get a reply

great respect for Germany just not their politics

When someone says, "You're a dreamer." I can only answer, "You idiot.. If I weren't a dreamer, where would we be today?"
"I've always believed in Germany. You said I was a dreamer."
"I've always believed in the rise of the Reich. You said I was a fool."
"I've always believed in our return to power. You said I was mad."
"I've always believed in an end to poverty! You said that was utopian!"
"Who was right? You or me!? I was right!" - Adolf Hitler

Attached: Family.jpg (768x531, 98K)

if you only knew how bad things really are

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mexico was based

Attached: Mexico.jpg (1278x604, 53K)


Attached: Germany stop.gif (384x216, 1.72M)

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It goes "Sind sie dumm genug dabei stillzuhalten?"

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Germans are not white. Only us Mediterraneans are white, the rest are retards

I honestly don’t think of wars when I think of Germany or German people. I was in one of only about 4 classes out of 50 who was put into German class in school (I had no choice) while everyone else got french and it was the absolute best class of my entire childhood. The teacher also became my fav teacher.

there are hardly any real Germans left. Most of them are either left winged roasties or basedboy cucks. You anglos fucked them up too hard and now they are truly lost.

I lost all hope for germany, these people are mentally stuck voting the same political parties, even if they disagree with some of their actions, they are mentally stuck

basedboy not basedboy

basedboy ffs

you're 30 years too late leaf, this is what germany looks like now:
not very german eh? it's too late, only thing you can do now is to learn from it, and prepare when they come for you

What about Austria user???
Both my grandfathers wew in the wehrmacht

Attached: Kaiser Wilhelm_feelsbadman.jpg (775x1171, 187K)

Fuck phoneposting

Stop it. Germany isn’t Germany. Look on a map. We are a double defeated and conquered people. Our cities raised to the ground, our farms salted, our kids taken away, our bears and wolves fled to Siberia.

The Eastern Slavic nations were stronger, faster, more willing. Nature just took its course.

Attached: 7927B7C5-4374-4C6F-BDD9-EA64C70CDFE2.jpg (1000x800, 396K)

Germany is going down hill, we on the best way to become the next Sweden. Green Party 13%, Retarded Refugees Welcome Culture. Every Faggot jelling Nazi at you if you against the actual Refugee Politics. Look at Berlin its Syria 2.0

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In these dire times, there is no place for defeatist re-gurgitating of how low we have fallen due to the white men's innate naivity towards self-chosenites and their brownies.

Back then our ancestors didn't know what we do know today.

And just as our ancestors' kind-hearted yet deplorable actions were guided by their lack of knowledge so will our determination and willingness to restore what's been our must by guided by our knowledge.

Rise, people of European heritage, our time has come.