Accelerationism is for fags

All that follows is satire:

Only one thing gets real power in this world, the ability to inflict pain and suffering on one's enemy & by so doing control land. The tool we use to do this most effectively is called an army. So why the fuck are we wasting soldiers shooting up Wal-Mart? Why aren't we organizing young men into a military force capable of taking and controlling land and facilities? Ultimately, this is the only thing that will give us real power. So why not skip the middle man bullshit and get right to it?

The first thing we're gonna need is funding. There's a place on every other corner called 'banks' to get that. (On this note I'll recommend Willie Sutton's 'Where the Money Was' as a primer.) Start there. Next up is guns, and lots of them. We can buy them, steal them and put together raids to for them. Then use said funds & guns to recruit, equip and further expand. This can be done with minimum centralization of power. Each cell can work independently with little risk to any other cell until we reach the power level needed to converge.

Now the obvious response is, 'You first!' To that I say 'ok'. Like everybody else should, I'll be out amongst the people I know best getting recruits and getting them equipped. Now you do the same. Fuck 'accelerationism'. Let's draw the line right here, right now. Let's take some shit over. Fuck using the strategy of Muslims, let's do this shit like white men.

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Slow down, with fentanyl

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>1 Post by this ID

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The thread was posted only a few minutes ago and nobody put any good responses yet newfag.

Not saying he isn't a glownigger but still.

There is a well calculated reason why I've posted this. I'm studying these faggots' responses. Basically everything I'm posting on this thread is bait to some extent to see how the response is reacted too. I never mean what I say and never say what I mean

>I'm posting on this thread

antifag is fagging- stfu

Nice glowthread fed, but while people are still happy and have something to lose, nothing will happen. Accelerationism in nature is a traitorous ideaology (on the surface) but it exists purely to foster civil strife and hate within a society so that an army can be recruited.

The snowball has started rolling CIA, the harder you push back the bigger it',ll get. Goodluck nigger.

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At some point you've got to cut the schizo routine and grow a pair. Get the fuck out of your basements and bedrooms and go do something. You're being invaded and annihilated and your response is to sit idle and talk shit, while sporadically cheering on one of your own who goes out and does bullshit that accomplishes nothing. Wake the fuck up already.

If you can't handle it, stay home and hide under your bed sheets. But stop trying to everybody else down a path to ruin with you. If you're larping, say you're larping. If you aint, get your boots on and let's go.

what did you mean by this?

That's bullshit. All you're doing is killing time and slowly surrendering the advantages you have in both arms and numbers. The best day was always yesterday. If a few are willing to get out in front others will follow. We've already seen that in the few actions that have been taken.

>At some point you've got to cut the schizo routine and grow a pair
nigger I'm lmaoing my ass of baiting you retarded fucks. You're the shizos now.
(disclaimer: I do not condone any kinds of violence and fully support the laws and constitution. laying out bait may warrant a visit but remains bait in court. have a good one my glowfrens)

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An army is nothing without numbers and radicalism. The point of accelerationism is to use black operations to inflict harm on your people to foster hate and create a political climate where revolutionary ideas can be built.

Just wanted to let you know there are lots of people on Jow Forums that DO realise what you're saying and agree, but there are a lot of shills who will ALWAYS discourage us networking and banding together in real life. Unfortunately people with lower mental faculties get swept up with them as-well even if it's not in their best interest.

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I can get guys right now. I can pull them from the jails, trailer parks, trashed out apartments, fast food joints, backwoods and everywhere in between. My guys are ready now. Most don't have anything to lose and everything to gain. Most of them are living in poverty and seething with an anger they don't even know how to put into words. But, when they hear it said they know it. It's a fight they want.

I appreciate it.

>one of your own
This is a board of peace FBI friend

>please stop killing my mudshits!
how about no?

The person who is afraid to go outside is the one that is losing.
It doesn't matter how shiny your base or guns are.

Then assault the NYC jail Epstein was being held in and make sure your cause is loud and clear, something the media can't cover. It's a target that people can rally behind and foster radicalism