How does a tiny country like denmark maintain control of big ass greenland?

How does a tiny country like denmark maintain control of big ass greenland?

The US invests so much money into IRS military, and we have no territorial gains to show for it.

We should just annex greenland. Nobody would dare to stop us. The EU would get their panties in a bunch but they would get over it when they realize they need us to keep russia back.

There is literally no downside to taking over greenland.

Attached: GL.jpg (1047x739, 495K)

lmao amerimutts are seething. you retards all think like kikes but you lack the intelligence to pull it off

America already has military bases all over greenland.

They stole it from Norway.

Attached: 1565980433335m.jpg (1024x428, 78K)

So let's start expanding them.

Attached: mercator-vs-truesize[1].png (1070x735, 363K)

FUCK why don't we take canada too.

Can't you just conquer Canada instead? Its just as cold and useless as greenland?

We don't want their liberals

Nice try, Kremlin guy.

Fuck off D&C shill. You know the commies want it.

>Mercator projection


Attached: E6688A44-94D1-454D-8338-89810E554D64.png (1920x1080, 155K)

While nice to know its still huge.

Only one, the rest are NOAA research sites that have people from all over the place visiting them.


Attached: Flat map.jpg (1880x1410, 157K)

>Greenland: 2.166.000 km2
>USA: 9.834.000 km2

your map shows roughly the same size

Maybe you could rotate...with Greenland switching between USA and Denmark every 4-5 years.

Just throwing it out there..?

No it doesn't.

When can we have them?

Attached: 20190818_234410.jpg (720x840, 634K)

or try to compare
>Australia: 7.692.000 km2
>Greenland: 2.166.000 km2
to your map

>hey guys, we are totally still gonna make mexico pay for the wall
