Appalachia Thread

Let's talk about the last bastion of traditional cultural America and its peoples.

Let's also low-key advocate for the creation of an independent Appalachian state.

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An Appalachian-American couple.

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I thought thus wad predominantly people living in shacks all depressed with no future in unending eternal poverty.

That actually looks comfy.

A pretty area but full of retards and drug addicts with nothing to do
Case in point, you can tell just by looking at him he's a fucking idiot

My favourite part of the USA.

People who give you a listen. I don't care if people speak fancy or shit! I only care if their ears work. And the Appalachians are non-hostile to my Australian convict bloodline. They will always be my brothers in arms and their accent is even easier to undertand than normal american

A place where the old have still seen manual labor in their lives.

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One of the only places with positive white birth rates and affordable housing.

Depends on where you go. It's common to see a shack next to a relative mansion. Class doesn't mean much in Appalachia because almost everyone has known poverty at some point regardless of their current state.

I'm glad to hear it ausfriend. We are a very welcoming people. Even when it comes to other races for better or worse.

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Yep...and the rich and poor socially interact in Appalachia far more than in other parts of the country. Only possible because regardless of income they're basically the same ethnic stock and culture.

>other races
!!! as if we had any choice! I am an anchor child myself, mutt of a cypriot whore. It's expected and my job opportunities are lower because of this fact. God bless the caste system

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Sounds down to earth, in a comfy sort of way.

There's just a sense of camaraderie that doesn't seem to be replicated well even in white areas of the rest of the world. I think the biggest influence is that the land itself prevents extensive urbanization. This leads to nothing being more dense than a suburb. Because of that people are more willing to create community where they are.

Appalachians are so welcoming because they are mostly mutts. Usually an admixture of Irish/Scottish/Anglo/German stock combined with native. One interesting ethnic group you will find in Appalachia are Melungeons.

I hope to move there some day.

If you do then make sure that you are prepared to have a more "pioneering spirit." If tree's fall across the highway, be prepared to cut them out yourself. If it snows, be prepared to put your shit in 4WD and navigate windy mountain roads. If it floods, be prepared to go clean up the damage yourself after.

Just keeps sounding more and more comfy.

It is indeed very comfy. There's really no other place like it in the US.

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That sounds very nice. I want a place where I can build an outbuilding without asking the shitty for permission.

>A fucking shed
>Go to town hall with proposal and drawing
>Pay fee just to apply
>Application approved, pay another fine
>Midway through construction, it must be inspected
>When finished, it must be inspected
>Congrats, your property taxes have gone up.
Jesus Christ.

Fucking hillbilly area full of white niggers on opioids

I do all my own plumbing, wiring, and property management.

You can even buy a hot water heater and install it yourself with zero real paperwork here.

207 reporting in. The northern flank is ready.

You've clearly never been here. If you live here then you clearly don't leave the house.

I live here, right near the great allegheny passage. Its nice.

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I had a screeching bull dyke tell me how you shouldn't go tracking the trail there because they'll just randomly shoot you for not belonging there. Why do these people believe such utter bullshit but fail to realize that blacks commit more crime. Why is it normal to say they're all inbred there but do not dare to state the truth about middle easterners getting freaky within the family. Its all so tiresome, but I guess the stigma helps to keep people outside that region.

The stigma is a very two-sided thing yes. The negative is that it keeps investment out of the area and hampers economic growth. Appalachia could be Swiss-tier with even less Zurich-level cuckery but everyone runs away.

I spent my 20s living in cities. Boston, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle. Rubbing elbows with people who didn't even know how to trim a bush.
Now live in rural NH. Ran my own finish carpentry business for 10yrs. Have enough tools to run a 3 man crew to do just about anything. Floors, tile, doors, windows, decks, renovated several condos, didn't matter what it was, I would take it. So much more comfy in my own skin. Have generators, 4 chain saws, never had a vehicle that didn't have 4wheel drive, all trucks. I still get those looks from people like I am their inferior.

Urbanites don't even know how to use shovels. It's the worst possible bubble to be born into. The funny thing is that these people are the same people who bitch about environmental concerns but simultaneously would shit all over the average Appalachian who lives in relative harmony with nature thanks to their housing type and living conditions.

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It's OK here. Kind of gritty and the weather sucks. I prefer the desert though.

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Her screeching like that made me want to go there one day all the more. If it was such a hell for her, then it can't be all that bad.

Nobody has been shot on the Appalachian Trail because muh propertay. The only way anyone will shoot you in Appalachia is if you try to break into their house. I spent most of my childhood trespassing in the mountains and the worst I ever experienced were people's dogs.

Living the dream.

To be fair, I'm sure we've all heard the horror stories about hiking during hunting season without a vest, and other such shit. Its not fair to say you'd never be at risk of getting shot, but it is fair to say that nearly everyone who gets shot is somehow at fault for it.

Those are honestly pretty overblown too. Hunting seasons don't even really correlate with the times of year people would be hiking the trail regardless. Deer seasons are frequently in the very cold months for example.

but back when they were growing pot in Daniel Boone national forest, you could run into some trouble if you caught people by surprise or got too close. The feds pretty much shut that down by the early nineties though

I was pleased by the lack of niggers and mexicans, even in the Pigeon Forge area.

I mean, there were a couple who came for work, but no families and neighborhoods of them as far as I could tell.

Most of the low level jobs were held by white senior citizens.

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Nigs must be a Memphis/sea level thing

Mexicans and blacks are attracted to major metropolitan areas because of the abundance of low-skill jobs available. Appalachia is preserved simply by not being urbanized heavily.

Kentucky represent

Hello fellow Kentuckian. Remember to not vote for Andy Beshear this November.

You can bet your ass I'm voting Bevin

Im from west virginia originally. Let me red pill you all.

Wv is americas dumping ground for big corporations. Big pharma has a new pain killer the military declined due to massive addiction rates, dump it on the hillbillies. Dupont has some unstable chemical brew about to blow out of containment, just leave it alone and let it drain into the waterways. Feds need a quick bust to get promoted, just go bust a couple rednecks shooting guns on their own property as a militia and slam them with hate crimes and drive back to virginia before nightfall, so nobody can see them glow in the dark. The democrats took big payvhecks to close down the mines, reopen them, reclose them. Seemed to really work out in everyone but the people's favor. Mines didnt have to pay a continuous wage, avoided raises, democrats had enough money to move to D.C. and fuck kidnapped children. You think the kkk was formed to keep blacks from voting, lmao, nope kkk was always about keeping whites voting democrat.

Appalachia is a hotbed of poverty, STD/HIV, drug/alcohol abuse, infant mortality, divorce and other degeneracy that breeds where conservatives congregate. Stay in your containment zones.

You keep believing that and stay exactly where you are. We won't mind at all.

So what is growing up in the woods like?
Stereotypes outsiders get:
>Terrible poverty
>High incest rates
>Huge families, 12 siblings, 57 cousins, etc
>Little to no employment opportunities
>Lots of meth
>Lots of "hicks"
Any of this ring remotely true? Confirm/dispel?

im in New Hampshire and everywhere around is an opioid infested commie shithole and everything sucks around here

Also, I have always wanted to try actual moonshine. Is it kinda like drinking gasoline?

Get out of Appalachia nigger.

Recently moved up here from MA. Care to elaborate, you talking about Manchester? Concord? Portsmouth? ....It kinda feels like I have moved to a fucking camp ground, but I simply could no longer afford to live in MA.

>Nobody has been shot on the Appalachian Trail
nope. just kidnapped, raped, and killed.

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>Let's talk about the last bastion of traditional cultural

Ill tell you what the culture in wv is. Getting a buzz and wrecking 4 wheelers and dirtbikes and killing themselves.

Football is the only thing they care about after drugs.

And they all go to a different church and give their money to them. Usually the pastor just uses the money on himself. Slim chance any goes to the church. They may help a local family with food but that is it. They still send huge amounts of money to israel or to immigrate niggers from Africa or some muslim community outside Charleston. Now they will shoot at anyone that gets close.

Your typical redneck wont just shoot anyone, but tend to carry a crappy pistol they traded a couple oxy 80s for. However you try to be a dumbass and walk on their property at night to steal an old wagon wheel for your art project, yeah, they will shoot a shotgun loaded with rocksalt into you and hee hee haw about it for years.

My buddy hiked the Appalachian trail. people were extremely kind. they'd do anything to give you a hand. mind you there were a lot of trailer people and they did anything they could from cooking meals to giving rides. the one day the guy let him borrow his truck while he was at work. imagine someone in the suburbs loaning their car to some random people that walked out of the woods.

The poverty is not as bad as it's depicted. People who live in impoverished conditions are usually "choosing" to do so. Meaning they're the equivalent of urbanite homeless people but they can't survive and be homeless in Appalachia so they find a way to have a roof over their heads.

Incest is very very VERY taboo in Appalachia. Everyone basically sits down and traces their family tree before getting with someone. It was more common before the 50s but not in any way that was beyond "normal" for any rural area with limited mate choices.

Huge families? Only in the ultra religious communities. I don't know of any family that is Gen X or older that has more than 5 kids.

Employment opportunities are limited, but not as limited as their made out to be. There are "cities" in Appalachia that provide a much broader swath of opportunities, especially in the medical fields. Pikeville, KY is an excellent example.

Meth is old shit now, nobody really uses it anymore. The hot shit is opioids now but those rates are dropping too. Generally the people who do opioids are those who would've found some way to be an addict regardless.

Hicks and Hillbillies are different things. There are lots of Hillbillies. Some will have accents so thick you can barely make out what they say, but they would also likely give you the shirt off their back and invite you over for dinner if they see you hard up, even if you're mostly a stranger.

Grew up in Southwest Virginia Appalachia area. Humble, religiously zealous, and simple. Opiods are only recent problem and that's due to Obummer killing the coal mining industry. At 18 years old a young man could go to work 3 14 hour days a week and make $20 an hour.

You're acting like a small minority of people are the majority.

Spent sone time on San Juan Island in the Puget Sound, early 2000s. Neighbor of the guy I was staying with handed me the keys to a 1975 Chevy Nova in beautiful condition, said go ahead, tool around the island for as long as you like. Was a truly baffling thing to behold.

Eastern Kentucky is full of white welfare niggers. They are all on pills and meth too. White people should be better than this.

t. Eastern Kentuckian

i'm from eastern kentucky trust me you don't want to be here what natural beauty there was has been destroyed by mountaintop removal and the water is polluted, our life expectancy is low and there are no jobs. sure there are white people. they'll cut your throat for a bottle of pills

You're on Jow Forums so I assume you know this, but don't shit up your new home by voting democrat.

Hail brother, the 207 is prepared indeed!

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hi, looks like we share the same experience

I'm also from EKY and I think you watch too much WKYT and WYMT. Go outside and interact with people and you'll realize things aren't that bad.

>white welfare niggers

You mean old folks. The vast majority of people receiving "welfare" are actually people who are receiving their promised social security benefits.

sure thing, rabbi.

Hello fellow Kentucky user

Kill your local meth head

no. quality moonshine smells like death but goes down fairly smooth.

nope it's mostly people getting a disability check for "nerves" or whatever eric c conn made up to get them on the draw

Burn test it. Make sure it burns like alcohol and doesn't burn some funky ass color like green.

Quality product will burn with a blue flame. If it has excessive contaminants it will burn with a yellow flame or some other color.

Ha ha! Wow. Now I really want to try it.

It has to come in a mason jar, just remember that. It's not appropriate otherwise.

I find it extremely ironic that kike and shitskin lovers are the first to scream "inbred rednecks" at people while it's actually jews and shitskins that have the highest inbreeding rating in the world.

All true

We do

There is a guy who lives down from me that sells his cancer medication. All sorts of white niggers come and go all the time

No I don’t mean old folks. Everyone around here is “disabled” somehow.

I hate niggers but I hate white niggers even more.

Gen X or younger*

Checked and true. Sure there are lots of white people but they are shit. White people should be better than this.

>tfw worse things happen out there than getting shot

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Then if things are this bad, what are you doing to help make our community better? Are you helping uplift anyone? Are you improving yourself?

Not even being combative, I've just chosen action over apathy. I care about my people.

Yes goy, Deliverance is an accurate depiction of the world. Go watch it some more for 4.99 per rental!

Come home white man

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The best staging grounds

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Are the Adirondacks considered part of appalachia by southern mountainers? I’ve been a lifelong resident curious what appalachian folk further south think

Pualides is an interesting fella.

The west coast ethno state concept needs to die. The Appalachian region is much more appropriate and already whiter.

People should uplift themselves. People around here have enough help as it is. Just because I’m not doing anything to help them doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion on them.

I used to be an addict but I got myself clean and try to live the best life I can. I try not to do anything I’d have to regret.

Fuck all these white niggers who just want a handout.

Yes somewhat. The cutoff is when you start hitting the northeastern megalopolis comprised of NYC, Boston, etc.

>tfw he doesn't know about the berryfields

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People don't really change without outside influence. There's no drawback for trying to be that outside influence. Even calling them white niggers to their face would be good.

northern new york is culturally closer to michigan and rural ontario

mostly owned by forgien energy companies. yfw britbongs own your back yard

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My home county was about 52% owned by two midwestern energy companies.

I don’t get involved with these people’s bullshit. You’ll just end up in drama.

Holy hell. Now that's gotta lead to some fucked up politics.

reminder that the federal government operates a designated radio quiet zone in appalachia where they hunt down people operating things like microwaves and wifi routers

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Hilariously enough no. The biggest issue is that the Mennonites that live there vote in one big bloc so the county still does stupid stuff like stay dry.

all kinds of crazy shit goes down in these woods. Aliens and indian curses n shit

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And here I thought the moonshine phenomenon was a throwback to prohibition. Do dry counties/towns contribute to the production of moonshine?

the infrastructure already exists for the ethnostate

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Do it. The Appalachians are some of the most AESTHETIC Americana. If you find a small town that hasn't died because of the loss of industry you'll see a timecapsule of how the country used to be.

>Small towns surrounded by farms tucked in the mountains with nice main streets and local businesses

Peak /comfy/

My experience as well.