Be white leaf

>Be white leaf
>Sis is a qt brunette
>But his bro-in-law is from S.Korea
>Having bigger boob than his sis
What's wrong with leafs? Why are they so cucked and spinless?

Attached: leaf.png (800x443, 509K)

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Nevertheless, unlike the United States of Walmart, his brother-in-law is not nigger.

>that pectus excavatum
This image contains some very poor genes all around and is cursed.

>If you kill your enemies they win.

Attached: 481660981646.jpg (1600x894, 224K)

kek typical leafy

that chick looks like an ugly man
you dumb kike

we love our Asian kings they have bigger dicks and brains

The tits on that dude

Attached: 8B814BEC-EBE7-4936-A3F6-15BD75734B81.jpg (583x1244, 344K)

1 post by this ID slide thread. Lets see how many gen z kids are lured in.

I'll bet at least 100. Bump.

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Let's be honest. I'm kinda fine with it. at least he's from sk. he's a first worlder asian. I wouldn't complain if my sister dated an asian guy from a decent country like sk or japan. however, if she hangs out with pajeet, chink, or nigger, I will kill her.

Like a cat. Ace of Angels

Attached: 1280px-160924_AOA_인천한류관광콘서트.jpg (1280x853, 246K)

t. Cuck

That would be the honorable thing to do perhaps there is a method to the madness that is islam.

Even asians are getting cute white girls now lol

Thers nothing I enjoy more than letting the wife bang random gooks. She isn't really into it but she does it because it turns me on. I'm trying to set up a trip to Japan so I can give those chinks a taste of what she has to offer. SOOOOOOO FUCKING HOT!!!

Attached: _5825826006891495424.jpg (960x960, 137K)

op's accounts on reddit are /u/DyingBreed420 and /u/apexorca

Plot twist, The Manboobed leafman is gay, and His Pajeet boyfriend loves to eat his Manboob.

Every country is full of cucks including your own. Talk about spineless you use meme flags

>milk truk just arive

I bet she likes things like K-pop, K-drama or Anime. There are those Geeky girls in Europe who want to live in South Korea and Japan. And they don't know that South Korea and Japan are different from K-pop and Anime in reality.