Is Batman fascist?

Is Batman fascist?

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does he work alone or work in families?

he's a liberal faggot who's scared of guns

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I have it on good authority that batman is a technonazi

No, he just beats poor and disabled people as a hobby

maybe he works alone because there are no fascists in his city

ANY vigilant is a fascist

Read Watchmen and understand this point made by Moore

Superheroes is a righ-wing bullshit

Superheroes are all fascistic. Ubermensch

goooooooooo batman

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No, but he is as retarded as one.

I don't care about what jews think. They are delusional.

Bumblebee was clearly added to the teen Titans go team because she is a negress. She is not a compelling superhero character and has no personality
Also Lex luthor put kryptonite atrozine in the watchtower water cooler and turned everybody gay

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>No, but he is as retarded as one.
kek. yeah sure you're more intelligent than anyone else

Is OP a faggot? Sage and report all slide threads.

(((Critics))) literally got mad at The Dark Knight Rises because Bane's plan was literally letting the plebeian niggers do whatever they wanted - because he knew it would lead to chaos and destruction without the merited authority of elites to keep them in check.

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Your attitude hints at why leftist communities are filled with criminals.

If Batman was real, and fighting crime like he does niggers would 100% call him racist for taking down gangbangers rapists and murders. They'd say "look at this Batman vigilante disproportionately beating up black people."

Batman was created by a jew, just like almost all superheroes
Superman, the X-men, Captain America, Spiderman.....etc

Still good though

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Google "Batman Antichrist" and start reading.

Bin Laden = Batman

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Shut up Question.



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His rogues gallery would consist pretty much of just niggers.
Villains with names like..

>The Nigger
>Mr Thug


Professor Dindu
The Mudicker
Dr Jenkum
Mr. Febreeze
Poison Watermelon

>Shut up Question.

Shilling against the only superhero not devised by a Jew. Surely a coincidence.

The niggler, boon, professa pigfeet

Nope, I just don't fall for the same tired jewish tricks of the last thousands of years like everybody here does.

fascist capitalist, yes. the entire system depends on who's got the power, which in batman's case, is based but not redpilled.

Alan Moore understands what fascism is?

He's an over privileged faggot that hates guns.

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