So I did the math. Six million in 4 years? It doesn’t seem to add up

>So I did the math. Six million in 4 years? It doesn’t seem to add up.

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>Six million in 4 years? It doesn’t seem to add up.
>1.5 million per year.
Why are meme flags always brainlets?

6 000 000 divided by four?

Yep 171 Jews per hour or 3 Jews every minute.
Really boggles the noggin huh?

or 1 jew every 20 seconds.


Why didn’t they just shoot the Jews? I mean Nazis killed 20 million Slav civilians, what’s the issue with shooting 12 million Jews?

they had more than one oven didnt they

>Yep 171 Jews per hour or 3 Jews every minute.
171 Jews spread out over even 100 concentration camps implies that Germans had to kill less than 2 Jews per hour per camp. Combine that with starvation and illness, and the numbers aren't unbelievable anymore.

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For perspective there is 6 murders per hour in Brazil, the country with the highest murder rate. Brazil has a population of 209 million people. Nazi Germany had a population of 70 million people. So Nazis were murdering Jews at 85x the rate per capita of murders in Brazil, while also killing 15,000,000 non-Jews during the war.

except only the east German camps participated in the genocide

this article claims there were only 4 extermination camps

why did he put them in camps in the first place?

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Look, I,don't want to say it but. Israel is a bunch of doo doo heads. Like, mega doo doo liar liar pants on fire foo doo heads. They messed up bad and now they are going to he double hockey sticks.

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so wait, are you saying the holocaust wasn't an oven, but really a lack of food and medicine?

3 jews a minute in 4 death camps...

but the EVIL germans hated jews and killed whoever they could get their hands on!!!! they were most poorly trained army!!!!

I want to figure this shit out in this thread right now.


X=1 year
Divide both sides by 4

Sure. Let's go with 4 camps then. That's 43 Jews per hour that the Nazis had to kill with gas, starvation, disease and bullets.

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>3 jews a minute in 4 death camps...
Less than 1 Jew per minute.

24 hours a day? in a camp with 40 guards?

honestly gassing was left for those who would be punished for trying a coupe, or to escape, being defiant, etc. most of them dies from the poor living conditions. I'm a jew and i know this, it's no excuse, if they were taking them prisoner for their beliefs in G-d and capitalism, IT was their human duty to ensure they were kept in good condition at least, if he didn't have the funds to make the mass exodus to other nations happen, he shouldn't have tried it. if things had gone as planned Hitler would only be a bad guy for being a collectivist authoritarian dictator, but he tried something stupid and got 6 million people killed, I really don't think he planned it that way, but if he really gave a shit he would have done something to fix it. HE was no trump, more like Bernie "Im about to turn into sand" Sanders

>24 hours a day? in a camp with 40 guards?
Let's talk about it in realistic terms. How many Jews do you think Germans can realistically gas over the course of 4 years? We'll have to attribute the rest to starvation, disease, and execution by firing squad.

>in a camp with 40 guards?
Armed guards.

43 Jews per hour
transported, stripped naked, pushed into showers, gassed to death, buried, unburied, loaded into ovens, cremated, reburied, and land packed so tight that no disturbance can he found 80 years later.
43 Jews per hour, day in, day out, Sundays too, every moment of every day for how many years again?
how many ovens were there again?

This, we weren't all gassed, some died of disease born of the close unsanitary living quarters, some starved, others died from untreated illness and injury. Most deaths were attributable directly to nazi policies regarding the camps, keeping them in dire conditions, in the cold, no medicine,etc. a real gulag

It’s crazy how there aren’t many much photos of the outside perimeter of the concentration camps. These photos would obviously show cars and trains constantly leaving and entering

I'm a jew and i know we weren't all gassed, ask any Jewish bubbie and she'll tell you how it went down. disease born of the poor living conditions was common, and a lot of jews were even given a proper burial, mass graves were used, but only on the rebels that were executed essentially. that doesn't make it any better, that's arguably worse, at least the gas chambers wouldn't leave you suffering for long. morbid.

Okay so if 1 death camp is killing 43 Jews per hour, and Auschwitz had 46 cremation ovens (if you believe the official numbers)
1 death camp kills 43 Jews per hour
1 cremation per hour. Leaving about 22 Jews per hour that could not have been cremated. After just 30 days that's 15,000 uncremated bodies lying around.

A cremated person makes 4 pounds of ash. So 1 death camp makes 30 tonnes of ash per month. Over 4 years that's 1,440 tonnes. That's not that much, they could probably just dispose of it around the property.

Some parts of the holocaust are starting to seem a bit feasible.

Stay out of this discussion Jew. This is for the rest of us to figure out.

So about the 15,000 bodies per month they had stacking up, where are the mass graves? That's 180,000 bodies per year. There was no other place to bury them than around the property. So where are the giant pits with 720,000 bodies that couldn't be cremated in 4 years?

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Because if there was 46 ovens at Auschwitz, and a modern oven can only cremate 1 person per 2 hours, there ovens could not have been better than ours correct? (I heard their ovens were worse)

Actually its worse than I thought, google says:
>Cremation takes 3 hours. Processing the cremated remains afterwards takes another 1-2 hours.

Speaking of brainlets...

the majority were starved and worked to death. Six million people can easily die in 4 year. The Khamer Rouge killed 3 million in 2 years and they were just gooks in the jungle, so it's not inconceivable that the most efficient master race in the world could do twice that in 4 years.

It adds up when a loaf of bread costs more than $1000

They used ground penetrating radar to look for one man's body outside a bunker in Berlin.
The bodies of 6 million should be easy to find.

Let's assume that all Jews who were gassed were cremated. Let's also assume that it would take the Germans 3 hours to cremate a body in WW2 (like you said, they couldn't have better tech than us). Assuming each camp had 46 ovens, that's about 15 Jews per hour that the Nazis could cremate. That means the Nazis would have to kill the remaining 30 odd Jews through non-cremation means.

So Nazis could have gassed 1/3rd of the 6 million. But the remaining 2/3rd had to have died either by starvation, illness or firing squad - and more importantly, 2/3rd of the 6 million people would have to be buried rather than cremated since there wasn't enough time to cremate them.

No no no no no . Pilpull alert.

Incompetence is always the overarching factor in the catastrophes caused by big organizations.

Because unsurprisingly people feel bad killing thousands of defenseless, unarmed, weak individuals who have no way to fight back.

The slavs could throw a bottle or something. Or fire their pistol. Or use a spear even. Making it seem more “honorable” or respectable to kill them.

some stubbed a toe and died others from splinters witnesses say some even died from scratching their heads too much or breathing too much air from anxiety panic attack some were made to dance until they died don't forget nazis used special cannons to launch their prisinors into space and many other methods you can come up with in your mind

Ow gawwd
this thread is very troubling indeed
I must alert my rabbi at once

Nah they just shot defenseless villagers, Germans had all the propaganda about them being subhuman so they normalized it.

The numbers ALSO count the Jews that died from starvation and that were killed on the Eastern front. The math seems to work to me