ITT we help kissless virgins get LAID

I won't lie to you, if you went this far without sex you probably can't just use Tinder as any horny normie.

Your option is paying for the service. You already know that but you are frightened and don't even try. I suspect your biggest fear is not being able to get hard because you're so stressed, or cumming too quickly.

Let me first tell you that a prostitutes dream is a premature cummer.. she gets paid for the service, not by the minute.
Last thing, you think she will find you ugly. Well mate, she probably will but she's sucked the ugliest dudes in the world already, she does it for the money. She doesn't care.

>Step zero: Grown yourself and always put a condom on. We're trying to get you laid, not AIDSed.
>Step one: get an escort and tell her you will pay for a blowjob. Once you're in the safe space with her, tell her that you are a virgin and extremely nerveous about your first time.
>Step two: If you feel it's not going to work, tell her you will pay her for the amount of the BJ only for her sitting across you while you both masturbate... she's going to say yes 100% since she doesn't need to suck your stinky dick. If You can't get it going pay her and tell her it wont work. Repeat when you feel more confident.
>Step three: Have a supplement in $ ready in case you get a good old erection and tell her you will pay for both her playing with her pussy but you want to try getting your dick sucked. it's not the time for bargain, pay the stupid price.
>Step four: enjoy your blowjob. You might not cum, you might lose your erection but the feeling of getting some hot mouth suck your weiner will be powerfull enough for you to retry this scheme.
>Step five: Once you feel confident enough while getting your dick sucked, tell her you will pay for a penetration. Again, you're a kisslkess virgin, not the time to bargain, unless the price is stupid.
>Step six: Congrats, your're not a virgin anymore.

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hugless kissless handholdless virgin trump supporter here, please help

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I have written a whole protocol for you. Talk to me fren, what is your concern?

Be a volunteer firefighter.
Take EMT classes.
Its free it gives a uniform and I guarantee you will get laid.

If you want actual tips look up Dan Bacon on youtube. Also stop masturbating.

Good. Let those virgins know.

"rules for being irresistible:

1. Look at her like she's a toilet seat
2. Talk to her like she's a child
3. Listen to her like she's background noise
4. Never need her as much as she needs you
5. If she walks away, NEVER CHASE

Not only will they want you, they will plot to get and keep you."

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Dude just try to find the right girl. Don't go for thot coalburners who won't fuck anything less than a donkey.

I have a tip for you too OP: go fucking kill yourself you kike shill. Paying / getting paid for sex is one of the most degrading things both a man and a woman could ever do in their lives. There is literally nothing wrong in not having experienced sex: the specific purpose of sex is to bond with the person you love / have married and to make children with them. Anything other than that is vapid hedonism that will only damage your psyche and capacity to bond with the opposite sex, permanently. You won't find a single shred of love in fucking a prostitute; you will be just as lonely and miserable as before, if not even even more. You are not your genitalia, so stop thinking only in function of them. Focus on your own persona, on your passions and on what else is really important in life; happiness and pleasure will then come by themselves, without doubt.

Dude, relax. We're talking about grown men never have gotten their dick handled. The whole idea is to make them want to fuck girls, but they are so underconfident that they will never do a move on a IRL girl..

step one: fuck a prostitute
step two: try to fuck a girl on tinder, or some girl you know...

Really just want to take those guys outside of their sexual misery. I don't suggest anyone outside of kissless virgins to use prostitution.

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>tfw kissed a girl once but still a virgin.
At least I'm not a kissless virgin.

I hope the best for you bros.

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What holds you back? How old are you?

>What holds you back?
>How old are you?

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>The whole idea is to make them want to fuck girls
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Any man with functional gentitals wants to "fuck girls", but that doesn't mean it should be his entire life's goal. In fact, the more you desperately try to fuck girls, the less pleasurable and rewarding it will be when you actually get it. That's especially true if you pay for it: it might feel good, but it will also feel completely empty. Like masturbation, but much worse. Stop trying to make yourself believe of being someone you're not (a man in a happy, loving and satisfying relationship) and start improving yourself in order to become that someone through your own strength and effort.

Clearly those buys are very unsatisfied with their lives and no one gives a shit about your puritansim german skizzo.

What's wrong with my idea? Just pay for the service. I think once you have a positive experience, you will be more confident in yourself to actually try to get into a genuine relationship... I'm really open to discussion. Maybe talking about it can help you figure out what your real fears are, then work on them.

Prostitution is a sin. And some of those girls are sex slaves I vow never to contribute to that. Any genuine prostitute is a stinking slut too riddled with STDs, sorry but you are retarded. You sound like a scumbag. I don't NEED to get laid I merely want sex, it is not a necessity for me to live. I can tell you're a low life who could never possibly understand me.

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Pol is based except on the matter of women.
Only fifty percent of men reproduced during enforced monogamy, the other half were ground up in war or died alone. There was one period where only five percent of men reproduced before enforced monogamy.
Currently, tinder stats show that only five percent of men are getting noticeable female attention. OkCupid showed that twenty percent of men received eighty percent of female attention
>but online dating don't into real!
Recent stats show that online dating has begun being the absolute main source of relationship starts, with clubs coming up in a distant second. All women are on apps. All of them.
What issue is tied to this?
Good. Looks.
Good looks are all that matter on the dating scene except for used up hags who want looks AND a good job. If your face is not symmetrical, if you are not taller than six foot, if your skeleton lacks ideal proportions YOU WILL NOT BE RECEIVING FEMALE ATTENTION
Having kids is a noble goal, but this is not the society for it.

Well I'm sorry man.. maybe when you hit 37 you will follow my advice. I'm really just trying to help. You seem very rigid about your beliefs. Understand that subjectivity is part of life. I went through a lot of shit, and I try to better myself everyday. I'm simply concerned with the virgin epidemy.. anyway, I'm out. Have a good night.

Quit your incel parrot talk. I only get bottom of the barrel hoes on Tinder while in real life I fucked pretty much every gril I was around at my job. I'm 36 and I still fuck girls as young as 22... I have never been on a tinder date and have fucked about 10 girls in the last 6 months. Without even trying.
Tinder is absolute garbage... talk to girls at your job, friends, whatevs.
Tinder is not real life.. besides, rich guys/status fuck much more than good looking ones,

You don't have any stats to back up your boomer drivel. Also stop larping.

And you're just as lonely, empty and pathetic at 36 as you were at 18.

I'm purely an objectivist, and an idealist.

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>All women are on apps. All of them.

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