What would the world be like today?
I'm thinking we would be busy with the Mars colonies we set up.
What would the world be like today?
I'm thinking we would be busy with the Mars colonies we set up.
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Also there would be close to zero kikes in Europe. (some would still be hiding their kike-ness)
Well, we’ll never know
Does this scenario include the invasion of Russia? Because I don’t think theres any scenario in which Barbarosa was successful
Literally no way the germans could have won. They were essentially out of diesel and copper which were essential for there tanks. Luftwaffe was a bad joke and the war economy was horrendous. Kriegsmarine was a bad joke. They were fucked from the word go.
In a perfect world Amerikikes would have helped crush the Commies and the Jewnited Kingdom once and for all
Giant meteor would wipe us out or massive flood, because ayys who are farming us would have no use of us in that state. They would wipe out farm and seed again.
Nothing would be because internal war would start and a great continental civil war would begin.
This. We fucked up. The American Nazi party needed to be bigger
If Mosley was in charge of the UK after France got invaded and they negotiated peace with the Germans I think they could have successfully invaded Russia, that's if they prepare properly and equip for the winter
Checked, the German people were designated as a sacrifice from the start.
My country would have it's territory back..
It would have gradually crumbled from the evil destroying it from within. It's humanity that's the problem.
Heaven on earth.
There would be DNA testing to find them
I would be a some sort of manager in the new African colonies where i would be fucking my secret harem of ebony queens every night
And i would execute you for that.
Something like the Jetsons
no central banking system enslaving the world with debt
no LGBT+ degeneracy
no replacement immigration into Europe
no degenerate Judeo-American Hollywood media poisoning our minds
real love for our own culture and people
no wars in the Middle-East, in fact Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc would all be European-tier nice places
no destroying the environment
more animal welfare and social justice
no incels, everyone would have a gf like pic related
>Mars colonies
Very true and i dont even like hitler
>What would the world be like today?
If Hitler Had Won World War II We’d Have A Better, More Just World Today
Well, I will look at it from a realistic perspective. Let us assume the Soviet Union failed to properly industrialise, and therefore Germany was able to conquer much of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region. Britain makes peace with Germany in 1945 when Germany threatens atomic bombing.
Now, there would still be problems. The British Empire would be still weak, India and Pakistan would receive independence, but the African colonies would have held on later. Rising birth rates in the third world would also be a problem.
America would have defeated Japan by itself, America would culturally progress at a slower rate, it would be less pozzed as the influence of the holocaust would be nonexistent, so racism would be more common. Germany would be the firm power of Europe. More Germans would move into Poland, eventually making it majority German, the Jews are granted freedom to move to Palestine, as an agreement between the British and Germans begin. Italy would be in a moderate situation, Mussolini would further industrialise Italy, though Italy would receive little territory from the world war. Italy becomes a secondary power. France, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands would be granted independence, though France would have to cede Alsace-Lorraine and limit their military severely. Russia slowly abandons communism, as communism worldwide is completely obliterated as it becomes almost nonexistent on the world stage. Russia begins to move closer and closer with Britain and America, eventually becoming a democracy.
Either way, it is an icky future, I could not predict if Germany collapses. The world is effectively divided between Germany and America for most of the twentieth century. However, third world countries begin to get more power as it happens in our lifetime. I believe Germany would eventually liberalise, and perhaps Italy would follow suite.
Cringe and yidpilled
Based and redpilled.
the war is over so this would be illegal.
you would have to file a complaint with the authorities. If you have enough proof of my "crimes" I would just get transferred to a more dangerous territory
All of africa would still be colonized. Perhaps Britain wouldn't have given up the colony in India. The world would be a hell of a lot whiter for sure
You dont understand. i am the authorities. Standgericht.
If I reply, do I get good digits?
I would argue it's not really that much about numbers of white people, but about our core position and general attitude towards the world. In case Germany would have won, there would still be that natural white hegemony around the whole planet. But yeah, you are right that there would be way way more white people and way way less coloreds, since there would be no European country to feed them for decades. What an amazing chance we lost, we would be now looking at space as a next place to colonize, no doubt about that, while nature down there and our living environments would be clean and nice, without capitalist/third worlder devastation.
>ayys who are farming us
What do we even have or produce that they would want from us?
Are you implying they are demonic entities that feed on our suffering or some shit like that?
A lack of industrailization was Italy's primary concern during the war. It's also what kept them in a subordinate role. This was despite the fact that it was Mussolini, not Hitler, who first reinvigorated the right wing.
It would be intersting to see how things would play out between these two nations after the war once Italy had caught up. I doubt Italians would continue to accept a subordinate role in European affairs, given their history and the fact that Fascism came first.
teaming up with Germany was maybe a mistake
if they teamed up with Spain somehow or linked up with Fascist movements in Romania, Hungary, Austria etc then maybe they would be the leading partner
Germany was probably the biggest industry on the continent at the time
We get the void instead
They wouldn’t accept it, though they simply didn’t have the population and landmass to challenge Germany for instance. In a fascist victory, Italy would likely attempt to seize some of France’s older colonies, and expand their influence there. Hell, they would basically be the France of the axis. They would industrialise properly by the 1950’s under Mussolini. Libya would become completely ethnically Italian. Italy would likely develop nukes by the mid to late 1960’s. If the suez crisis were to occur as it did in our timeline, Italy would very likely intervene and be given the other side of the Suez Canal and Egypt as a satellite state, so Italians would play a large part in the Mediterranean and become something of a secondary power. Funnily enough, I believe it is very likely Israel would exist in this timeline as well, as Hitler could be pressured by the Americans and the British to deport Jews to Palestine, though Israel will become a large enemy of Germany, and Germany will finance Israel’s enemies.
Everyone plays these "what-if" games, but even the most lefty Americans of 1945 would be shocked at the tranny shit and other crap we have nowadays, hindsight is 2020. There is no evidence a fascist Germany would have any more or less degenerated to the state today as a Democratic one. The Wermacht veterans probably would have spit out just as many back-talking hippy shit kids as US soldiers did.
Do you really want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes? Real truth is stranger than fiction.
we lost and we still do not "spit" out as many degenerate as the us is. so yes it is certain we would not have. fuck of traitor.
Both Leni and Hanna went on to suck black dick after the war, I beg to differ.