How do I cure my homosexuality Jow Forums?

How do I cure my homosexuality Jow Forums?
I grew up in a Catholic Household and I know that homosexuality is a sin, but these desires are starting to consume me, I don't want to be a degenerate. Any tips on how cure myself?

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Live celibate

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Stop watching porn and fucking dudes

There's nothing to cure
Marry a qt natsoc boy and raise a non degenerate child together

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Ive never gotten the whole "sexual desire consumes me" thing before.

Are you an animal?

This is how it's done in Iran,

Attached: Iran executes gays.jpg (736x491, 59K)

>Marry a qt natsoc boy and raise a non degenerate child together
yeah, raise a well rounded kid with your lover

>catholic household
checks out

betcha those fellas are not gay. No way second from the left is.

Spbp. Kys degenerate faggot.

Just find a women that looks sorta like a man.

You're a faggot.
Step 1: Buy a plane ticket to Arizona.
Step 2: Visit the Faithful Word Baptist Church and ask for Pastor Anderson.
Step 3: He'll set you straight if you bring a camera and live stream the meeting with him.
Step 4: Post link to live stream on cuckchan before the meeting.
Step 5: We enjoy it.

He looks a little slow.

You can't, its innate and will stay with you forever.
I've tried to repress it, dated girls, forced myself and jerked off to straight porn, repressed gay urges. But they always return and twice as strong.

Your mom fits the description.

What if i'm attracted to men but think sex with them is disgusting? I just want to be happy with my bf and be able to kiss and hold hands in public at the very most.

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Find woman and you will forget about fags soon enough

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You are not disgusted by it, if it attracts you. It's social conditioning that you are struggling to handle. Two consenting adult men being lovers is not disgusting.

What are you on about?

>Your mom fits the description.
Got in before me, but I would suggest you change "mom" to " youre 'aul ma".
Your aul ma looks like your aul da

You let your self develop those desires, that was your mistake, you should have pushed that shit out of your head.

I had a messed up thing where my brain tried to make me think sexual deviant things with intrusive thoughts and i just made sure to get those thoughts out of my head any chance i got, the intrusive thoughts came though and would not go away until i kept fighting it and never stopped fighting. It took almost 4 years.

If you believe you are meant to think those unnatural thoughts then don't come here pretending you want help.

Think of it like this.

When you 'see' something, the pattern is processed by a number of circuits in the brain.

Thoes circuits perform detection: 'threat', 'ignore', 'sex', 'food', etc..

Testosterone develops the 'sex' recognition circuit for female body (shape/boobs/no hair) and estrogen develops the recognition circuit for the male body shape (muscles/no boobs/hair).

Men who have been exposed to excessive female hormones have over-developed circuits 'sex' detection circuits that trigger for the male body.

Of course, this is just the visual aspect. There are others such as scent, sound touch.

Effectively, homosexuals are in-part feminised. This usually occurs when living in the same proximity to females who take hormonal contraceptives as they secrete the excess into their environment.


stop being a commie

Stop liking men sexually.

>over-developed circuits 'sex' detection circuits that trigger for the male body
What an absolute pile of twoddle.

Allow me to place my uncircumcised white cock in your mouth. Feel its warmth.

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I'm a white nationalist. Although I've noticed that gay Asians are exceptionally hot, and make me more prone to sinful thoughts
I don't think that will work desu

Fuck traps
More its maam ones at first but slowly adapt to jewls from euphoria ones.
Eventually just go full wamyn

Just say no homo before fucking a guy then your not gay Faggot

Surrender yourself to Christ and become Orthodox or Protestant

Richard D James meets Jamiroquai

whatever commie

>I don't think that will work desu
Either you have the willpower to fix your fucked up life or you don't. What do you expect us to do about it?

Wear a watermelon shirt. It will keep the gay away.

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No, I will not be a retard.

if your flesh out powers your mind, out think your flesh. cut it off.

That sounds like you're trying to make me cut off my dick

Whatever that is

Do you have ANY proof to back this up?

That's a good and well thought out argument you've made there.

>the 'sex' recognition circuit
My sides

Get to know yourself. For without knowing yourself, you will believe lies about yourself.

tfw no fellow twink right wing bf

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You should stop being Catholic, accept Jesus as your savior, and repent of your sins.

This shit isn’t hard you retarded faggot

>Get to know yourself. For without knowing yourself, you will believe lies about yourself.
We have known that since 34AD

Have you tried my silent prayer?

>You should stop being Catholic
Yes. Give up your faith and keep up the sodomy. Great fucking move.

By stoning yourself you degenerate

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Of course a catholic doesn’t know what the fuck repent means

>Faggot thinks he knows what's right or not
Again, put a bullet in your skull

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Alot of homosexual require surgery for complications related to HPV. The warts start growing inside the rectum and anus and necessitate complicated surgery.
Ive heard the recovery from it is none too pretty.

Just don't be a faggot, that's all, problem solved

Genetic Engineering ?

>Just don't be a faggot,
Im no expert, but you can not be a faggot and still be a homoman.

Just kidding, I am an expert.

cut off/out the offending organ

Yeah and also if you eat shellfish, or combine fabrics or shave. can stop believing in bronze-age fairytales and just be yourself. Half the incels on here are probably jerking off to the thought of you with another man...right now.

Real answer? It isn't that big a deal. Don't push it on anyone else, don't try to say "everyone is bi" or "a little gay". Don't talk about it to anyone. No one gives A fuck about who you have sex with, don't be a faggot about it. You could take 12 (white) cocks up your ass alone for all i care, but shut the fuck up about it.

Gay brains. Born this way horseshit.

Don't be a faggot. You can avoid being a faggot by not doing what faggots do:
>into LGBT rights/pride (you are already fucking up by posting your OP pic related)
>engage in sexual activities with men
>make themselves out to be gay (acting effeminate)
>frequent gay places (neighborhoods and businesses)
>watch gay porn
>avoid churches that are anti-gay
The above is faggotry. DON'T DO THAT.

Literally just live how moral straight men live and you'll be fine.

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>homosexuals are in-part feminised
that doesn't explain lesbians


Gay brains. Born this way horseshit.

Anderson isn't a Protestant, he's Baptist.
>inb4 but Baptists are Protestant

You sound like you know about it in an intimate way. Careful, you're giving yourself away

>Careful, you're giving yourself away a medical professional?

Focus your homosexual desires on muscle girls.

Gtfo. You actually just dropped a fetish like that?

Amazing thread. Upvoted.

Memeflag doesn't know what he's talking about. Anecdotally, why would anyone be gay in say, the 50s? You were hated and even possibly murdered, so why would they choose a painful life? If it's degenerate learned behavior, why has it been part(a very small part) of human society for thousands of years? Homosexuality makes sense if you understand anything about neuroscience. Attraction is controlled by chemicals, jusy like EVERYTHING. In the same way that some people are naturally more hyper or lethargic because of these mixes, doesnt it make sense that this variation could occur within the parts of the brain that control attraction? That's why some people are 100% straight, some are 100% gay, and theres plenty along that middle area.

why don't church shooters ever blast up some fundies baka

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Jerk off to heterosexual porn until it once again sexually arouses you. Every time you need to rub one out, put on some heterosexual porn.
Then fuck a woman.

Hold your breath.

What a poser you impart.

1.) Stop being OP
2.) Stop chugging cock
3.) ?????
4.) Profit!

Dont be a faggot.

Be discrete, find respectable partners, and dont fuck or get fucked in the ass.

You probably can't be cured so just don't make it worse

is there a pill you can take that would heighten a attraction to men or women? If its all about chemical as you say, would there in theory be a "gaypill"?

Marry a trap so you can get rid of your lust in the bed room and act like you're straight outside the house. Traps that actually look femine enough to pass as wife are rare tho so until then don't watch gay porn and don't act onto any urges

Just become a priest. Then you will be protected by the largest group of homo pedos on the planet, and they will move you from town to town while covering for you and paying your legal expenses. It's a win win, faggot.

Do research on why it's a sin. It goes beyond "Huurr God doesn't want two men loving each other!!" because that bullshit, God wants you to love your fellow man. Not fuck him in the ass.
Anal sex and the main thing, but the homosexual does usually leave to more degenerate and sometimes dangerous sexual activities.
Homosexuals aren't even that special, women also have an asshole and should not shove items in there as well. The anal walls are paper thin and if you're not careful you can tear the lining, which feces can flow over/into and make you ill. From a biological standpoint, your asshole is literally an exit not a fucking entrance. That's why in sex Ed we were taught it's considered "dangerous sex" and why you need to use a condom and a ton of lube.

>Marry a trap
Id consider fucking one, but MARRIAGE!?!

Gay fag

>Just become a priest
You say that like its an easy thing.

that word makes me shudder

iI did not let the fetish develop in the first place.
My intrusive thoughts were already there though.

I had a roasties btfo fetish but i dont look at that stuff anymore because being with my spouse is the most best and most important thing that is way better than a roasties btfo fetish.

Where is based nippon w/ you need him.

Anyway, tomboys will cure you of your affliction.

>tfw nobody has told OP to pray the Rosary

OP, trust yourself to Holy Mother Mary. She promises to care for those who pray her Holy Rosary. Pray it every day and it will transform your life.

Attached: our-lady-of-the-rosary.jpg (643x800, 112K)

>my spouse
A negress?

Why would he wear a mask with the same face?

Find a group of Christians you can trust, like a small group bible study, be honest with them, have them pray with and for you and help hold you accountable. Pray for a desire for women. We all deal with desires and sin user. We wake up everyday with choices. When that desire comes, pray for it to leave.

Its a kind of 'eyes wide shut' vibe thing


Modern catholicism is pretty cucked, so it's not much of a surprise

>be honest with them
Dont. Dont be honest with anyone except your family and then with caution.
I, for example, do not trust one person.Not a single person. Not even my mother.

That didnt work you numpty

No there isn't a pill, but technically there's no reason there couldn't be, we'd just have to isolate the parts of the brain and chemicals(such as dopamine) that control attraction. The tricky part, however, would be that there isn't a chemical that "makes" you attracted to men/women. SSRI medications work because we know that the key chemical in baseline happiness is serotonin(and sometimes norE), so if we halt the absorbtion of the serotonin, we can increase a person's base level of happiness. Or like in ADHD cases, we know Dopamine controls most parts of focusing, so medications like amphetamines give high amounts of dopamine to help someone focus. With attraction, that stuff's in your GUTS(this coming from a neuroscientist). That is to say, I'm attracted to a lot of types of women, girly girls and tomboys alike, all I know is that I'm not attracted to men, there isnt some scale from masculinity to femininity, just black and white. If i see an effeminate man and a masculine woman, i would most likely still pick the woman to fuck, and I'm not really sure why(straight). There Is something in our brains that says, "hey! Thats a man" or "hey! Thats a woman", and no one really understands what exactly is behind that yet.

That's actually really sad.

Also, you could counter act the gay bomb by swallowing a hetro handgrenade or something

>dont fuck or get fucked in the ass
This is good advice. No butt sects.

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Hanged yourself
>Make sure to Livestream it