Éire/pol/ - Whats with Paganism Edition

Nationalist and Anti-Globalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>Anti-Corruption Ireland.

>Irish Freedom Party (Irexit)

Pastebin links:
>Irish YouTube Channels to watch and Social Media to follow.

>Learn Irish

>Political Irish

/eirepol/ on Infinity Chan (RIP).

News and current events:

>Gang of 12 hospitalise Dublin boy, 15, with twenty punch attack because he 'wasn't from Swords'

>Concern over rise in people seeking asylum from ‘safe’ countries

>Hazel Chu writes piece littered with falsehoods for the Sunday Times

>Communist blog post telling us "Who Leads the Irish Far Right"

>RTE: 34% of people on Dublin city housing list are from abroad

>Outrage in Cork over asylum seekers secretly bussed in to Macroom hotel

>The Burkean Exposes the Irish "Anti-Racism" NGO Complex

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Other urls found in this thread:


we are fucked man. rip

We still have time. FFG will fall apart soon since people are getting sick of their repetitive failures and scandals.
Also we are still around 95 percent white and a large portion of immigrants with white background are just half Irish or full Irish people born in Britain.

Irish people aren't worth saving. The overwhelming majority of Irish scum are seriously low iq and are do intrenched in alcohol and materialism that it would take an entire upheaval of war or disaster to bring about a common decent intellectual hard working human.
We've lost our spiritually
We've lost our language
We've lost our roots
We've lost any common sight or future.

At this stage I'm not even political anymore, I just want the human race to be completely erased from the cosmos.

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Cool story. Start with yourself so.

>When the taoisceach is too busy at pride festivals to run the country
>When he's a street shitter too
Fuck man, I'm happy that people are realising whats happening to Europe in places like Italy, Poland, Hungary and France but we cannot become another Sweden

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National service and a proper education system could probably save the youth at the very least. Could also invite back the more nationalist diaspora if we reformed our economy so it didn't completely discriminate against the middle class.

well lads, this is an early thread

Post em

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This guy basically sums up the problem with people returning to Ireland. Comes home only to be a second class citizen in his own country.

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Where is this picture taken from?

that pic is pretty damn cool desu

Something happening? Any arrests on that attack in Dundrum?
I hear the gang that attacked the Muslim girl were a traveller gang that caused trouble for months.
Marxists are pushing the 'hate crime' narrative and it would be embarrassing if an 'ethnic minority' was exposed as the attacker.

There is a cover up of some celeb that committed sexual assault too.

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Beats having a thread when half the country is either pissed or asleep.

We should make a new time for Éire Jow Forums threads.
6pm would be good.
Maybe early morning threads too.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, Schlomo? Get the fuck out of here kike.

Anyone see Fiona's article in the Sun? Pretty much the same article every year is printed about her, she just finds some gullible journalist to manipulate

>Right-wing thugs launch horror hate campaign against brave Cork human rights campaigner Fiona O’Leary

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Ive heard it was travellers too, havent heard any confirmation yet though. Theyve gone into overdrive with the hate speech stuff. Wont be long until we get bongland tier speech laws

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It was travellers confirmed. If it was anyone else they'd go apeshit

>Wont be long until we get bongland tier speech laws
Normies will never support it.
If they put in any 'hate speech laws' expect it to be done quietly.

She makes an arse out of herself and normies hate her in Cork.
She is currently being sued for defamation in Ireland and is avoiding court appearances in the UK for fraud.

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Howth in Dublin.


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Shut the fuck up dumb cunt. I'm stuck here in North Dublin that's infested with pure knackers and drug dealing scum and it has fucking nothing to do with Jewish subversion or any outside influence and has everything to do with the IRA drug dealing inla criminal faggots.

Every fucking childish cunt on here calling me a jew hasn't ever stepped foot in Dublin City and doesn't even engage with society. Another reason why I want to fucking see every cunt wiped off the planet.


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The media really do deserve to be fucking shot. I can’t think of a more disgusting group of lying scum.

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Seriously though lads, what can we do to stem the tide of Niggers and welfare tourists that are coming to the island? Throw eggs at the daíl?

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How about Molotov’s?

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Can't be talking about a
caring, loving religious ethnic group like gypsies. They wouldn't do such thing's. It's only a minority that do crime and leech the state.

All jokes aside travellers are privileged scum. I've never seen an ethnic group to play a system so well. They're better than jews without a doubt. Sometimes you've got to admire their cunningness.

fuck off you CIA satanist if might makes right then god is the mightiest and satan is a fucking cuck

You're only singling out a minority that exist in every part of ireland. Dublin criminals are well organised no doubt but they're not as ruthless as limerick criminals. They're simply the result of a welfare state. Cut the welfare and they'll dry up. Alot of people hate the Catholic church and it's perfectly understandable but, at least they brought morality to communities.

No one here is a satanist you fucking underage larping child.

Religious positions are all controlled and worse than honeypots.

Also since you're a religious faggot, christ said "love thy enemy", christs enemy was Satan. Therefore you must love Satan.

Other than that, stop falling for the O9a subversion of groups.

People never realise til it's to late. But over time the immigrants will settle in with the new generation and then we'll be playing identity politics like Americans.

You're an extremely naive retard to believe morals are installed by religious organisations. Especially catholics the child raping cult, remember the tuam babies? Yeah great morals there, for such a tiny island we have a vast majority of pedophile priests.

Also if you think these criminal gangs and scumbag Street gangs are a tiny minority then you live under a rock, I do agree with eradicating the welfare system and forcing prisoners to Labour and any unemployed should be forced into education with the ends of a job. FAS is a joke.

> (You)
>You're an extremely naive retard to believe morals are installed by religious organisations. Especially catholics the child raping cult, remember the tuam babies? Yeah great morals there, for such a tiny island we have a vast majority of pedophile priests.

Of course they are. People get their morals from somewhere. Nowadays people get their morality from the media and big tech companies/internet. There is no defending the Catholic church but the majority of Catholics were good people. Pedophalies exist everywhere not just in the church. The LGBT is full of them but people don't see it because of their morality. The state was also responsible for the crimes of the church by turning a blind eye. They never shouldn't of had so much power. The tuam babies was extremely exaggerated by the media because of the abortion referendum.

>Also if you think these criminal gangs and scumbag Street gangs are a tiny minority then you live under a rock, I do agree with eradicating the welfare system and forcing prisoners to Labour and any unemployed should be forced into education with the ends of a job. FAS is a joke.

I don't live under a rock you little cry baby. I live surrounded by drug dealers and travellers. The difference is they don't bother me because they know im not a push over and there will be trouble if they did.


You're at about just the right level of "disillusioned angry misanthropic bastard" to be useful. But I suspect you will succumb to bleak cynicism and nihilism as a philosophical justifiction for enaging in your favourite vice - sloth.


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never forget

I miss ireland lads

Surprised a thread is going this early

Dublin was a mistak we need to build a wall around Dublin and the Wexicans are gonna pay for it

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Not sure about 6. People might still be getting home from work. Maybe 7.30 is a better start time

Kek n chk

>read siege
Avg eirepiltard attn span .30 see conds
Qrd it for us mate

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Didn't this woman get exposed as a fraud? She came out as pro choice or am i confusing her with someome else?

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>this is still a problem

Time for a new new-IRA

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we need to turn him into our mascot. 100% red headed Gaelic phenotype

So I've noticed something with foreigners/non-Irish (live in a city so I know a good few), they hate the Marxists and GloboHomo faggots.
I mean they REALLY hate them. The Polish particularly despise commies (probably because of their oppression under communism). Atheists and fags are hated by Nigerians (who are usually quite religious). Tinkers (Irish but count as a minority) hate Political Correctness and only game the system as an 'ethnic minority' to get away with shit.
A Hungarian guy I know literally endorsed starving criminals to death and killing degenerates.
The foreigners here are not as indoctrinated as the media portrays them. Despite all the (((New Irish))) bullshit being pushed I don't know one non-Irish that supports LARPing as Irish.

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Someone photoshop him throwing slaves into a hot box.

Anyone want some Anglo pats?

Commies LARPing as IRA (who are hated by everyone because of Lyra McKey's death) already took the name.

It's a bloke in a dress mate

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NOT BOSCO!!!!!!!


I never thought I'd see the day where i would have more in common with a loyalist than some of the leftist irish. Then again the irish could never unite as one and today more than ever.

This is all too true and i can see the whole leftists nonsense dying off in the future. It's already happening in the U.K. where muslims are going against the LGBT community. Progressivism is now regressive.

>leftist irish.
They are a tiny group and do not represent the average person.
Don't let them black pill you.

News Archives:
>January 2019

>February 2019

>March 2019

>April 2019

>May 2019

>June 2019

>July 2019

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Politics and referendum prove otherwise.

Ag bumpáil

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Do you want pats or not?

We know that feel

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>They are a tiny group and do not represent the average person.
What do you base that on? Look at the huge turnaround on abortion in the last decade alone.


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I can't imagine an Ireland without Christianity. We've already gone two decades without it and the countries already gone pear shaped.

>Politics and referendum prove otherwise.
All main political parties are hated and up until now there were never alternatives.
The Abortion referendum is one issue and most people I know that are blue pilled on abortion are still red pilled on other things.

Go home yank
Eirepil is a jesus loving board

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Do you really think everyone that was against the abortion ban are blue haired faggots that want open borders?

Regardless of religion, Jesus Christ was a real man and a real G.

Jesus shitposts here

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>saved many anons lives I'm sure

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Nationalist and Anti-Globalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>Anti-Corruption Ireland.

Pastebin links:
>Social Media and YouTube Channels to follow.

>Learn Irish

>Political Irish

News and current events:
>Prominent entertainer accused of sexual assault cannot be named, judge rules.

>A woman has been charged this morning with the murder of two-year-old Santina Cawley.

>Minister to launch HPV vaccine for boys next week.

>INMO says 515 patients waiting for hospital beds.

>Gardaí appeal after number of incidents in Dundrum.

>Dublin City councillor issues complaint against Gemma O'Doherty over hijab comments.

>Gardaí investigate machete fight outside Carrick-on-Shannon chipper.

>Sex offender caught in drag at school accused of breaching court order.

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Get in touch with your pagan past, it’s full of awesome stories

The average Irish person is clearly impressionable enough to just take on prescribed opinions. People were more or less told how to feel on abortion, and they will readily go along with harsher "hate speech" laws, increasingly liberal immigration policy and undoing the 2004 amendment given enough spin.

>Thinking Christianity is better than other religions
Nah mate. I’m only on holiday over here

His herotrop is just a repeat from hundreds of other religions

What alternatives? People are still voting in the major parties. Look at the local elections. They're not red pilled. They're simply living off Catholicism tradition. Wait for the next generation of retards who are already out protesting climate change in their teenage years. It's only then will you see what this whole culture war is all about.

Paganism is only hippie shit that leads to tribalism.

Face it, Ireland is beyond saving at this point. I'm not Irish myself and as soon as I have enough money I'm leaving. The Taoiseach is a literal faggot, Irish people have almost completely lost any semblance of a religious lifestyle. While I'm not christian myself I would much rather see a religious Ireland than a degenerate American cultural colony. The board of education have even manged to even push the faggot agenda into the private Catholic school I go to. There is no hope for you once your population becomes this jewed.

>I'm not Irish myself
Then fuck off.

>People were more or less told how to feel on abortion,
People only voted to remove an abortion ban.
They had no choice on what happened after it,.
Most Yes voters are not full on (((pro-choice))) and most No voters were not fully 'pro-life'.
Putting an issue like abortion to a Yes/No vote was stupid and there was no real debate.

You’re wrong friend. Visiting Ireland gave me hope for humanity. Your country isn’t even 1/100th as fucked up and degenerate as mine.

The net result is the same. The average person is at the very least pliable enough to go from being largely against abortion to voting to remove all constitutional protection for the unborn, and in a very short timespan. They used the little power they had to allow this to happen and very few even questioned why there wasn't a more conservative amendment. They effectively accepted the notion that a total removal of constitutional protection was necessary and that the power should entirely go to the government of the day.

Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Aactive Server for the BEST LEWDS of TRAPS and FEMALES!

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No offence to you personally but I'm completely against all immigration and would like to see all foreigners go and Irish people with mongrels too. I want to see our land become once again an ethno state and homeland of the Irish people as was intended by those who fought for this nation.

Pay no attention to the naysayers, demoralised and subversives. They are scared. Pushing hard to bring in hate crime laws, hate speech laws and promoting a wide variety of foreigners in the media that all hold the same opinion.

People are very agitated and most defiantly not on board with what the political elites are doing. Going after the kids when simultaneously trying to restrict what people say about groups of paedophiles in drag trying groom their kids will start lynch mobs. Remember that these cunts are doing this everywhere and using the same tactics everywhere.

It won't be long before the pressure grows to a point where energy can be put into destroying the system and bringing about a revolutionary feeling amoung the people.
Truth be told, it's already there. That's why they are rushing to bring in laws to stop free assemblies and restrict speech.

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I agree there wasn't any debate. Media was very biased. I know that there was legalisation passed in 2013 for emergency or extreme cases for abortion. Why wasn't this good enough for the pro choice?

I don't think most people really give a fuck about abortion since only brainless cunts with no morality are ever in a position to need one. Its the same with gays. Most people vote half heartedly on those issues since they have no effect on their daily lives.
Main problem during an election would be big parties trying to force the discussion around useless issues like gays and abortion to vilify opponents. Hopefully the right wing opposition doesn't take any bait and keeps their answers short so they can't filibuster on such issues.

I am going to spam that server with gore now

Did you not see Little Somalia, formerly known as Dublin?



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