Hitler's thoughts on Christianity

The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the comingof Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to
bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of
love. Its key-note is intolerance.

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>Hitler's thoughts
are 100% irrelevant because nobody should follow a failure.

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Someone gave their life to save the world from Globohomo Zionist Hell, show more respect for your betters

>muh table talks
Never been legitimized whereas image related is from Mein Kampf

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Yeah, yeah, the thoughts of one of the biggest losers who ever losered are valuable.


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No single person in the entire history did more for Zionism than Hitler.

And if it wasn't for your grandparents we probably wouldn't be facing down WW3 and global economic catastrophe because of the usury economy that the kikes sacrificed millions of people to keep in place, fighting the only man who stood up to them. Anti-semitism was illegal in Russia, so you aren't one to accuse others of promoting zionism.

And what is better than Christianity, then? Being a blackpilled loser?

You do know that blacks were christian long before it was even a thing in europe and by extension the us?

>X is shit
>X created by Jews
>YZ created by Whites

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hitler hated christianity because it was invented by the jews

Hitler's actions speak louder than words.

As soon as the NSDAP came into power, so did Positive Christianity, a psyop created by Alfred Rosenberg to defang and neutralize (((christianity))) as a subversive threat. Even though Hitler didn't agree with Rosenberg on many things, he allowed Rosenberg to carry out this psyop because of the threat (((christianity))) posed.

While Hitler publicly praised (((christianity))), he was disarming it. If you examine his public speaking, he praised it less and less. The reason: Positive Christianity wasn't enough to completely neutralize the subversive hold on the minds of german christians. Christians in NSDAP Germany routinely found ways to subvert NSDAP's efforts. Many who at first praised Hitler for nationalizing (((christianity))) would later be arrested for conspiring against the NSDAP.

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what a FOOL you would be to follow man over GOD, to deny his sacrifice, to choose death over life ..

>Thousands of religions on Earth

go fuck yourself jew cuck

it seems you've made your choice..

>Follow my religion or burn in hell

Spoken like a true brainwashed kike worshipper. I can worship GOD without consideration of your child mutilating child sacrificing cannibalistic rites desert cult, thank you very much.

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Imagine being so fucking braindead that you believe Christianity - the truth - is a Jewish construct.

Christianity sees Jews as members of the CHURCH OF SATAN. It's just been cucked by evangelicals, protestants and other groups. Catholicism and maybe Orthodox are based and redpilled.

FUCK OFF with this retarded nonsense.

lol no you literally worship a jewish god, and the protestants hated jews because martin luther got cucked on time too many

>imagine being so fucking braindead that you believe Christianity - the truth - is a Jewish construct.

INRI faggot

Jesus is still dead. Hitler is coming back.

Optics. He tolerated Christianity because the majority of the population were brainwashed into it since birth. The Nazi party's goal was to ween them off over time.

Jewsus is the shepherd, the goyim are the sheep. Hmm, wonder why Jesus was made to be a "shepherd?"

>child mutilating
im assuming you mean circumcision? Christians are not bound by old testament law, they are bound by faith.
God prohibited child sacrifce and would never condone the devouring of his greatest creation. these were things pagans did

Fact. The Nazis were implementing esoteric practices within select circles of their elite ranks, and several had plans to reintroduce paganism when the time was right. Hitler himself adopted Christianity because it was easy to utilize for the folk, but he was hardly tolerable of the church and made it clear that their existence in Germany should be beneath the status of state.

Just FUCK OFF Garrick, go back to Beregost you CUNT

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Ah, I see that Sarevok has arrived. Can you not bark in my vicinity, you simian? It is only by my honor as a Thayvian that I do not blast you with powerful magics, for deigning to offend my ears with your pointless squabble. Gas the kikes.

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nice pic, thank you

Imagine being such a good goy that you believe the jewish forgery called ''table talks'' over meinkampf


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