Why is reddit gay?

Seriously? If you pop in for a minute and read 3 comments it makes you cringe how these cuckhold leftists want their lives totally controlled by government.

Random screenshot on random r/news article for example?

They will push moderates over to Jow Forums

I’m a Jew who prefers to spend time on pol. Censorship is commie cancer

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>I’m a Jew

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CIA controlled AI harvesting website used to gather intel about the masses.

ewww didnt see youre a kike
forget my answer

Did you ever stop to think that a Jew may be aligned with you in basically every way, besides you wanting to exterminate Jews.

Leftist Jews are bigger enemies to my people than any external threat. We are allied and you don’t even know it

>Jow Forums
spot the difference

Okay I'll give you a chance:
1. Opinion on borders?
2. Opinion on imperialism?
3. Opinion on race?
3.5. Opinion on morality in politics?
4. How do we save Western civilisation?

You need to know that there are no good jews.

Based and openmindedpilled

1. Fuck open borders. A nation should control its borders and in return its sovereignty.

2. Old world imperialism was fine for the major empires. New world brings more problems than benefits.

3. I prefer not to race mix. I think races and cultures have their own uniqueness which is beneficial to maintain. I agree with tarrant in that I don’t give a fuck about Arabs in the Arab peninsula. When I see burqa’s in western nations I want to puke. It literally is the downfall. Also 13/52 statistic... like the evidence is out there.

3.5 We need more morality in politics. Separation of church and state has led to a truly degenerate society.

4. Stop Islamic migration, send them back ASAP. And only accept immigration that won’t harm our demographics. Do something to promote white birth rates.

Figure 1.2

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Literally crawling with communist filth

Last summer my a/c went out during the hottest week of the year for us. It was 108 and I had no A/C these beta ass cucks need to get their shit together and man the fuck up.

only redditors i confirmed irl were a group of helpdesk nerds who worked as vendors inside a microsoft datacenter. talking about reddit in a group at lunch

brief rundown: one chubby 6/10 female and the rest a mashup of fat and skeletons. all oddball lookers. it just makes sense.

low test, ugly, no social skills. thats reddit

Based Fren

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I'm probably the moderate you speak of. I used reddit for a long time but it's unbearable now and I don't have any active accounts there anymore. Its' pointless.

Thx mountain fren

I think both of us honestly. Like I’ve always been conservative but cuckservative was more like it. I look at the canadian conservatives and cringe.

Thank God I’m an American.

It’s like the dirty Hamilton antifa’s use this site exclusively. It really is repulsive.

Does testosterone and right wing politics correlate?

Leftists are just such massive pussies their must be a substantial correlation there.

Reddit is only useful for their Intel, Nvidia, and AMD subs. But that's like a once or twice a year visit. Everything else is absolute shit and even the ones I listed are p. shit.

reddit is so fucking gay and predictable. Ive seen them dog pile on people with sourced peer review research because it went against the narrative (5g good, google spying good, space travel good etc etc)

I only use it for this phone game but it seems very cliquey and most of the people that post struggle with reading comprehension.

was that you user? Because the rebt is too damn high

I think part of the reason that Reddit is so gay is the ownership and admins. The culture of any place depends on what is allowed to trickle down from the top. Moot and Gookmoot didn't/don't really care what gets posted as long as it's not illegal shit. On Reddit however, subreddits that admins disagree with get quarantined and eventually axed.

When users see that type of action from the top brass it affects their behavior. Why would anyone want to stay on a website that actively hates them and their opinion on things? Because Reddit moderation/administration is so left-leaning and pseudo-intellectual, anyone right-leaning, centrist, stupid, average intelligence, or legitimately intelligent leave for other places.

Meanwhile, more and more smug lefty pseudo-intellectuals and useful idiots catch wind of Reddit's culture and administration and think
>"Wow. What a swell place full of reasonable, intelligent people! XD"
And the flock there en mass. Eventually those people matriculate upwards to become power hungry mods or make Reddit boards of their own, making Reddit even more left-leaning and heavy handed.

It's really a positive feedback loop with exponential growth, which is why it seems to happen overnight on some websites.

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They’re fucking fascists

Niche subs sure for hobbie info.

But the site in general is infected with Marxism that occasionally bleeds into the little subs.

No, if I make an account it usually is shadowbanned within 10 mins

I think you’re onto something user.

I used it in like 2011 for news and if I go to news subs these days it’s pure Marxism. It’s as you say... I think the left leaning centrism feedback loop will just spur on growth of radical Marxist types.

My dad is a right wing guy but enjoys looking at Fox News comments to see stupidity. It’s basically just boomers making comments, which are bound to be dumb. I challenge him to just glimpse at reddit. He’d probably go national socialist over night.

Clownish npc comments are so boring.

Are they really just bots?

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>Jow Forumslutors are all redditors
called it

I understand they're fucking dumb and delusional but I just wish they weren't so cliche'd.

Go back to your shithole Muhammad

Yeah it’s annoying because it’s the same commie shit spewed constantly

I’m really thinking bots

Everything is gay now. Just deal with it.

t. reddit

How to user?

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>we own reddit like a dog on a leash

Attached: pol shill loses it.png (626x289, 54K)

r/unpopularopinion is the only sub with a lick of common sense

Needs more context.

Housing market is inherently screwed up by government but these people want more government to designate them in a commie block apartment with social housing. This government dependency also causes people to keep voting left since they're now depended on their failing policies that just drags everyone not at the upper class to the bottom. Governments have huge influence into houses that are build and cancel building projects a lot if they think there would be too much houses. Because assets of banks would then decrease.

An actual solution would be to undo social housing policies in a timely manner, limit migration (since migration + social housing creates more demand), more freedom in the building of houses. Social housing only makes sense if it's implemented as a temporary thing for starters or people in a dire situation. It should be for people who pay into society though not for a bunch of retard arabs and niggers who came for gibs.