Pitt Bulls. Can we end them now?

Who owns the Pit Bulls who mauled this perfect girl to death? nbcnews.com/news/us-news/dad-9-year-old-detroit-girl-mauled-death-pit-bulls-n1044736?cid=public-rss_20190821

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I see she admired mike tyson.

Owner was an idiot for letting his dogs run free

>brown, brown, brown
Nothing of value was lost.

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The news doesn't care if Pitt Bulls kill a white girl, If it killed it's nigger owner, everyone would freak


>such a sweet, gentile dog. Would never do nothing

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I do not understand why so many people have pitbulls. It’s a badge of honor among the left that they rescued this breed with a reputation for reactiveness. Meanwhile sweet tempered goldens, labs and mutts go without homes.

Yes, I get that amstaffs are different. I also know that you can never be sure of the genetic components of a rescue, and do you really want to risk your 3 year old daughter?

virtue signaling is desperately seeking approval through destroying yourself.

Buy lions and tigers to kill pitbulls.


the owners of pitbulls would have just as much control over a fully grown lion as their pit

Bet she has one of those little big round brown asses
Had a dream this morning and let's just say I was the pitbull

Hmmm nothing of value lost I see

Haha why are all the officials there in Detroit so brown
What a stupid puta neighborhood holmes
Big fat puta

No body shots of her, sadly

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Pits seem to completely lack the instinct of self preservation, they walk into trouble without giving a shit regarding the consequences, it makes me wonder if the average pit nog could take on a brazilian mastiff, far bigger breed and VERY violent toward strangers (guard dog, excellent at that)
In fact, the hue mastiff is a great example of a terribly violent dog toward strangers, they show far more aggressiveness toward strangers than pits for example, but we have far less accidents with Filas than we do pits, obviously there are far far more pits out there, but there are plenty of both in Brazil, and whenever we hear of dog mauling, pits are always up there, i think it's a mix of the breed itself and the fact that it tends to blend well enough into any environment and the biggest one being, their reputation attracts the most retarded owners a dog could ask for, when i say blend well i mean, you could never have a Fila in an apartment or in a tiny ass neighborhood, the constant exposure to strangers wouldn't change their behavior, they are always barking and being aggressive to anyone who isnt a part of the family, pits seem to fucking snap so fucking often and just kill someone for the hell of it.

I saw my first pit bull incident yesterday. Myself and two police officers were responding to a child endangerment situation and a mail carrier was walking, doing her thing when this big ass pit bull ran out the house across the street and tackled her to the ground. She was using her bag as a shield and it took 4 people to take this dog off of her. They should have shot that dog on the spot. The shit bull’s owner was this ghetto nigger and he comes out of the house “DAFUCK U DOIN TO MUH DAWG?!” and comes out swinging to the cop and this motherfucker was eating pavement in the span of about 10 seconds. Great sight to behold.

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>big ass
That's all I read

I'll go play with my neighbors pitbull today but that's such a dumb dog I wouldn't hesitate to kill it myself because dogs are goyim, that's why.

nice digits

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i'd want some guard pitbulls if i owned a scrap/junk yard, and had to deter thieves.

but they're basically biological booby traps. aren't booby traps supposed to be highly illegal?

many don't even bark. like cats, they silently stalk their prey, waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

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every single time a pitt bull murders someone the fucking owners say the same fucking thing "it was such a sweet faggot until today" "my lil puppsie was soo soo sweet until that evil girl flaunted her ass" etc....blah fucking blah...pitt bull owners and pitt bulls should be executed.

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>be black
>have no credit, cant buy house
>every apt complex bans pitbulls
>try real hard to think
>gets pitbull



its here in detroit and nobody cares about life because niggers.

>perfectly shitskinned spick

Breed more pits. Kike

>perfect girl
Looks like some breed of shitskin. Good on the dog.


It would be reasonable for the federal government to step in with the Department of Natural Resources to activate a pitbull eradication program when we start by having everyone voluntarily turn over their pitbulls for a painless incineration. And then we send out the drones to catch the ones that's the inbreds refused to turn over to the government. The people who refuse to turn over their pitbulls should be incinerated in the same ovens as their pitbulls.


Shitbull genocide WHEN?


owner should die

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