Does this idiot not realize that the Jews dont believe in a second coming BECAUSE THEY DONT BELIEVE JESUS WAS THE FIRST COMING.

Trump is calling himself Jesus returned.

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He was just quoting some guy

No he isn't. He quoted a jew.

Unrepentant Jesus murderers wouldn't know G-d from a hole in the ground.

No he didn't. If he had you would taken the time to click your mouse all of 3 fucking times to create and post an archived link ergo this is fake and gay and OP is a faggot that is such a faggot that even other faggots want to kick his ass. no (you) for you. Quit shitting up the board. Faggot.


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Now that is based

Doesn't the second coming spell the end for the jews who have been behaving poorly?

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They are scared as fuck.

he is right for the love thing

All Jews believe in Christ
If they did not then they are false Jews who serve their father the devil

jesus isn't god.Had nothing to do with anything really,no trees,bushes or shrubbery.NO unicorns or aliens or anything other than you thinking your going to be forgiven and that it matters.YOU are just a cowardly jew.Stand on your own two feet you corrupt,irresponsible sack of shit.Stop torturing the little baby Jesus,you faggot!GOD is gonna get you for messing with baby Jesus.Someone wrote a book about it.

>Trump is calling himself Jesus returned.
Trump IS the second coming.

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>second coming of god
oh wow haha

oh wow haha

Q user!

Its called a metaphor faggot

It's 4D russian roulette

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how many days until the apocalypse after the anti-Christ announces himself?

they want moshiach NOW

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I think his reign lasts 7-8 years after a peace deal is negotiated with Israel. Half way through he makes a public announcement that he himself is god (antichrist). So, If you believe it, roughly 3-4 years after he announces himself god and brings about end of days, supposedly Jesus comes back to take him out, raise the dead, judge the world and establish heaven on earth. Or something along those lines.

Neat. Ugh 4 years tho, thats like forever away.