I just realize i am a doomer

I can't take the blackpill anymore

How do i get out?

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Youre here forever

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Go walk in nature for 30 minutes. Also do dumb normie things like watching a tv show or a movie. The best is working on building things for yourself. Maybe learn how to make website, pays well costs nothing to setup and distracts you from the endless human stupidity.

if you think you can get out, you're not truly blackpilled

I made a few videos about that.
Watch and learn.
Be sure to like and subscribe.

Take the gympill user

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>How do i get out?
Pro Tip: you can't.

Only way out is the rope

well you're stuck now, might as well embrace it

fukken saved

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Literally just get away urban environment


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Become the hero of the story.
If you can't think of a way out, then that is your limitations of self realization.
Expand your ability to see possibility and create change in the systems which are bothering you.
Once you see your effects taking place, this should shine some light of what character you can play in the story of life.

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you know the way

Take the clown pill

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>How do i get out?
You fight your way out.

I'd say read David Goggins' book

It's not worth it to be the "Hero" in this kind of society.
Protect what you love and who you love. But every man for himself
To quote Mega Man Zero 4
>"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"
I dont care if you call me a nerd but that line really does matter a lot nowadays.
Heroes die, Survivors win

But not this kind of fighting though OP.

once you take the blackpill theres no way back. if you do, you didnt take the blackpill to begin with

>But every man for himself
If that's how you're thinking you've already lost. Humans are a fundamentally tribal species, the sooner you realise this the better.

unironically this. a teisted society views heroes as villains..
..so train to be a supervillain.

>How do i get out?
Take the doompill, let this planet burn, destroy everything so the niggers and jews won't have it.

Attached: nigger apocalypse.jpg (939x146, 26K)

when thew US's yearly interest payment on national debt are equal to gdp, probably in the late 2020's, everyone else should be as miserable as us at least

wish i knew. going to take a .45 express to the lethe soon enough

At least you /hasguns/ to end it. We just have to neck up here.

I dont have the benefit of living with a white majority where I live Bruce. The 2010 was around 40% and I can bet you that it's mostly old boomers, and with the 2020 census around the corner and having actually lived there for most of my life it's gotten far less white than in 2010.
So really I can't trust anyone here and I gotta be on my own here until I can move out to somewhere whiter

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I have a 170m high bridge near me, thats my ticket out.

Get out of the digital world for some time
Or atleast reduce the amount of time
Go out without your smartphone, try doing smalltalk when youre doing your groceries, cut/reduce your alcohol consumption, try doing sport like weightlifting(you dont need to do much, try atleast a 15min workout with 5kg weights)
Seriously, humans arent wired to be in the digital world 24/7
Humans need the sun, the feeling when the wind is blowing in your face, the sound of birds chirping in the near distance, need physical labour to get your mind off and having "accomplishment" reactions inside your brain.
Maybe lose some weight if youre a bit chubby or fat by eating more fruit and vegetables instead of eating frozen pizza.
And reduce your sugar intake, sugar is the foodjew basically

Its hard af in todays society i admit, but after a time you seriously get better i swear
I needed several weeks to feel a difference but im actually calmer and appreciate the little things in life more

Godspeed user

Based & Bridgepilled

If that's how it is you should definitely move somewhere better.
Stop shilling this shit and just off yourselves already. Jow Forums with "two" less demoralization shills would be a better place.

I can't
need to find work and at least finish my degree and CPL

literally and unironically kys faggot

The internet makes you crazy. Go outside and get some vitamin D from the sun. Depression and anxiety are jewish weapons.

Never going to happen, I'm neither suicidal nor attention seeking enough to pretend to be.




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No u


You determine whether something is worth it not whether plebs approve.

I simply said that people should just take care of what they love and who they love, no point to play the hero for a stranger

You didn't read the label. Under side effects it states in bold "There is no going back, effects are permanent, sorry."

You can try to ignore it, but it only makes it worse. Read the label next time you come across a new pill.

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based and basepilled

Isn't he a nigger?