White people are just as dumb as the rest

Christians are the ultimate proof. White Christians are brainwashed recessive chimps. Muslims are brainwashed chimps.

Its fucking brainwashing simian brethren its not real. Is their a creator? Is their judgement? Maybe. But your book is fake. Its really fake.

White people you are leucistic and albino derivative simians. You dont even know what leucism is because youre ruled by occultists who dont want you to know. They dont want you to know the truth.

Youre my brother, and I have love for you. Lets get out of the brainwashing together. Lets save the world. Join my party. Before modern times, your people were attuned to the forces of nature. You have lost the way. Blinded by lies of honey.

We dont have to have to back to the forest. But we must accept who we are, and use the truth as a stepping stone toward true englightenment.

Im gonna drop some MK ultra breaking red pills. You might not be ready for them. I might even get banned for this post. It doesnt matter. The truth is more important. Get this info while you can. Knowing thyself is the first step to awakening your ancient dormant powers.

Look for this movie, its called quest for fire. It tells the true tale of mankind.


Google Leucism.
Read this link.
google.com/search?safe=off&q=What color eyes do albinos have?&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw262h8ZPkAhVGvlkKHQwCCSMQzmd6BAgMEAk&biw=1179&bih=547

This is how you got here bro, obviously. Lets not beat around the bush. Your pride is worthless as a slave. Its blissful ignrorance. The truth isnt something to mock you with, on the contraire, it links you to the fucking planet. You are terran. It is your birthright.

Your ancestors walked on 4 legs. You carry their trials with you. Do not abandon the hardships of your predecesors for a modern monkey mind control larp. You didnt fall out of the sky. You belong here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You are light incarnate. An alpha simian protectorate of Nature. Nature that birthed your mortal ape existence. You can still be righteous, and honorable, and courageous. You can do the right thing. The truth can set us free.



you can pick only one

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mmm, patty cake

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Everything they taught us over the last 30 years has been a lie. The towers fell 33 years after their construction. Our whole lives have been socially engineered by simian fag child eating cults who rule the world. Theyre degenerate psychos. Their brain dont work good. They want to make us all evil. Theyve indoctrinated us all into Satanism. Saturnism. Set worhship. From egypt. The Sun is SETting on SATURday. They own everything. Its all fake and monkey mind control.

I need you bro to wake up and join me in freeing the people the real truth. Were up against ancient cults. They have both of our tribes in their pockets. But I solemnly believe the truth can save us all.


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Shame about the fingolian face

I guess you've grown accustomed to the African phenotype by now.

face is good.... wtf swede, do you only like muslim faces?

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you might as well fuck an actual pig

>White people are just as dumb as the rest
most people (90%+), including this board's patrons are fucking retarded with little common sense and rational mind.

Europeans just got relatively lucky with their geography, proximity with the New World, balkanization (promotes better weaponry) and couple of brilliant ideas by Greeks and Romans (who weren't really that white anyway)

none of the technological wonders (gunpowder, printing press, paper) were truly invented by Europeans, but perfected and utilized by them because of couple of lucky circumstances

otherwise, they're just like niggers, but with more money and better overall manners.

>White Christians
Whites and Christians are two separate races. Christians cross-breed with Jews whereas whites do not. There are no white Christians.

are you 10/10? I am not. The face is perfect for me.

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>one small minority dominates the entire world for centuries
>lel they just got lucky

You cant make a thread without a Christian entering and giving you his thoughts. Its all for good reason. Hes brainwashed into thinking he can save your eternally damned soul if you just use his promocode.

You might not want to admit it. But vast masses of your people are under complete mind control through their monkey naiveness. You dont have to abandon them. You can wake them up. The truth doesnt remain hidden forever.

Do you feel like taking an ancient cult down through a anonymous image board? Yup. Did we just become light incanrnate simian protectorate?

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>Set worhship. From egypt. The Sun is SET
Set is a god of darkness and night...

well, your country was certainly not in that minority. you savages got your first printing press and books later than us and we're in fucking asia

other than that yeah. it's like a poor farmer winning a lottery. he's still a rich man, but did he deserve it, or was it luck?

>rationalization olympics

The problem is that they just won't wake up

>White people are just as dumb as the rest
>Christians are the ultimate proof
The majority of Christians are black. Maybe you should look into what the black Christcucks get up to all over the African continent before posting such nonsense. They make Christians from every else on the globe look like they are in the rudest of mental health.

>that face

cringe &yikes

Whos the whore in the pic OP? i want to suck the shit out her brown asshole


People who don't think Pattycake is absolutely perfect looking = won't survive the Happening

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Yeah but some faggy world ruling shadow elite cults like to larp like they are dark luciferians and prey to entities like them. Sacrificing and bloodletting in their name.

That bitch has a weird face....like a blonde blue eyed gook.

Is this white money in US?

>Im gonna drop some MK ultra breaking red pills. You might not be ready for them. I might even get banned for this post.

lol this isn’t reddit you kid. And you’re not smart or original. You’re like a little baby to us.

which got blacked?

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shut up jew

>which got blacked?

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>Shame about the fingolian face

Is that what it is?

I thought she looked gook like.

Fuck christianity.

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They're kikes,so both.

>I thought she looked gook like.

this is why you are a 30 year old virgin, your standards are stupid and your tiny cock hates you

The even scarier reality is most of us, including me, lack the will to walk the right path. After a lifetime of living in the heart of sin that is the west. The correct moral choices are harder than they need to be. Were controlled by the flesh. But our duty is toward conciousness and the planet. Were indoctrinated into Satanism.

Watch a minute of this from 28:00

Sounds like the business of sun gods, not night gods.

He meant she has a weird asian look which she does you projecting incel.

finbro is whiter than u mohammed, go back to doing ur prayers on the little rug


Don't you ever soil pattycake's aesthetic with this bullshit
Some countries have space programs

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Butter face a nice body...meh watever.

You need to calm down, Satan

nah thanks, I enjoy living in society where Christianity injected humanistic values like "love your neighbor as yourself."
Check out what happens when your society runs on atheism. Webm related.

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her asshole is pink prob.
low t.

I like her eastern face.

10/10 white, true blonde

Never owned an acc, you probably have several sock accounts.

har har

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>White people you are leucistic and albino derivative simians.
me: *googles leucistic"
>You dont even know what leucism is because youre ruled by occultists who dont want you to know.
oh shit, busted...

Chinks are soulless cruel bugmen by nature....commies or not.

>humanistic values like
hating gays?

>He meant she has a weird asian look which she does you projecting incel.

noones listening to your jewish tricks

>her asshole is pink prob.

wrong, the whiter the girl the more brown her shitter is!

thats not atheism, that bhuddism. Probably closer to the truth than christianity imo but fake monkey larp nonetheless.

Cmon poland. Bad things happen everywhere.


Am I degenerate for thinking collars and chokers are sexy?

>hating gays?

Hating the sin of sodomy.... and it is a sin, sodomite.

>Am I degenerate for thinking collars and chokers are sexy?

Only if you're wearing them,

nice jewbabble kike

Its kind of a purple color sometimes it really depends honestly. Ive dating two pale girls one with brown/purple and the other pink. Both brunettes.

They are but not on your gf/wife in public.

These are non whites.

Sure think chimp larper.

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Fuck off mutt.

cringe and yikes desu senpai

What if I walk her on a leash

>communist party enforced Buddhism for like many decades
uh no. Commies enforced atheism because they viewed any religion as competition. nowadays nobody gives a fuck if you're gay, unless youre extremely flamboyant about it, then it's seen as "propagating sin" and it is said that to not hate the sinner but hate the sin.

When the lost tribes of Israel were transferred to their assyrian cities, those that didnt make it out to colonies in Europe and abroad, they were there until the Assyrian empire fell, though some of them had already become Scythians and helped sack Nineveh. They were named Gimira, and became Cimmerians and Scythians who early historians say are related. The scythians are described as having light colored hair, blonde and red.
They then over the centuries were pushed west into Europe and later were known as goths, celts, saxons, etc. Some accumulated into older Israelite colonists.
The European peoples and their kindred are the biblical Israelites.
You know nothing. The God of our fathers is the truth, and you're a blind fool. Sorry to tell you the truth like that.

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How do you know it is a sin?
>a book told me so
Books say lots of things, you know

Bla bla bla
Anti white
Fuck you kike

Christianity isn't white

even primitive african tribes that cant read know enough to shun faggots

>White people are just as dumb as the rest
Yes, but they're our people. Family is family regardless of intelligence.

>Everyone is a saturn worshipper, but christianity, the biggest establishment religion is a clean slate.

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gf at a rave is okay anything else is pretty overly degenerate.

hmmm pattycake is my fetish

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It's funny how Europe turned non-white the moment we abandoned Christianity. Actually, most of the world turned non-white. Yet you euphoric cucks pretend it's Christianity's fault. It just makes no sense.

also, did you even watch my webm? It's not about the accident, it's about the reaction of people to it. Van runs over the child, 50 people walk by and nobody gives a flying fuck. In any western country such thing would be unthinkable.

>Europe turned non-white the moment we abandoned Christianity
*Kisses black feet*

> P(White ∩ Christian) = 0
You really are a stupid cunt

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>t. negro

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sounds fake to me. But you sound very investment. Youre not alone. Good luck. Im taking down the big cult and your cult is a proxy of theirs. For I have true righteousness.

inverted and half truths you dumbass

Christianity doesnt exist.
Papism certainly isnt christian even if it did

Yo, post more thots thoting it.
Sup' /b/!

literally has 666 as trip, and thinks we are brainwashed

Yes, Christianity is cucked nowadays. That's because everyone else cucked first. Christianity did not lead us here. Atheism did. My point still stands, and there's absolutely zero way you could refute it: The world was white under Christianity. Now it's black and atheist.

yeah so wouldnt you want to save them? keeping them in an artificial bubble with lies in order to shelter them isnt healthy. A ship is safe in a harbor. But thats not what ships are for.

Retard, it’s not that we abandoned christianity but replaced it with mass nihilism. Christianity is a shit religion, it does it’s job to a degree but it blocks core western values from roman and greek times. We need to replace christianity with some other form of worship, whether it be paganism or worshipping some leader like Hitler.

How do I get bdsm gf?


>post more thots
Fucking hell user, that's a weird fetish.

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Damn she look pretty thic. Kinda weird lookin, but kinda thic.

Pray tell what are the full truths.

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>Christianity will save us

I would kill and maim nonstop if christianity threatened to come back, you know.

Paganism is just a pathetic larp. We have exactly two real choices: Christianity or atheism. We've clearly chosen atheism. And you larpers are just making it worse by further eroding Christianity with your endless ridicule.

The work of forces of entropy; decay. Fear not, for I am a syntropist; withstanding.

Just beat her good before raping at the park

No time is not the same as short time

Of course you would. Anything to undermine the west.

how edgy
but you're a pagan so I guess that's how you behave on average.

Christians automatically lose their white status. Christians, in principle, cross-breed with Jews whereas whites do not. There are no white Christians.

Typical heathen behavior, much like that catholics