Pol approved movies

pol approved movies

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The Fantastic Adventures of Unico


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is that willie wonka and the ultraviolence factory

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Gangs of New York

Good Boys

Old school film: Der Jud Suss

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The Eternal Jew is mandatory Jow Forums material

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If you like "THEY LIVE", try "Society"
If you like "Eyes Wide Shut", try "Short Night of the Glass Dolls".

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Taxi driver is the only answer

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>Jow Forums approved
what did he mean by this?

Too bad Tarantino is a pedo


pulp fiction was jewpilled af but RD was the shit

I can understand "Life of Brian" being "redpilled" as it examines how myths and religions are made - but how can "redpilled" possibly be used regarding "Reservoir Dogs"? The most profound conversation I can remember from that movie was something about tipping waitressses...
Now, I'm not having a pop at your choices, user - but what, in particular, makes this movie"redpilled" to you?

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This one friend

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My Little Pony


I’m watching The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977) myself.

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Taxi Driver
Travis is our guy.

How can you doubt it.

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movies used to be art, not just consumer goods, like fucking mcdonalds. They were supposed to change your life and your perspective on things, not to jerk you off for a load of dopamine. Before retarded cape shit and star wars took over. Now it's like watching artistic abortion made by 10,000 focus groups and 100 (((producers))). Aside from budget, what's the difference between this and porn exactly?
At least we have something left i guess

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>women will never understand
Are you fucking serious? Thats peak chick flic

Demolition Man, feminist/basedboy Utopia complete with hate speach laws and non physical sex, where violence is a totally foreign concept.

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Lmao punchy deniro is sueing his staff for watching friends on the job. I guess that divorce was hemorrhaging too much money?? Lol

300 (2006)
1984 (1984)*
Adventures of Mark Twain, the (1985)
Angry Birds (2016)**
Blade Runner (1982)
Cold Skin (2017)*
Conan the Barbarian (1982)*
Cross of Iron (1977)*
Demolition Man (1993)
Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Bomb (1964)
Falling Down (1993)
John Rambo (2008)
Rambo (aka First Blood) (1982)
Robocop (1987)
Threads (1984)
*read the book/s afterwards.
**was sceptical at first but it works.

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Her is absolute hedonistic crap about literally the "special snowflake" that needs his "special snowflake wifu" to enjoy himself. i agree, fuck this one. not my list tho.
I'd take Kingdom of Heaven out as well

>a movie about angry young white group who hates other and wants to use violence against them, also they occasionaly use Russian words
>Jow Forums

The greatest comedy of the 20th century

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Confusing the actor with his work.

Travis Bickle is totally pol.



Lawnmower Man


Silence of the lamb

9 1/2 weeks


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Apocolyps Now

Politics at its very basic best.

The Matrix was really nice, but way overhyped. Lord of War is also good. With Fire and Sword is supremely good if you like the time setting as well.

>if i had my way mr tweed, i'd shoot each and every one of them before the set foot on american soil

Bonney and,Clyde the origanal.

equilibrium 2002

Uncle Buck
The Usual Suspects
The Salton Sea
The Last Castle
The Great Outdoors
The Hunted
Red Dawn
Lucky Number Slevin
Into the Wild
Eyes Wide Shut
Dirty Work
Dark City
Crossroads (1986 with Ralph Macchio)
Conspiracy Theory

Clash of the Titans (1981)
Blown Away
Beverly Hills Cop
Under Siege
The Matrix
Demolition Man
The Naked Gun
Blazing Saddles
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
History of the World Part 1
Young Frankenstein
Back to the Future
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Kindergarten Cop
Pumping Iron
Raw Deal
The Running Man
A History of Violence
City Slickers
Fight Club
Iron Sky
Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Lord of War
The Jackal
Mrs. Doubtfire
The Patriot
Police Academy
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Last Starfighter
The Rock
The Hebrew Hammer
Master and Commander
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Scanner Darkly

nah dude The HighWayMen

bonnie and clyde original is not accurate and glorifies the wrong heros in my opinon..


this movie is hard as a coffin nail.

yes goy, white people were just like niggers, coming to America to live in violence and filth and constantly bashing each other sculls in with no law, order or dignity whatsoever. There is zero fucking historical proof of the events depicted. So out of all the hollywood propaganda pieces you picked the most ant-white one, dipshit. Neck yourself

Event Horizon
The Abyss
Logan's Run
Onions Green
Starship Troopers
The Andromeda Strain
The Island
The Land that Time Forgot
THX 1138
Short Circuit
They Live
Men of Honor
A Few Good Men
Rules of Engagement
Just a few. Not all redpilled or whatever, but just stuff that I like.

For a fistful of dollars
A couple dollars more
The good the bad and the ugly

These are not political movies, but they showcase a strong, white, Christian masculinity that is very much needed today.


lol angry shill from another thread.. starting to acquire a fan club.. =]

i am white cock sucker and here is your historical proof (pic attached) Bill The Butcher was real and this movie showcases very beginnings of politics like user said.. anti-white? how the fuck do you figure that lame brain?


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>pol approved movies
"Help me! I can't think for myself and I don't know what movies I need to like so I have to go to the bunch of losers and have them tell me what movies I need to like"

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Jow Forums is too normie to understand this, user

>There Will Be Blood
Absolutely based. Fantastic movie.


Neck yourself

Can someone please answer me is DRIVER a based movie? I think it's one of the literally handful of movies that has jew villains in it, I think.

Think about it circumcised jewmericans. Your "muh freedumb" country and movie industry made billions of movies and you can't name 3 jew villains in all of them, lmao.

fuckin eh.. there will be blood! nice user

also: you realize the Irish were slaves and discriminated against just the same as other races? they just do not walk around crying about it or milking it for all it is worth in present day.

Gangs of New York seems accurate to me..

sure, a gang existed, therefore all whites are dirty retards ready to chimp out? if you don't see that this movie was made to desensitize whites to the incoming hordes 3rd wold migration, than nothing can help you.

Little green bag

uh.. yeah.. whatever you say.. i can tell you are young slick, do not come at me with "nothing can help me".

i would be willing to wager i have forgotten more knowledge than you have yet to acquire.. but think whatever you want, Gangs of New York showcases politics of that time..

you see it differently. cool

Being There and Dr. Strangelove, Peter Sellers is the bomb.

>thinking all Irish in the US were slaves
>thinking Irish in this movie were slaves
been taking too much retarded pills lately?

A lot of great titles in your lists, bravo

The best of Clint Eastwood

Faggy list

Boomer detected.

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you are not familiar with American history; Irish built the railroads same as other slave labor races. Chinese, Africans/Blacks, you name it..

>MC is fighting a dystopian gubmint for killing his wife and neutering the population
gee I wonder why it's Jow Forums related
it's not like german water supply is poisoned with hormones to reduce their immune reaction to refugees

I'm not seriously arguing with a memeflag about how Irish slaves were identical to modern day niggers, who also build everything in between violent chimp outs.

Also, can someone explain why, other than Fashwave aesthetics and jew mobster villains Drive is always listed as a pol approved movie. I thought it was gay and Bryan Goslin was a cuck.

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good do not argue with me, you will be better oft.. continue on in your bliss captain know it all.

Rain Man, underrated

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Get off my site, boomer

That make sense, thanks

A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence

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uwe boll's movie 'rampage'

>pol approved movies

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Red dawn.

>mrs doubtfire
A jew feminises a white man to mislead children. Nice try kike

Can't even ask for recommendations without being bulli. Shame

I honestly can't think of a more overrated movie.


If that's the only thing you took away from that film, you're probably a sociopath.

>examines how myths and religions are made
Ultimate brainlet

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>father desperate to see kids because wife won't let him after divorce
>decided to dress up in drag so that he can spend time with his kids
>at end of movie, is exposed and wife ends up letting him just see his kids like a normal person

But yeah, the main theme of that film was feminizing a white man and jewish trickery.

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he is just a brainwashed fool.. ignore him.

Don't forget your roots Jow Forums

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