You all talk about tyranny but what could be more tyrannical than gun owners...

You all talk about tyranny but what could be more tyrannical than gun owners, who make up a tiny percentage of our population, holding the entire nation hostage with their rhetoric? We can't have common sense gun laws because some guys 200 years ago were worried about Britain and allowed people to own guns.

I'm sorry, but kids have a right to feel safe at school and they should not have to worry about some mass shooting just so gun owners can pretend to be some revolutionary soldier or some nonsense. And that right trumps your "right" to an assault rifle any day of the week.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tired of this bullshit? #shapeshift

>I'm sorry, but kids have a right to feel safe at school
I agree, they have the right to bear arms as well. They should be armed.

You know, you do have a point. And this is coming from someone who was an assault rifle owner until just recently.

>common sense gun laws
Every time I hear this phrase it's always a fucking bootlick total gun-ban cuck, is the left trying to usurp the meaning of common sense to mean whatever they want it to be?

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>muh "think of the children!"

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all gun threads are made by the following: Reddit, jews, discord trannies, boomers, retards, journalists and/or trolls.

if you do not fall into either of these categories; shut your faggot-ass mouth.

Thanks, it really gives me hope that there are gun owners out there who are willing to make the difficult compromises like this.

>third of the country
>tiny percentage

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>Common sense gun laws
That isn't a thing. Stop perpetuating it. Also, how much is ShareBlue paying you for these posts?

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You dont have a right to Feel how you want. Children do not either.
If ye prefer prosperity to liberty, the tranquility of servitude to the animating contest of freedom, go from us. We ask not your council or your arms.
Lick the hands that feed you, may your chains rest lightly upon your neck, and may posterity forget you were ever our countryman.
Those who would sacrifice liberty for safety desirve neither and shall get none of either.

You all talk about tyranny but what could be more tyrannical than trannies that want to use bathrooms with children of different genders than themselves, who make up a tiny percentage of our population, holding the entire nation hostage with their rhetoric? We can't have common sense laws because some guys 3 years ago want to be able to expose their male genitals to young girls.

I'm sorry, but kids have a right to feel safe at school, in the bathroom, and they should not have to worry about some adult tranny wanting to show children its genitals. And that right trumps your "right" to shove transgender ideology and mental illness down our throats any day of the week.

The constitution shall never be construed so as to prevent the people of the unoted states who are peacable citizens from keeping thier own arms

99% of firearms in the U.S. are not used in violent crimes.

The small minority you speak of who is terrorizing our country is the 5/50. 5% of the population committing 50% of the violent crimes.

Every year, guns save more lives than they take, and FAR more lives are lost to non-gun causes, but I don't see you weeping and whining for a 10mph national speed limit on the interstate highways -- think of all the lives that could be saved! Do it for the children!!

>Replying to yourself
Jesus, how new are you?

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Just make mass shootings illegal, for fucks sake. Why haven't stupid Americans done this yet? They are the ONLY country in the world with such a high firearm homicide rate! Stop beating around the bush playing silly political games, trying to ban this type and that type of gun. Just make ALL murder illegal, effective immediately. Problem solved.

How do I upvote here?

end of thread.

The only thing that stops a criminal with a gun is a good guy with a gun, law abiding citizens have a right to a lethal means of self defense. The answer to school shootings is increased security on site, or the more sane solution would be a government rebate to homeschooling children equal to the value of public school services, provided said children can show adequacy at high school level education, (not that fucking commie core shit either)


Don't like 1 in 2 Americans own firearms?

Hell, my state here it's like 1 in 15, which isn't a tiny percentage.

>who make up a tiny percentage of our population

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dumbfag really just ownfagged this thread like nobody would notice.
Did anyone else even notice?

>Listen you poor child. We don't keep guns because DC needs more jobs, because you think they're dangerous, or because you like them.
We keep them to kill people who would try to take them.
Send your best people, they will die too.

Oh look, it's a memeflag in a slide thread. Claiming to be a former gun owner.
Imagine that.

The thing that pisses me off about you retarded faggots is that you know the founding fathers were smart enough to create the greatest governmental system known to man, yet you believe they weren’t intelligent enough to know that technology wouldn’t evolve past what it was when they wrote the second amendment.

>common sense gun laws
"keep the niggers disarmed"
>kids have a right to feel safe at school and they should not have to worry about some mass shooting
Ban the press from sensational coverage of school shootings. It would be far more effective by breaking the social contagion.

Or do you understand that human rights (like freedom of speech and the right to keep&bear arms) are more important than some fear propagandized kids not FEEELING safe?

Next time someone calls you a retard, remember this post and realize that he's not lying to you.

I cannot fucking believe you just replied to yourself after taking off your memeflag This is tipping top of the kek!!!

Quit talking shit and come and take them, faggot.


they ain't ever going to 'come get them'. They'll just slowly tighten the regulatory noose, requiring different features to be removed or altered, and registered if you want to keep them, like current SBRs and suppressors. Step by step, until all 'assault weapons' or weapons in general must be registered. There will, of course, be people who refuse to register, but that is OK- these people will not take these weapons to the range or out hunting. They might even get buried or tucked in a crawlspace. They will slowly be forgotten, or eventually the user dies. How many will teach their kids to use them? how many of those kids would be willing?
It's death by complacency.

Lol banning schoolshooting wow you must be some sortear of a fkn genius, i bet you can clean tour ass with your brain

Holy fuck is this getting old
you faggot

Did you see where he replied to his post pretending to be other people? Top kek

"tiny percentage"
The statistic shows the percentage of households in the United States which own firearms from 1972 to 2018. In 2018, about 43 percent of U.S. households had at least one gun in possession.
Those damned facts and the gun grabbers!

Yep. Confiscating guns from the lawful populace stops mass shootings.

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You reply to a post with a single word - "this"

>The only thing that stops a criminal with a gun is a good guy with a gun

Disproven repeatedly, try again.

Pretty gun.

If you want to make kids feel safe at school, get rid of the multi cultural shit and separate the boys from the girls. Big pharma and zero tolerance policies are the number one and two thing creating children who snap and want to to die.

The only common sense laws are those that demand kikes and communists be shot on sight.

They are really not sending their best.

>I'm sorry, but kids have a right to feel safe at school and they should not have to worry about some mass shooting just so gun owners can pretend to be some revolutionary soldier or some nonsense. And that right trumps your "right" to an assault rifle any day of the week.
Then whites also can reinstate segregation because having blacks around makes feel us less safe, which trumps any "right" to integration.

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350million people
OVER 400 MILLION legally owned firearms
Small %

Kike niggerdick jewcumguzzling faggot.

That is you, your whole family, and everyone related to you.

There are more guns in the US than people.
But, faggots like you ignore that.

Please delete this.

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Too late faggot, this has already been reported to the cyberpolice and they will backtrace it immediately.

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I love you frustrated dykes.
Remember, a hatefuck is waiting around every corner

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Let me tell you something cocksucker, I don't see anywhere in the constitution your right to live. So don't tell me I have to give them up.

Niggers do worse.

You have a right to nothing. Don't want your future progeny to be surrounded by guns? Go to somewhere else, home school them, or don't be such a pussy and try to push your little bitch syndrome on others that enjoy having protection/tools at their disposal. While you're at it, throw out your fire extinguisher. You have the fire departments to fix your problems.

Also fuck your kids, homeschool them you lazy nigger
Sick of my tax dollars going to retarded who are just gonna be cashiers when they get older.

>who make up a tiny percentage of our population
So does the government.
And the military.
Please explain what your point it in more detail.
>allowed people
INHERENT RIGHTS you dumb twat

and now we're worried about you kike.

just bend over for the state enforced homosexuality. government coming in your home to take your guns and make sure you pay your taxes plus where's that picture of milo yiannopolis on your wall to as well? aren't you a trump supporter?

you wouldn't be a treasonous traiterous cuck now would you be? you are a patriot right? support LGBTQp (pedophilia within) to as well or else.

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> You all talk about tyranny but what could be more tyrannical than gun owners
> We can't have common sense gun laws
You're the one yapping about more laws. So who's tyrannical? And if you don't like it there's only a host of European faggot countries you can move to. And you can. So do.

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>You all talk about tyranny but what could be more tyrannical than murder, who make up a tiny percentage of our population, holding the entire nation hostage with their murderess tendencies? We can't have common sense murder laws because some guys 200 years ago were worried about Britain and allowed people to think about murder.

>I'm sorry, but kids have a right to feel safe at school and they should not have to worry about some mass murder just so non murders can pretend to be some revolutionary soldier or some nonsense. And that right trumps your "right" to free mind any day of the week.
This is you.

> same id
Never forget people. Liberals are always dishonest. Especially Jews.

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There was a guy in NJ who got busted driving around with a car full of salt rifles, plus more at home. He wasn't even supposed to have guns, as a felon. So much for hiding their guns. Go dilate.

A quick reminder.

>"Americans made up 4 percent of the world's population but owned about 46 percent of the entire global stock of 857 million civilian firearms." U.S civilians own 393 million guns. That is 3 times as many guns as the armed forces of the Russian Federation (30.3 million), China (27.5 million), North Korea (8.4 million), Ukraine (6.6 million), United States (4.5 million), India (3.9 million), Vietnam (3.8 million), Iran (3.3 million), South Korea (2.7 million), Pakistan (2.3 million), and all the other countries (39.7 million) combined. American civilians own more guns "than those held by civilians in the other top 25 countries combined."
>"American civilians own nearly 100 times as many firearms as the U.S. military and nearly 400 times as many as law enforcement." Americans bought more than 2 million guns in May 2018, alone. That is more than twice as many guns, as possessed by every law enforcement agency in the United States put together. In April and May 2018, U.S. civilians bought 4.7 million guns, which is more than all the firearms stockpiled by the United States military. In 2017, Americans bought 25.2 million guns, which is 2.5 million more guns than possessed by every law enforcement agency in the world put together. Between 2012 and 2017, U.S. civilians bought 135 million guns, 2 million more guns than the combined stockpile of all the world's armed forces.

But go ahead and cuck yourself.
>When capitalist politicians call for “gun control,” they are really saying that the working class majority should give more power to the bourgeois state in determining who should have access to arms. The capitalist class would breathe a sigh of relief at the complete disarmament of the working class. The capitalist state would then have a complete monopoly of arms, on top of its monopoly of the courts, prisons, police, spy agencies, military, etc.

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Better than mine.

>I'm sorry, but kids have a right to feel safe at school and they should not have to worry about some mass shooting just so gun owners can pretend to be some revolutionary soldier or some nonsense. And that right trumps your "right" to an assault rifle any day of the week.
Weak shill, weak.

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>gun owners, who make up a tiny percentage of our population
You really should leave your echo chamber every now and then

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Every. Fucking. Time.

to be honest, glownigs as well.

Psyop? Or double psyop?

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samefagging, you sent your time doing this, on this board, about anti-gun shilling, KYS, no one wants to dirty their rope on you.

>We can't have common sense gun laws because some guys 200 years ago were worried about Britain and allowed people to own guns.

Unironically yes. Because government oppression has killed infinitely more people than mass shooters could ever hope to.

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>tiny percentage
worst bait all day and probably a jew troll

>rifle owner until just recently.
convicted of a felony recently, user?

these have been happening too frequently
i think its trolling
either way, sage


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topkek you absolute fucking faggot

Guns onwers in America make up nearly half the population. Get your statistics right, faggot.

It wasn't britain they founders were thinking of, jew

Hahaha what a fucking faggot. Did you just start Jow Forums today desu?

no young man should be able to cross his legs like that.

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>when the jew's on auto and you catch yourself in the recoil fire

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

You're actually right. I won't deny it. You're the weak, and we're the tyranny of evil men. But we're trying, real hard, to be the shepards.

>holding the entire nation hostage with their rhetoric

Fuck off shill

>You all talk about tyranny but what could be more tyrannical than gun owners
Any one can be a gun owner
It is so accessible in the usa that a significant population in the usa owns them.

the "tiny percentage" that you mention are thepoliticians, social engineers, celebrities, false gods,who are protected by gun toting bodyguards 24 hours a day everywhere that they go, even when they visit your kids school. Yes, their bodyguards carry military full auto weapons into your kids school, and yet you lefties say nothing.

and the sheepdogs...

Oooh do pharmaceuticals now since that kills way more people you shill faggot.

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banning guns and suck starting a shotgun will both have the same outcome for you bitchlet.

I wonder. If the 1.7 million Hong Kong protesters were armed with AR-15s, they would actually outnumber Chinese ground combat soldiers.
Something to think about when they inevitably cut off reporting, send in the troops to cut them to ribbons.
Maybe that's why they were waving signs saying they need a 2nd ammendment.

This desu

Guns don’t care about your feelings.

Gay slide thread.
