During her [Savitri Devi's] imprisonment...

>During her [Savitri Devi's] imprisonment, which was cut short by her husband's intervention through the Indian government, she grew close to a former Belsen wardress condemned as a war criminal, "a beautiful-looking woman, a blonde of about my age." Savitri's sexuality has been the subject of some speculation. Her marriage to Asit Mukherjee was allegedly celibate because they were not of the same caste; the Nazi financier Francoise Dior, niece of the fashion designer, claimed to have been her lover.

I've long suspected that Glorious Chairwoman Alice Weidel was a reincarnation of Devi for various reasons, both being incredibly intelligent PhD-holding ethnonationalist women, their strong wills and charisma, that she GFed a Sri Lankan chick whose people call themselves "lion race" Ayrans and fight Islam militantly and because her leaked emails showed that she is indeed hiding her power level significantly; but this all but confirms it, she's her reincarnation and it could even be that Guardian Goddess of Europa Weidel is that great leader that her previous life prophesied or may play a role in their ascension. Finally, there's a symmetry in their names 'Sun-rays Goddess' (heavenly/solar) and 'noble young willow' (earthly/verdant).

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Does she have a solution for the jews subverting us for centuries?

Attached: juden-in-der-afd-600x400.png (600x400, 247K)

"Love your host nation or go back to Isreal. If you oppose us, enjoy getting killed by Muslims"

Remember, viral cells are more deadly when they pose as healthy cells, and that goes both ways...

Pardon me, what?

Attached: Deutscher_Schulverein.jpg (665x800, 408K)

Jews are a powerful adversary, but because Israelis have spent so long living in an ethnostate, it's made them less paranoiaically albaphobic, so some of them don't care what whites do but hate Muslims. In contrast, most Jews hate whites so much that it's pathological and they'll support polices that aid Muslims who hate them more than whites. Set one against two and it weakens them. Look at what Adelson is doing, he only cares about Israel, doesn't care if whites are nationalist as long as they reciprocate; he would gas Soros if he could. Meanwhile, most prog Jews are rather see Isreal bathed in nuclear fire than see pro-white polices happen; that's a fissure we should exploit.

So, they basically eat up themselves?
Fits with what I see happening.

Right. If our civilization falls, Isreal goes down with it and diaspora Jews will drown in black/Muslim violence. If they win, they still lose. If you can peel off that percentage of Jews that aren't suicidally pathologically anti-white, it hurts globalist Jews immensely.

Also, I forgot to say in my OP, but Weidel has been making a lot of animal rights posts on normiebook lately, which is another indication.

Bumping in case more people wanna discuss this theory.

Bump for going deeper into this rabbit hole

Attached: boi observing.gif (350x412, 437K)

>and because her leaked emails showed that she is indeed hiding her power level significantly
Link to that please

Just joogle "Alice Weidel leaked emails".

>Alice Weidel leaked email
this one!?

Attached: gefaelschte_weidel.jpg (997x535, 227K)

I believe so.

I'm hard rn.
I would have voted for them anyway but this is glorious.

Alice Weidel is a kike an OP is a faggot.

The Afd is a Jew farce, cuckboys.

Attached: jewish.jpg (472x423, 41K)

I should also note that there is a slight physical resemblance betwixt them, expect for Devi being an Alpine/Med mix whilst Wiedel is a Nordic German phenotype she was so enamored by (and would be reincarnated as if she could).

Maybe this thread starts a religionworshiping esoterically our great reborn prophetess. It's not that unluckily given that that Q shit started here.

Take your meds jamal rodriguez.

Why did the english name their news outlet big black cock?

>falling for fake mails

Who said I believe it's real? Still, the message is great! Go subvert somewhere else, Shlomo!

Why is Jow Forums so insecure that you always blame the jews for everything ?

there is a jew behind everything, they are like demons facilitating people to engage in satanic actions

Lurk more and learn they are literally behind anything bad being pushed onto us and the circles that rule over us.

Attached: kulturterror.jpg (1564x2106, 1.06M)

It's ok. Take your pills

The truth is a hard pill to swallow, shlomo.

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