>President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world

>and the Jewish people in Israel love him .like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God


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Other urls found in this thread:


The absolute state of americans...


Imagine being a MIGApede and voting for Trump? lmao

>The king of israel

So... the anti-Christ??
Is Trump secretly Jewish?

America First?

Can't make this shit up.

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Fucking hell. Can this get any worse?

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He's getting really crazy which means it's almost time for DOTR.
He's going for maximum underestimation.

unironically lol'd
this reads like a fucking comedy, so fucking sad too though
If Yang or Gabbard don't get the nomination I really will have no idea who to vote for, guess it doesn't even matter

Trump is trolling the jews and trolling the MSM, retard.

This is based, this is based, this is based

And yet the party of Jews in the US hates, him, and wants people to not vote for him and vote instead for the party of Jews...

Ironic aint it?

>trust the plan
Good lord just give it a rest boomers. He ducking made y’all all riled up to literally do nothing.

I honestly don't know what to think...
This is Biden level gaff hack shit.

America's fucked mate.

What is he saying?

Imagine being pol in 2016 and shilling for ziondon.

You guys are some real subhumans. So easily deceived.


>it's trump 4D chess guys, I swear

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Who we votin' for next ? Warrior Warren or Battle Biden ?

"But an ally can turn, you're going to find that out"
I have almost zero hope, but please God, let this be 9000D intergalactic chessgammon

We don't talk about who to vote for, we only talk about how bad Orange man is, becuase we are bots and kikes.


Yep, he's been trolling Jewish Dems and the Democrats support of ,not criticism for Israel, but outright Islam fueled propaganda.

m-maga, amirite?

>In June 2016, Root described himself as a "Jew turned Evangelical Christian".[8] As of November 2016, Root described himself as Jewish, and says he considers Donald Trump to be the first Jewish president, in the same sense that Bill Clinton was often called the first black president.
>He promoted murder of Seth Rich conspiracy theories and various times suggested that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Bill Clinton, Eric Schneiderman and John Podesta were involved in the murder.[5]

>During the white supremacist Unite the Right rally, Root falsely claimed that the white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. who killed Heather Heyer was "such B.S. Probably paid actors & infiltrators hired by Soros. No conservative I’ve ever met commits violence. EVER."[5]

>Root tweeted in the aftermath of the 2017 attack in Las Vegas "This is a real thing. Clearly Coordinated Muslim Terror attack. PRAY for our Vegas police. PRAY for victims. VERY bad. Awful."[25] It was later confirmed that the shooter was 64-year-old Mesquite, Nevada, resident Stephen Paddock.[26] Root then defended his original claim by tweeting "Terrible day. Liberal fools criticizing me 4 reporting what I hear DIRECT from police & credible news sources. I report it as I hear it."[27]

>Root argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is motivated by "penis envy", because "Mueller’s is smaller than Trump’s."[5]

Yeah, American society is collapsing. Fucking freefall.

Now that’s fucking embarrassing

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Holy fuck, it's real.

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>this is real

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Americans are the goy slave race the jews wanted to create so much.

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mutts didn't listen

JFK was based. His dad was notoriously anti-semitic, for one thing, only takes a google search to find out

At 22 Kennedy himself already condemned Israel: mondoweiss.net/2012/10/citing-zionist-desire-for-complete-domination-young-jfk-called-for-independent-jerusalem/

No wonder they took him out

Checked. What if this is just a giant troll on Trump's part using quantum realization?
>Da jooz have been quantum meming to bring on the antichrist
>Drumpf inserts his fat ass right into the middle of their meme
I dunno, just throwing it out there. Otherwise why would he troll so? King of the Joos, Lol.

This is quite concerning. Nice digits, tho.

Trump is 100% jewish. Why does nobody fucking know this?

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Albert Einstein also refused to endorse Israel on the grounds that they used terror to establish their criminal ethnostate. Always sad to see threads on Jow Forums trying to deny his achievements.

First I will become their King..

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orange man is bad, he’s jewjew cum cocksucker and I don’t need to be a bot or shill to know that


Imagine pretending to be a white nationalist and not realising Israel is just a puppet for the (((British Crown))) and the crypto kike in the Vatican

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Fuck off weeb

You got it, toothpaste user.

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Fuck off German. You have no idea what it’s like to live in this country

Dumb asses in this thread. He posted a quote about him, that’s not what he actually said.

Read the fucking Twitter you imbeciles.

Good god, would you vote for those open border parasites just to spite israel?

>gets shot

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True post. I like gabbard and booty judge



Damnnn son. Thank You

Sloppy job MOSSAD.

Holy shit, how can he not see that this excessive, cult-like philosemitism will only serve to harm the Jews in the long run?

He sounds like a junkie talking about his fix.

>shoots back

>He’s supposed to protect and defend Jewish Americans not Israeli Jews in a far away country. Instead, he questions the loyalty of American Jews like an anti-Semitic white supremacist bigot.

>He even has the audacity and the messianic complex to praise himself as “the King of Israel” and “the second coming of God” while disparaging American Jews. All that faux outrage against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is so plainly exposed as hypocrisy wrapped in white supremacy.
19 replies 201 retweets 990 likes


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So wait... Our media is dominated by Zionist Jews who vehemently hate Don, yet he's somehow being held up as the ultimate Israeli president? So are we like in the middle of the jewpocalypse or something? How are ((they)) going to get him in office if our whole system is being stacked?

I mean civil war 2.0 is just... Jews? Hating other Jews for being Jews? And not even hiding it?

>Holy shit, how can he not see that this excessive, cult-like philosemitism will only serve to harm the Jews in the long run?
You're just mad that a german-scott is now the king of Israel

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>Sloppy job MOSSAD.
Check @realDonaldTrump before claiming its fake.

>I mean civil war 2.0 is just... Jews? Hating other Jews for being Jews? And not even hiding it?
There will be no civil war, DUGIN

Just imagine how hillary would have been
Zion don didn't even declare war on Iran even though they told him to so of course they want him replaced for even gooder goy



stupid satania poster

What's his fucking problem?

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Kevin Lamarque/REUTERS
Donald Trump: Jews who vote for Democrats show ‘great disloyalty’
Bloomberg News Jordan Fabian and Ryan Teague Beckwith
August 21, 2019 9:02 AM EDT

Filed under:
News World
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President Donald Trump said Jews who vote for Democrats are either ignorant or disloyal after two U.S. congresswomen were blocked from entering Israel because they support a boycott of the country over its treatment of Palestinians.

“Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat — I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” Trump said Tuesday during an Oval Office meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis."

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Kek confirms trump is antichrist

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this is keks revenge, do you think the god of chaos works in your favor? you summoned him and now we all have to pay the price
good job faggots
also checked

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Just get a normal president, that tulsi gabbana or something. She will treat mexicans better but atleast you have a president that stands for your country and not israel

>b-but it's 8D intergalactic chess, I-i promise

>they used terror to establish their criminal ethnostate
Isn't this what you poltards want anyways?

Billions in arms sold to the Saudis
Assad still in power
No war in Iran
No WW3
Afghanistan peace talks in progress
Troop withdrawal imminent

A jew

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Why did Jared Kushner hired the movie director who directed the movie the purge? Was the movie 'Wag the dog' just a movie?
Who is Moshiach?
>If the person succeeded in all these endeavors, and then rebuilds the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and facilitates the ingathering of the Jews to the Land of Israel—then we are certain that he is the Moshiach.

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

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You don’t even know what a boomer is you idiot Jew fuck. Lol you only embarrass yourself.

Tru /pol understands what is going on here. Tru /pol is fluid and in harmony with timeline shifts. Tru /pol IS Jewish and Christian and Muslim and YinYang and shamanic and honors Chaos. Tru /pol is a place of peace and love. This hate and subterfuge comes from the Left pretending to be alt-right, and glowers from the deep, edgy kids and neckbeards, and undermench who think they are Nazi.

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You absolute muppet.

Trump figured out that the kikes legitimately control the world and wants to get into the club. Understandable, but pathetic.

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“All the world's a stage,/ And all the men and women merely players.”
Patriotic Americans will going to purge all the "white supremacists" aka Christians

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What? The king of Israel has always had Indo-European admixture, mate. King David had red hair.

Redpilled. A Hindu president would be a huge relief for both the US and the world. Semites and their religions are wrecking our shit.

Because when you're a developer in Jew York, sucking up to jews so you can grease the wheels, that means you're a jew too.

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If he is King, what is Barry Sotoro?

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This is epic trolling. He’s splitting the left and consolidating the boomer vote. He also really wants to make a peace deal and needs to have the blessing of Israelis. Only stormfags and commie D&C fags say otherwise.


I thought that was fake when I saw it. Well done MIGApedes

I would be LMAOing hard if president i've voted for post shit like this on twitter

This. Trump just outed himself

Good God..

None of the dems are open border, get off Boomerbart

Lol look at this sad sack trying to hold this shit show together

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hello discord tranny.

remember what gandalf said to the balrog?


Go fucking dilate.

>If Yang or Gabbard don't get the nomination

Youd have to be borderline stupid to think they even have a slight chance of getting the nom.

>This is based, this is based, this is based
You type like you've been fucking brainwashed. CIA get to you?

So he says. We all know Trump is just 5D chessing those dirty kikes!

They said the same about Trump.