Will she have a big career in politics?

will she have a big career in politics?

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Who? And yes.

she'll have a lot of big dicks in her ass

she's got nice tiddys

She's given me something big, that's for sure.

You can see all that

she'll definitely have a career in politits

Try coming up with something smarter than what a 13-year-old would say

Jarjar binks says "Dassa kike, massa"
The nose knows.

id let her tongue my anus

you mean politits?

who is this whore?


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she has a big head so yes

Try being heterosexual.

lol you all have the gayest ID colours, check my chad hue faggots

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you fucking suck, my dig_its are better.

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It's the color of shit. Like doggo droppings under autumn leaves.

t. mustard ID cuck


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And you'll never see them because you're a virgin incel

I saw her too, got my attention..she is a qt.

Who is this?

Canadian Brown, Yes!!

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>clap clap
gib milkies mummy

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of course an american can't see colour. that's maroon you moran

those digits tho

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With those tits? yes

oh look, yet another jew on jew news.

Satan has entered the building.

I want to suck his cock